After Chauvin Verdict, Police Veteran Blows Whistle On The ‘Dangerous’ Blue Wall Of Silence

Throughout the Chauvin trial, prosecutors called eight witnesses from the Minneapolis Police Department and Chauvin’s boss to testify against him. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber and retired NYPD detective Marq Claxton discuss how this rare move might affect the outcomes of similar cases and why police culture makes the so-called blue wall of silence so dangerous. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 04/21/2021.
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#ChauvinVerdict #MinneapolisPoliceDepartment #MSNBC

After Chauvin Verdict, Police Veteran Blows Whistle On The 'Dangerous' Blue Wall Of Silence

After Chauvin Verdict, Police Veteran Blows Whistle On The 'Dangerous' Blue Wall Of Silence


    1. @Happydaze Harvick they said bidens policies had that rating. Learn to read. Btw it’s true according to basically every poll from every source.

    2. @Nick Romo
      Drew said Biden’s policies on a bipartisan basis.
      You want to put one up on here,
      I’ll take a look at it ?
      Because all the polls I looked at, didn’t mention anything with better than a 59% rating.

    1. @Thongsay Phommavong following unlawful orders is also supposed to be a crime, but with cops, who knows.

    2. @Thongsay Phommavong their lawyers already said that they will blame it all on Chauvin cause he was their superior.

    3. And they should be. They stood by and let him abuse his power. It is clear that they were covering for him. When one individual asked them to intervene. One of the cops just flippantly responded that that is what happens when you commit a crime—–death by cop.

  1. Now the rest of the police should back up this police chief, and come forward to expose corrupt cops.

    1. DON’T FEED THE TROLLS – they crave attention and when they don’t get it will just naturally implode. Use your energy for better things 🙂

  2. Having the police department investigate themselves (IA) is like have the defense attorney investigate their clients.

    1. that is true. it’s like when you file a complaint on cop which i have done multiple times, every one was dismissed even with enough evidence to suggest otherwise so at least now police chiefs been put on notice by federal government .

    2. “Hey man! I want to file a complain! That cop just showed up. No one called him and then he pulled his gun on me. I wasn’t doin nutin man”

      “Sir, you had a knife in your hand breaking into a jewelry story. OK, do you realize this is your 18th felony charge and this will be your 18th compliant ?”

    3. @Kevin VanDeventer what does the federal government do very well, Joe cant even hande the border issue

  3. I cried yesterday when the guilty counts came but back to reality . . . the work is worlds away from being done.

  4. Give me a break. This “courageous” chief is the same one who turned a blind eye to 22 excessive force complaints filed against Chauvin, until he finally killed someone and it was caught on video.
    We all saw the initial report and that’s where it would have stayed if the video taken by a child wasn’t released so they couldn’t cover him anymore.

    1. So get rid of him too, and everyone else that knew about Chauvin. The public should not have to thank and or praise arsonists for putting out the fire they made or the flames they tossed fuel into!!!

    2. @Camille Dvorak – You sure about that? The Chief was only appointed 3 years ago. Chauvin was on the force for 20 years. (And BTW, it was 18 complaints against Chauvin, not 22) Arradondo has been an exceptional Police Chief so far, and I’m saying this as a resident of Minneapolis.

    3. @Camille Dvorak I understand exactly what you are saying. Chauvin became a MN police officer in 2001under Police Chief Robert Olson, (1994-2002). Chauvin began to get a buzz about his behavior as a police officer under Police Chief William McManus, (2002-2006). Chauvin really started getting complaints under Police Chief Tim Dolan, (2002-2012), and Police Chief Janee Harteau (2012-2017), which continued under Police Chief Medaria Arradondo (2017-present). Chauvin has the least number of complaints under Police Chief Arradondo, which really does not make it any better. He has been involved with 3 shootings, which one was fatal, yet he has received medals of honor as well.

    4. @Kenneth Keith there is always victory in hindsight. He will resign. Just a soiled man. Is calling for more retribution the only response. How much will be enough. Can’t we try a different road. Police corruption is what movies and Reality are made of.

  5. More police NEED to be transparent about it. It really isn’t a big secret. We ALL know about it!! Now time to break that wall down!!!!! Dismantle the wall!!

  6. No surprise, YouTube has illuminated exactly what was spoken. Unfortunately various police officers have created a cancer culture within their own “brotherhood”. Protect and Serve Yourself.

  7. “You can’t let the jobs toxicity, lessen your moral standards”✊, provided of course you have them in tact.
    Once that happens not only are you compromised, you have no business wearing the badge.
    Change can only take place if it begins at the TOP, in order for it to have a trickle down effect✌

  8. Chief Arrandondo has been trying to make change in Minneapolis for years as have the City Council, the Mayor and many others including many activists. Maybe some change will happen now. Maybe we’ll be able to break the power of the corrupt Police Federation. Maybe.

  9. One thing is the tone should have been set long ago when Chauvin faced discipline for 18 different excessive force cases

    1. And now every single criminal case and conviction in which he testified will be reopened and all those cases will end up being dismissed, so Chauvin is the gift that keeps on giving.🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

  10. The blue wall of silence was still present in this case.
    The other officers present protected each other.
    The so called defense experts clearly distorted facts to yield a desired outcome and not a fair assessment of the evidence.
    Officer Chang claimed fear for the officers safety even without any threat to them.

    Even with all the evidence the above is still true. A combination of the laws in minnesota and the video tape made it easier but if there were no video then this wouldn’t have happened

  11. monthly reviews on each cop should be done by outside agency so they can get rid of the bad cops who think they can do whatever they want and get away with it.

  12. I went on a “ride along” with a friend who was a cop in the 3rd precinct in Minneapolis many years ago. One of her fellow officers said something to her that I felt was very offensive. I asked her when we got in the car why she let her fellow officer get away with saying something like that to her. She told me that you couldn’t let it get to you or showed that it bothered you because you needed your fellow officers to come to your aid if you called for back up. I still find it hard to believe that police officers would turn their backs on their fellow officers in their time of need for some petty reason. Over and over during the trial I thought about Chauvin, how he treated George Floyd with such disrespect, and I realized that they also treated each of their fellow officers with the same disrespect.
    I can only talk about my experience with the Minneapolis Police Department, 3rd Precinct back in the 1990’s. I don’t believe this is true of all Police Departments in the US. A lot of things have changed since then including so many shootings! I pray things will change for everybody and that George Floyd’s death will be the mirror that shows us our true selves.

  13. yes you are correct they feel like it’s us against them , and they think they have a brother hood but don’t understand the actually work for the public.

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