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#Texas #Vote #VotingRights
Activists Reach Day Four In Rally Through Texas To Protect Voting Rights
The entire nation should be protesting against the GOP’S REVENGE VOTING LEGISLATION!!
@Equality For All Mark skidooed…
Shut up and show your ID.
@Feathering it Brutha Do you feather your mullet ? It lays down better after doing that…
@Austin 7thGen Texan you know it!
*Putin received his greatest Gift of all from Joe Biden.*
*a Pipeline that Pump’s $Billions into the Russian Economy.*
Abbott reduced drop-boxes to one per county cuz Trump was losing. GOP knows if everyone votes, they lose.
@Jeremy Saunders The only fraud that occurred in 2020 was done by Trump supporters.
@N I agree good point.
*IMPEACH 46 for Violating America’s immigration Laws,*
*and Encouraging an Invasion of 3rd world Peasants.*
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 – Enlighten us. What immigration law did he break?
There shouldn’t be any drop boxes at all. You show up at a polling place. Period
Republican mantra…
if you can’t win legitimately…
or change the rules…
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 you’ve been lied to; since much earlier than that
@No Show Joe yea man
we are in whats called bizzaro world lol
where ppl are fake liberals that wish death on political opposition or just anyone that disagrees with them
there was a documentary about this they called it idiocracy
@Vicki Alway exactly
Cheat-lie-steal…Own the Libs, Own the Dems! Everything about that party is so disgustingly wrong!
@Buckler it’s not about voter ID.
Thank you to every single one of you for standing up for our voting rights! From all of us who can’t get out there and protest!
Stand up for Jesus Christ who will require that your name is on the guest list in order to get into heaven
You can’t just wander into heaven without an identity as being a citizen of heaven
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound Ok but focused on our right to vote so we do not lose our right to religion whatever you want to think right now! Take care!
FOLLOW-UP: On 1/6/2021, twice impeached “FORMER GUY” attacked “AMERICA” during a joint session of Congress certifying President Biden 2020 valid Presidency of the
*4-years of Presidential Harassment*
*Obama Spied on the Trump Campaign*
*Trump Falsely Accused of Russian Collusion*
Years of the Russian Collusion SCAM
Partisan Railroad impeachment
Months of Violent Liberal Rioting Encouraged by Democrats
Widespread Voter irregularities
and much, much, more
*- Gave us Jan 6th*
@No Show Joe
you were saying punk!

@No Show Joe You were there January 6th…weren’t you?! Don’t worry the FBI is coming for you traitor!
@No Show Joe ‘For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?’ – Matthew 16.26
‘And said to them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves’ – Matthew 21:13
‘The spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners [school to prison pipeline] and recovery of sight for the blind [socialised healthcare], to release the oppressed [BLM], to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour’ – Luke 4:18-21
@N You okay buddy? I must’ve really triggered you if you wrote like 10 responses

poor baby
Protect our right, the same as our amendments!
Not parts of it, stop Gerrymandering!
All these groups working together for a common cause is inspiring.
Working class solidarity

Black, brown, Asian, white the working class will unite.
What common cause? Voting for democrats? if blacks and browns didn’t vote overwhelmingly democrat, do you really think msnbc would have their backs? Or if blacks and browns all went for Bernie, do you really think Democrats would fight to count every vote? Inspiring is really not the right word here…
John Clarke – How does MSNBC “have their backs”? You obviously don’t understand anything about journalism or politics work.
Wow look at the difference in the protesters over the January 6th mob. These people are an example of what America can be. The trump mob of January 6 are the worst of what America has to offer and the difference between the 2 groups of people couldn’t be clearer.
@Self Destination You do realize that true Americans… Are Trump supporters… Lay off the demonrat propaganda.
@Chris Gimbel It wasn’t an issue mailing it… I have to request a mail in ballot just to get one… Which I never did… I got 4… Furthermore, that fact that all you had to confirm was your email… Only certifies… FRAUD!!!
@Dill Hole If I send a mailed ballot and get a notification from the election board that I participated in this Democracy, then I don’t see any evidence of suspicious activity. It’s the job of ballot overseers to notice any fraud and I have enough trust in the federal system to believe that those workers were honest. Besides, even if the ballots weren’t honest, I’m certain election boards from the opposing party would have said something by now. Believe what you want to believe, but the system seems perfectly accurate to me.
@Chris Gimbel lol… Bet it didn’t in 2016… Now did it??
@Dill Hole It was in 2016 as well. If you’re trying to say I’m blinded by leftist propaganda, you’re mistaken
Trump warned us about Rigging,, Oh wait
It’s nice to have a dream, it gives life meaning.
This is finally getting mainstream attention
From a disabled Texan, much thanks for all they’re doing. Stay strong, we’re behind y’all the whole way!! Abbott, Cornyn and Cancun Cruz are only out for themselves…not us.
Lyin’ Ted wasn’t born in the United States. Dan Patrick is a disc jockey from Maryland – now posing as a big hair Baptist Bible thumper. As for governor Abbott? He thinks he’s running for president and is playing to the cheap seats…
Bless your heart neighbor my thoughts are always with you! All of them need to go and I will do whatever possible! Take care neighbor!
Buckler is a russian troll. look at it’s about page
I do so wish I could be there. I am – in heart. Much love to you all.
Pass the “For The People Act,” H.R. 1 is a bill in the United States Congress to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, ban partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders.
Great, so you and your socialist friends can send in suitcases of ballots.
@Feathering it Brutha You do realize that doesn’t happen… right?
@Hoppy Harrington I beg to differ. We’ve all seen the video evidence even if you want to ignore it.
@Feathering it Brutha Go to sleep.
Need more of this
Better voter access would be nice, but what is essential is to keep GOP legislatures from simply tossing out all the votes they don’t like.
And taking local control over the largely Democratic cities. Repubs are by hook or crook putting the Trump agenda to work for them.
Honoring all adult American’s right to vote isn’t rocket science!!!
So proud of fellow Texans fighting suppression voting, an extremely important cause and many love you all…Thank you!