Afghan women are being ordered to cover their faces in public under the Taliban's newest decree. This adds to the growing list of restrictions on women's rights since the Taliban returned to power last year. CNN's Paula Newton reports. #CNN #News
Afghan women protest against Taliban order to cover faces

Are they really honestly surprised about this? Unfortunately this is how the men in their culture want things and there’s not much they can do about it.
@Milahan PhilosophersCorner
These women who are protesting are Muslims and therefore should understand Islamic law. You could argue about the niqab as even Islamic scholars differed on whether it is an obligation or not, but at least these women should learn how to properly wear the hijab and do the bare minimum for the religion they follow.
So brave!
Yes protests against the taliban are very effective
@CleanIntention Those who oppress should hide their faces in shame
@Lee Rush I am just a conveyer of the Message.
We will see who is the liar and who is truthful.
Let who wishes to believe, believe and let who wishes to disbelieve, disbelieve.
Whoever believers only benefits his own soul, and Allah has prepared the Eternal Garden and rivers for His believing servants.
But whoever disbelieves then Allah does not love the disbelievers and for them is a great punishment.
Will you not be Muslims?
@Diane Claycomb @Lee Rush I am just a conveyer of the Message.
We will see who is the liar and who is truthful.
Let who wishes to believe, believe and let who wishes to disbelieve, disbelieve.
Whoever believers only benefits his own soul, and Allah has prepared the Eternal Garden and rivers for His believing servants.
But whoever disbelieves then Allah does not love the disbelievers and for them is a great punishment.
Will you not be Muslims?
That’s real bravery. Not the blue-haired screeches on Tik Tok whining about their pet issue du jour.
Allah is the One who ordered His servants to cover themselves and sent down clothing to protect them from immorality and shamelessness!
Whereas Satan orders you to remove your clothes, commit immoralities so you land in Hell out of his hatred for you!
Don’t let him strip you of your clothing, just like he did to your parents and Adam and Hawaa (Eve) , so they were expelled from Paradise.
he is your enemy so taken him as an enemy, him and his allies, call you to be from the people of Hell, whereas Allah calls you to forgiveness and Mercy and an honourable position with Him in His Eternal Garden!
Will you not reason??!
@CleanIntention nope
* fck no

The women of Afghanistan have more courage than the entire Afghan army did.
Deciding not to follow up 20 years of US invasion and occupation with a civil war = “not courageous” according to the american exceptionalism handbook.
@CleanIntention Where is your proof. As science says where is the evidence
@Chris UK Do you not see Allah created the heavens and the earth, He merges the night into the day and the day into the night, He gives life and death and then repeats the creation, who sends rain down from the sky giving life to the Earth after it was dead?
Is this same One not able to give life to you again after you die, like He formed you in your Mother’s womb the 1st time?!
Yes, He is Allah and He will gather us all the Day He resurrects those in the graves and you will be questioned, did a warner not come to you with clear signs?!
Yes, the Final Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم has come and left, and the Qur’an the final revelation remains with us until the Day of Judgement.
Whoever believes, he only believes to his own benefit and He will have a great reward with His Lord and an everlasting garden with rivers flowing forever.
But whoever disbelieves, then Allah has prepared Hell for the disbelievers.
Will you not be Muslim?
Before the pandemic, the Taliban was practicing social distancing and face covering. ..way before it was cool
Give the women weapons. They see more determined than the men to stand up to the Taliban.
Allah is the One who ordered His servants to cover themselves and sent down clothing to protect them from immorality and shamelessness!
Whereas Satan orders you to remove your clothes, commit immoralities so you land in Hell out of his hatred for you!
Don’t let him strip you of your clothing, just like he did to your parents and Adam and Hawaa (Eve) , so they were expelled from Paradise.
he is your enemy so taken him as an enemy, him and his allies, call you to be from the people of Hell, whereas Allah calls you to forgiveness and Mercy and an honourable position with Him in His Eternal Garden!
Will you not reason??!
In order for an Afghan woman to obtain a weapon she needs permission from a man, then she needs the money from a man and then she needs to get out of the house – with a man – to go to a place to buy a weapon, which doesn’t exist. You can’t just go into a store a buy a weapon, that’s only in the USA.
Go on, I’ll wait. 

So how do you suggest they get weapons?????
@Rebekka Hay You will be held accountable for what you say against Allah.
He is your Lord who created you and there are angels who record every thing you ever did.
Allah will then raise you up alive on the Day of Judgement and you will be given your Book wherein will be all your deeds.
Those who believe and do good deeds, will be in the Mercy of Allah, forever remaining in the eternal Garden, with rivers flowing.
Those who disbelieve, then Allah has prepared Hell for the disbelievers where they will remain forever.
Will you not be Muslim?! So Allah will forgive you your sins and accept your repentance?
I am just a warner and a conveyer of the message.
Keep on women, you are worthy.!
@zed Mr very rude comment, the whole planet is decaying.
Most Afghan men in the Army didn’t fight for their women which allowed the Taliban to returned to power. This battle for women’s rights was lost months ago by their brothers, fathers and uncles.
The only people to help them is themselves. All of them together stand up to their evil men.
Very brave women

To anyone complaining about the USA, take notes on what modern oppression is and count your blessings on how lucky you are.
People are complaining to keep the US from becoming like this or worse
They won’t be protesting for long. The new law makes the men of their household liable. They’ll be pulled into line when they get home.
I admire their bravery.
So sad that Biden completely abandoned them. No blood on my hands, I voted for King Umaga.
i really hope they are okay
They had freedom and the support of the strongest armies in the world, but they didn’t want to fight to keep their freedom! now they will have to fight to gain their freedom back, ALONE!!!