House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) speaks to reporters about the committee's 300-page impeachment inquiry report that accuses President Donald Trump of misconduct and obstruction. #CNN #News
Adam Schiff speaks after House Democrats release impeachment report

The only people defending trump are those who wont go under oath.
Because in the words of trumps own social media manager. “Its not a crime to lie to the press”
@damien neimad The Russia hoax?
Are you talking about the one where Don Jr. admitted to trying to conspire with a Russian government agent in order to influence the 2016 election? The one where he implicated Manafort and Kushner as well? The one that even Steve Bannon called treasonous and unpatriotic?
That ‘Russia hoax’?
@Pokarot Strange when its stated in the Mueller report not a single American conspired with Russia to influence 2016. I guess we will both have to agree Mueller did a terrible job.
@Jake, How stupid are you to think the press tells the truth? I’ll answer that for you, VERY!
@damien neimad That’s not what the report said; you are spinning and twisting what it says.
@damien neimad “a Russian lawyer met with senior Trump Campaign officials Donald
Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and campaign chairman Paul Manafort to deliver what the email proposing the meeting had described as “official documents and information that would
incriminate Hillary.” The materials were offered to Trump Jr. as “part of Russia and its
government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The written communications setting up the meeting showed that the Campaign anticipated receiving information from Russia that could assist candidate Trump’s electoral prospects”
“Specifically, Goldstone passed along
an offer purportedly from a Russian government official to provide “official documents and
information” to the Trump Campaign for the purposes of influencing the presidential election.”
Do you know the reasons why he wasn’t charged?
“first, the Office did not obtain admissible
evidence likely to meet the government’s burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these
individuals acted “willfully,” i.e., with general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct; and, second, the government would likely encounter difficulty in proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the value of the promised information exceeded the threshold for a criminal violation,”
Maybe you should actually read the report before you reply so you don’t look like such an uneducated idiot next time.
_” extensive was the scheme.. how many others were involved”.._ Well, if I were making a list, I’d start with everyone who refused to show up.. Just a hunch…
David Foster That was good! Bravo!
@Devin Vez because you are a sex crimes freak too?
@notheissue yeah but they cant, because they are guilty, but then even the most ignorant liberal knows the bidens are guilty
@menthar MAGA rule 3 is if a liberal says it, you know its bullshit
@Elkslayer well elkie boi, Innocent until proven guilty, and lot of hot air accusations by liberals with mental stability problems. nothing ever made it past the investigation, so its not true.
I am the chosen one, and a very stable genius. In my great and unmatched wisdom, my two greatest assets have been my mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Trump is a POS, and so are all the MAGA maggots.
@Richard Lee more like a Squatter… he has to go
No one is above the CONSTITUTION!!!
@MaskedMarvyl , Does that make you cry snowflake? Are your tears salty? Wouldn’t that make you melt faster?
You have zero idea about how the world operates which is why you’re a uneducated dimacrap!
@Alexis Jankowski like gun grabbers
Except illegal immigrants.
Oh how deep the web the replusiveCons has weave and all strings leads to Russia
Free healthcare for all….even non citizens.

@RhondaH you just name called you are posting bs propaganda
@Drake Fire i see fail you Anti Semites cant beat America
@Molon Labe So, you have nothing.
You do realize that the only reason the far right even supports Isreal is because of their doomsday prophecy, right?
oh how terrible is the grammar of small weiner foreign trolls like you
The Emperor has no clothes, except in this version 35% of Americans agree he has the best clothes ever and call you a liar for pointing out he’s naked.
Jeff Goddin, Please never put trump and naked in the same sentence. That mental image is gonna be hard as hell to forget
your boy Adam Schiff seemed like he was really interested in getting naked pictures of Trump from those Russian pranksters
“GET OVER IT” Is also on a Shirt sold by Trump. He doubled down on the disgusting.
@Mike Hunt It appears to be going fairly well, Mikey. Indeed, 50% of Americans (that would be the educated, non-idiotic types like you) support impeachment and removal. The numbers are far higher than they were at this stage of the process during the Nixon and Clinton administrations. This isn’t a goddamned game, little boy. This is about protecting the integrity of our democracy, you ignorant little simpleton.
@Ana C America is a Constitutional Republic
Maybe we can have some T-Shirts made with the words “GET OUT” inscribed on them and march in from of the WH!!!!!!!!
and its causing chaos angst and butthurt amongst 2 or 3 liberal butt mokeys capable of reading
Imagine you’d paid 1000s wanting to learn from Trump’s “Art of the Deal” and all you got was mouldy peanuts. I.e. Trump “University”.
Yep. Hunter Biden “energy expert”

@Hazel McCloy, And then imagine that you’re Hazel McCloy’s parents that just want her to get a job and move out of their house!
Is that what he made Trump vodka out of?
It’s about how the rest of the world perceives the US on the world stage.
@Hazel McCloy, About time you got a job and moved out of your parent house!
@Yosi Saranga If you believe that cars don’t exist, you are sure to be hit by one. Think about that…..
@judgegixxer Thank you, I will train my English more, you are so kind
@Eve Hawk No, just interesting to see and study from different situations, meanwhile I see no serious answers just angry people…
With no answer
@Walter Lichtenberg well said, now give an answer, if not what is the point ?
Someone is typing like their life is depending on it
@The Mc Actually you are both right, if you listen later there is someone pounding away on a typewriter.
Cheshire Warcat laptop*
@Cheshire Warcat Court Reporter.
the eu is like the warsaw pact
Chairman Schiffs conduct is an important example for people to look at these days. I for one am stunned by his restraint.
I was stunned…by the ability with which Schiff masters his brief; by his ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in the English language; and by the evident gravitas of the man. As to his personal “restraint”, yes, he has the ability to restrain any display of wanton histrionics, mendacity and vulgarity that typically characterize the behavior of the president, his mob and their ilk. Schiff has the kind of sangfroid that is needed to stun the 45th President of USA into retirement… How stunning is that?
schiff is a Beta Boy
Someone check on Rudy, he might Epstein himself!!!
Let them, save taxpayer’s dime locking his a$$ up.
@BbetrGODczU L lol amen!!
Someone not check on Rudy, he might Epstein himself.
DoYLe T …….unless Barr gets there first !
The Trumpster fire just got started, get your sun glasses it’s going to burn long and bright.
@Gail Bradford damn right I cant wait
@Chuck Kistler he will 5 more years as potus
Joe Basom “The walls are closing in”
-Every Liberal for the last three years
@Chuck Kistler “Schiff is practically a godsend” to whom? He is a Criminal Fraud. Colluded with with the “Leaker” and procured a Fake “Whistleblower” for him.
the tRumptards are out of control again….
at the end of Schiff’s comments…he makes an oblique reference to Devin Nunes! who needs to recuse himself from the vote!
Why should he recuse himself?
And what difference would it make?
The entirety of the Republican caucus in the House could recuse themselves and the Dems would still have enough votes for an Article of Impeachment.
Not that it’ll pass the Senate.
Trump isn’t going to be removed from office; if you want him gone, you’ll have to do it the old fashioned way and beat him at the ballot box.
And as Rep. Al Greene said, “if we don’t impeach this President, he’ll win re-election”.
We should never get over it this type of conduct should never be allowed in our government no matter who including the president is acting it out.

NO ONE is above the law.
Katherine Weber except democrats
“Politics would be a helluva good business if it weren’t for the goddamned people.”
—President Richard Nixon
That doesn’t even make sense
@Bob Smith <-- Trolling again -- Bob ?
@ThE DuCk I don’t believe Nixon ever said that.
@Bob Smith Here’s the whole Google search page on the quote — knock yourself out — Bob
@Bob Smith i dont believe you can think
I’d really like to see that.
We need a real leader.. he’s only there for his interest not America’s interest very sad to hear….please someone step in @do the right
I think he is 100 percent Correct in what he says protect National

Security and Stop those who thimk
They are above the Law