Rachel Maddow explains the lesson that should be becoming clearer to Senator Joe Manchin: that while Democrats allow themselves to be blocked by filibustering Republicans, preventing them from securing voting rights, state level Republicans are taking advantage of the situation by attacking voting rights without concern for federal protections Democrats would pass if not for the filibuster.
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Actual Republican Votes Defy Manchin Optimism On Bipartisanship
Much of Americas future is decided by a few good men… If you want a say… then let’s hope that every eligible voter steps forward… When it comes to voting and your voting rights, never comprise with politicians who do not want you to vote…
Republicans: “Contrary to what people think we also believe in voting rights! We believe only the right should be allowed to vote!”
Manchin should be at DefCon 1 for Democracy – the Post Trump GOP is openly seditionist and bi-partisanship is a joke. End the filibuster BEFORE THE GOP DOES IT FOR YOU; JOE
They need to learn barroom brawl rules:
1. There is no such thing as a fair fight.
2. No draws.
3. If your opponent gets back up, knock his a$$ down again.
4. Win, no matter what.
@yellowwducky Headline should b:
“”Radical democrats attempted takeover of voting n America GOES DOWN N FLAMES””
@yellowwducky How about a full background check?? I retired after 32 years in the USAF as an O-8 and my security clearance required “surface checks” every 6 months with a deep, comprehensive check every 18. No way any “off the street” politician should have access to a tenth of what I did without one. NO. F’KN. WAY. No pass, no run.
Indeed. To play hardball, you gotta have a bat. Use it.
Who Democrats?
Tell me about.
@Whicker Get off my comment, f’kwad!
dem vs current rep= one is willing to die for there lies the other still trying to be nice and loosing at every turn while smiling and saying golly gee oh well.
Stop fighting the law-breaking legislators, pack the Supreme Court and let’s see if these Reconstruction-era laws will withstand constitutional scrutiny! I think not…
What can they do though? They need every vote.
Take off the kid gloves, Man, put on the boxing gloves for the heavyweight championship.
How is that bipartisanship thaing working for ya now, Joe? Boohoo
yea! he should just sharpie it into law.
Puts some shine on that line about all enemies foreign & domestic.
Republicans are feeling the heat or chill that they will lose some seats in both House and Congress.
Like they did in 2020! Wait…

Yeah right. N ur nightmares.
@Flordeliza Escano, they will if they don’t cheat! That’s why they are desperate to pass laws to keep the Democratic base from voting! That’s the reason for their voter suppression schemes!
Politics are local — let’s start at the bottom and work up — the bottom is always wider and more vociferous.
Note to Manchin you got your spotlight, your take on the situation. But you’ve wasted a lot of time testing the inevitable.
i believe Manchin objective was to show the Republican party that he could and would play both ways as long as the winners remember he will.
Well I hope the Republicans remember your words in 20/20 when they take back control of the senate and house.
@dedrick cutrer when? You do know we are in 2021 already?
@A. R. lol sorry 20/22
Manchin has proven himself to be a sucker. He believed the GOP. When will he wake up and face reality. When it is said that GOP will do everything to hurt Democrats, it should raise an alert. But no, the double agent still not getting it.
Manchin is worried about Manchin he’s up for re-election in 2024 he may not win because last time he won by 3.3% and this topic doesn’t appear to be popular in West Virginia
Manchin has no desire for bipartisanship. This is a machination to move the focus from his dark money collection effort.
Yes, it appears that way, by all that is logical. I also think he has a future career lined up working for Fox or RT News.
All you have to do with Manchin, Sinema and Pelosi is follow the money. Right wing Dems are just as susceptible to bribery as Republicans.
@Parslow Pongbert Unfortunately it’s baked into a system that takes tens of millions to win a senate seat and a billion to run for president. Once that occurs there is no right and wrong or conviction to belief, its all Grey area leading to the goal of who’s paying you to support what. Fact is we’re screwed whoever is in office.
This just shows how self-serving, unfair and utterly sickening republicans in congress choose to be.
Manchin has BETRAYED all those whose VOTES have been STOLEN!
Wonder how Manchin’s spending that KOCH CASH?
Joseph, I read the story on the Daily Mail. Why do lefties still deny that HB and JB have done some bad things?
Headline shoulda been:::::
“”Radical democrats attempted takeover of voting n America GOES DOWN N FLAMES””
@joseph ressa And how is it you know this? Oh Trump must have said it.
Oh it’s a beautiful day I’m Trump country seeing liberals seething
@studivan i heard it and saw it on c span ,,why are you harrasing me?? do you have tds
Manchin is surely not the sharpest knife of the cutlery.
@Finn Jacobsen Exactly Honestly think everyone is getting tired of these politicians period!! Clean both sides.Hope you staying safe ?
More of a spoon really – with moscow mitch being the one doing the spoon from behind if you feel me.
If manchin changed his mind today and voted with his party I would still be angry with him for putting the country thru this in the first place! Just the thought of him not doing the right thing for all people, just the doubt he’s allowing us to have is horrible
@Blake Lewison By the time he does it the year 2022 will be here and democrats will no longer have the seats, i would say control of the senate but they don’t have control of the senate now.
Republicans gone learn, we all gone show up in 2022.
@This right Here they betting on us to be lazy and not have valid I.d. ….. and not show up, we gonna prove them wrong
Manchin thinks he’s smarter than he is – looking for headlines that show how much power he has just in case the Repubs win in the mid-terms. He just wants to keep his seat for a presidential run ….but for which party?
@Bonnie Willliams
LOL, that’s gold
Why would Manchin vote with the Democrats when he’s an undercover Republican getting paid
Realistically he does vote with the Democrats 80 percent of the time.
Say it louder
Manchin is in partnership with McConnell and the GOP. Don’t be fooled.
I don’t think anybody is fooled by that rotten snake! Neither are we fooled by that other snake — Sinema!
One party is interested in governing and policy discussions.
The other party is only interested in raw power at any price.
Republicans: “Contrary to what people think we also believe in voting rights! We believe only the right should be allowed to vote!”
Didn’t Texas tried to sue Pennsylvania about voting laws?
The source is aol news;
Republican lawmakers in Ohio pushing for more “safety and security” at the ballot box can now point to a clear example of voter fraud in the November 2020 presidential election.
Unfortunately for them, it involves another Republican.
Edward Snodgrass, who is a Porter Township trustee, has admitted to forging his dead father’s signature on an absentee ballot and then voting again as himself, court records and other sources revealed.
Snodgrass was busted after a Delaware County election worker questioned the signature on his father’s ballot. A subsequent investigation revealed the ballot had been mailed to H. Edward Snodgrass on Oct. 6 — a day after the 78-year-old retired businessman died.
Machin is a disservice to the state of West Virginia. He’s protecting his own portfolio. He’s getting orders passed down from corporate donors and is caught in the middle of a racist agenda to destroy voting rights. Manchin is his own problem.
Getting closer to hitting the eject button. “Ex pat” has a nice ring to it.
Right!! At this point, no one would be surprised.
The republicans have made Joe Manchin look like the fool he is.