Impeachment manager Senator Adam Schiff, D-Calif., slammed the impeachment rules announced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling the process different from the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. Aired on 01/21/20.
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Adam Schiff Slams Impeachment Rules: 'This Is The Process For A Rigged Trial' | MSNBC
Flip Mitch on its back.
VladI fire house dems.
McCoward will go down. I can’t wait until he is removed from office. He and his cocaine smuggling wife need to be locked up
DarkShadowFire DSF lame

Cecil the turtle , on his back in the sun. Bwahaha
And then GUILLOTINE ! ………………..
Must protect the criminal trump at all costs, so sayeth all the trump cult republicans.
Gino Jones You people are SO ridiculously gullible. If you only knew how you sounded to normal people.
All you trump loyalists believe he didn’t break any law well it depends on who you’re talking to like maybe someone that’s not a law abiding citizen therefore you think
In less than a year the American people will deliver justice to all republicans. We will remember in November.
@Mac Mcleod So that leaves you basically Democrats, Socialists, Progressives and Communists, all who are ready and willing to rip up the Constitution.
@Dave Goodwin Yes, the Electoral College which makes voting fair. We vote by state whereby we are the United States of America, not America. America began as states that United under one Constitution. We KNOW that Democrats and Progressives are doing everything they can to destroy the GOP and the Constitution. The U.S. is hanging on by a thread. Pay attention and you’ll see that. What’s in the Constitution? The Second Amendment! The Amendment they hate first so Democrats can go on to remove the other rights, one by one. Pay attention!
I hope so.
@Linda Cloud Observer first off you’re probably confusing the difference between social welfare where the citizens who are still doing well off help citizens who are not doing well off and Socialism where the government owns the means of production.
There are basically zero Communists and Socialists in the United States. We have more Libertarians then either of those two.
Secondly the only people who been shredding the Constitution lately have been Republicans. And only people who are engaging in massive disenfranchisement of citizens who are eligible to vote are Republicans. And the only Senators who’s been passing bills that massively benefit Russia and the Russian oligarchs are Republicans, especially Moscow Mitch.
And the only Senators who said they would not defend the Constitution and Faithfully execute their oath of office were Republicans.
It’s gotten bad enough that now active military duty soldiers are questioning Republicans in the Halls about their failure to defend the Constitution and the Republicans are refusing to answer their questions.
The Republican party is down to 6% of the Hispanics, 4% of the Asians, and 2% of the black voters. They’re not doing so well with women these days either. the Republican Party voters are literally dying 50,000 voters a month faster than the Democratic party voters.
Does the party of the 2% at the expense of the rest of the country
And they have become the party of old white racist and white nationalist who have blocked bills to prevent the Russians from manipulating our next election as well. they even put in a pro-communist, pro-russian plank and their party for the first time in 2016
they’re compromised. They’ve been compromised by the Russians and they are tearing our country apart.
Mitch McConnell you’re wrong… I’ll be watching even if it’s in the dead of night..
24hours new, Cspan and utube……Mitch!!!!
@TrumpTrain2020 look we found the fascist incel
I’m wondering if the Dems can refuse to go along with this — like just don’t sign off on the phony ‘rules’ and drag it out until witnesses ARE allowed?
Thor, get job and you can be a real American. Then you wouldn’t have to live in fear of President Trump taking your subsidies ? I’m sure your norsemen would be as proud of you as republicans !
O America what have you done!

Ein Stein no the cult has drunk to much of Trump’s kool aid.Totally lost
Given power to Money-hungry con-men ! ……………..
Not we the people.
@mildred gomez So, WHO TO BLAME ? ? …………..
Mitch needs to pay for this stunt with his job.
@Vincent Graham found another trump u graduate who failed at life
Oh no they need to take a lot more than just his job.
You people are nuts just like your MSLDS network hosts. This is why I think we need to reopen state hospitals.
Pelosi needs to pay for that shitshow.
@Emma Roff come on! I want the money back from Russia gate! Bernie 2020
Thank you!!
@Kemp Arrendale you mean trump took from putin
They have sold their souls to Lucifer ( trump )
We know.
Never underestimate a dirty dog
Charlotte Woodson In Mitch case a Slimy Turtle
Agreed. Pelosi needs to be locked up alongside Killary
Typical lib animal hater. Associates everything evil with a innocent dog. POS!
@chosen ones I keep telling people…Mitch is an android created in secret Russian labs. He’s just following his programming. He is trying to finish this thing quick because he is already degrading due to poor Russian science. Look at his face.
USA become more like Russia for each day that passes by.
@J. Noble Republicans politicians dont want less government they just want more power and money. they are corrupt and do anything for money they worship money not the United states of America. they want less regulations for corporations but not less government, corporations pay them. they could careless about you, that’s why red states have the highest cancer rates and lowest wages. you’re just a slave to make them richer.
Yeah the dummycrats are
American main stream media always had a better propaganda machine than the Soviet Union. Just look at Brian ” George Costanza” Stelter. How he squeezes those fat cheeks under a desk is beyond me
@William Westbrook Jeff is wrong. Socialist Dems want Venezuela, not the Soviet Union. The problem is that things look great until the momentum is too great to stop the collapse. Then those with the power the will and the ruthlessness are in control and you’re feeding Fido to your kids.
I would like to see a fair trial and this President should get out of the office and leave it to a real person to take charge of the United States and not a con artist
J. Noble you mean these witnesses he’s talking about
Mooch M what really happened
Mooch M you mean these ppl he’s talking about?
What I do like about this impeachment is Trumps number are going up for 2020 his fundraising has skyrocketed. His approval rate for the independent voters are up. Ppl are seeing through the dems the left media more and more.
Gee I remember the good old days when the Republicans used to pretend they were patriots who believed in the the rule of law before their coming out party of shysters, grifters and con artists willing to sell out the country to Vladimir Putin through his puppet donald trump, so long as they can keep power through any possible means
Everyone sells their soul for money, specially our local municipalities.
@Sweet Willy too old and fat to last 4 more years..moron thinks exercise is bad for you. He’s in bad shape…orange color is probably uranium poisoning from Putin for failing Mother Russia.
*Donald J Trump is The Worst President in US History*
Also, anyone in the working class who tells you that they’re doing better than they were in 2016 is flat out lying… and that’s even putting farmers and recently unemployed industrial workers who suffered directly from the trade wars.
@Godfrey Daniel Sounds like another Democrat still mad we made the Dems give up thier slaves.
He’s in the list with worst humans of all time.
“goes into the Wee hours of the night, I would say the majority of America will be asleep.
Russian agents will be watching in Moscow while America is sleeping.
David Eby exactly when this is brought up no one sees a problem with it I can’t believe it
That’s what the Cons want. This is not a trial it’s a cover up.
@TrumpTrain2020 especially not on Fake News MNSBC, but didn’t they extend it for three days now!
I think they are sleeping awake. We shouldn’t be here today, this is wrong, adam schiff and nadler is correct, but only a pure heart knows it.
ARREST McConnell for rigging a trial . Have the Sergeant At Arms arrest him on the spot.
@Russ Martin pure!
@Saint Scanderbeg not familiar with that expression. More Trumpian Beavis and Butthead urine responses?
Call in the Marines, where’s John Wayne?
Well, I see Jim Jordan’s “soviet-style trial” rant was more projection by the Soviet Republican Party.
Yes they all must be working for Russia
nice time foil hat btw
@TrumpTrain2020 You don’t need to work for them for their propaganda to work on you. Like you’re doing now.
TrumpTrain2020 why is trump corn balls stay so triggered? Oh I forgot Trump is their Savior
Soviet Democrats are the ones trying to politically assassinate the ones who expose their corruption.
GOP Trumpsters are aiding and abetting the Cover-up.
@Aaron Fisher here’s proof for Biden’s corruption:
Chandrika , this is not Bangladesh so shut the fcuk up
Chandrika Shantanand what a liar your are! Shame on you!
Mitch: “Let’s do it in the wee hours of the morning when nobody can watch, give it 24 hours over 2 days and I can stop it at any time. Oh…and NO witnesses!”
@Ein Stein What’s the weather like in Russia??
They could have had witnesses in the House

Too late now…oooops.
Are you in for Bernie
Sounds like the Obamacare vote. Yet another program designed by the cloward piven government destruction theory
When Mitch McConnell is voted out of office, we need a deep audit of his financial dealings.
It’s clear he’s been compromised.
@Danielsan B even the devil needs a good lawyer for those “irreversible” tight contracts that acquires someone’s soul right?
I say we audit all people in government then. Especially that disgusting pelosi
@Andrew Huff if we audit Pelosi, she shouldn’t be first. She sould be third. Trump should be first, followed by Pence. McConnell should be fourth
TheJmustang07 says who? All should be equally investigated yeah?
TheJmustang07 Where’s biden in there? Or is it only republicans because you’re a biased hack?
Sumumma Bish Trump should be impeached or else, “Survived the strongest and factual Articles of Impeachment”, will add to his qualifications as the Best US President.
He’s running rings around the dummies!
Poor Nancy will be out of a job
We all knew the republicans would make a sham they are just as corrupt as trump.
Mr.D Simpson you’re good at denying. You even denied that Trump is your President for the past three years and for the next five years. Remove the hate and wake up healthy everyday.
@Peter Castaneda looks like you are in denial trumps been lying to you for 4 years. You will soon see the screwing your getting from trump. Oh yeah enjoy the 26 trillion national debt and the 40 billion trade debt. I bet you denied Obama was your president? You haven’t seen screwing yet but will soon, you must love corruption from trump.
@Mr.D Simpson They wanted witnesses in the hearing and got denied you Bafoon. Wake up dummy.
Mr.D Simpson you were never worried about that trillion debt during the past administration. Suddenly, you became aware of it. Stop the hate and live happy.