Aerials: View of anti-mandate protests in downtown Toronto #shorts

This is an aerial view from the CTV News Toronto helicopter as a large group of protesters arrives in the city's downtown for an anti-mandate demonstration.

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Aerials: View of anti-mandate protests in downtown Toronto #shorts


  1. Great to see my Canadian brothers and sisters coming together demonstrating exactly what this country stands for.

  2. Hey 0.01% of Canada is really upset about mandates. This is a big deal, well maybe like 0.01% of a big deal. So its kinda nothing really.

  3. that is a peaceful protest! No trucks, no breaking through homeless shelter, no honks, nobody armed. Toronto police did a much better job than Ottawa’s

  4. Canadian Truckers my heroes AS LONG AS IT TAKES love from Australia.

  5. You took a helicopter up but still filmed with a phone, vertically. Le sigh.

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