Activists Draw On ‘Constituent Power’ To Press Congress Members For Change | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Ezra Levin, co-executive director of Indivisible, talks about how the shift for progressive activists from resisting the Trump administration to encouraging Democrats in the Biden administration is built on the same strategy of constituents appealing directly to their representatives. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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#Congress #ConstituentPower #MSNBC

Activists Draw On 'Constituent Power' To Press Congress Members For Change | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Activists Draw On 'Constituent Power' To Press Congress Members For Change | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽accountability for Criminal action is a MUST,not only for ordinary population but for everyone.

    1. The Impeachment will finish the GOP, and they know it. That’s why, the harder they push to, “cancel,” it, the harder we, the people need to push back. The, “verdict,” won’t even matter; although, I suspect we might yet get that, “guilty,” verdict yet? But, it’s getting them on the stand, and them (Graham, Cruz, Hawley, and all the pusher of the lie) to give their, “evidence,” for believing in the, “steal,” or ADMIT it was a LIE and they KNOW IT! Under oath, on live tv, before the whole world! They’re right to be terrified

  2. I email my Federal Rep all the time (shout out to you, Ami Bera–you will get your weekly email tomorrow). But my Senators were Harris, who was busy running for office, and Feinstein, who people close to her have been saying she is displaying symptoms of dementia. Great. It’s like being represented by one person. Feinstein along with Schumer, Pelosi, Biden (when he was in the Senate), McConnel, Graham, are all case in point for Term Limits. I am certain those who designed our government would agree if they knew how long people are living. They never wanted to be ruled by a permanent class, royalty or otherwise, and this is not what they wanted. No one should spend 40 years in Congress.

    1. Why do you America’s bad mouth each other with venomous thoughts?? It’s very unsettling and I thank God am not from America . G

    1. Yes he will have the economy destroyed in no time the way he is going. We probably won’t be able the fill our gas tanks a year from now.

    2. @Ash Roskell quite the novel there Ash but, I see you are still not paying attention.
      I’ve already shared this with you once but, you obviously need to hear it again.
      Trump and Guiliani could not get in front of any courts.
      The DNC and Dominion are about to put both on the largest stage for the world to hear their truths and your leftist media will not be able to stifle their information any longer but, your leaders are highly educated?
      Trump has been leading the left around by the nose for over 4 years and obviously still is. 😘

    3. @Jeffrey Loveless : Obama and Biden saved the economy after Bush broke it the last time, so why would you even say that? Aren’t you old enough to remember the Banking Crisis of 2008? Even Bush acknowledges their achievement. Besides, where we’re going, we won’t need, “tanks,” to fill up, son. Welcome to the 21 Century. It’s called The Hydrogen Age . . .

    4. @Kay : I think the trial will change a lot of things. And that’s why the GOP are desperate. They see the humiliation coming 👍

  3. Amen. That is the duty of citizens in a democracy. They must hold their elected officials accountable for their words, actions and inaction. Our jobs are not finished with an election, just as those elected are not finished. We have to make sure that we clearly and loudly tell them what we expect, especially if we want to be heard over corporate lobbyists and the influential wealthy minority who have the ear of our leaders so easily. The people have power and we need to be industrious enough to use it wisely.

  4. We’re hoping, President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and their,
    administration/legal team, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate…
    Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and other honorable members of Congress,
    are listening attentively & taking mental informational notes.
    “You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.”
    —- Richard Bach
    “I seem to have been like a child playing on the seashore, finding now and then
    a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay undiscovered
    before me.”
    —- Isaac Newton

  5. Pressure group politics, be it extreme right or left, be it centrist …. is a real problem in systems which are not PR. Such as the USA and UK whose FPtP electoral systems are gerrymandered to a staggering level. Neither of those countries could be called ‘democracies ‘

  6. *America threw water on trump and he’s melting! “I’m melting!” (soon there will be just a puddle of orange to clean up!*

  7. Former United States Vice President Joe Biden, who is running against President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, said that he would not use executive orders to implement his policies because “you can’t use executive orders unless you are a dictator.””

  8. Grass roots is the pathway to 80 million votes. That’s why Supreme leader job killer joebiden had such a big turnout at his campaign events.

  9. The Empty Idol of Babylon, the empty sockets of it’s Captains on down the line. It is in effect a timeless haunted machine, Lucifer’s stalker so to speak, Lucifer is far more so the living being, much more like a human blood drinking tick in the grass is greener of a utopian class among us. This empty idol of Babylon casts a might shadow upon the Capital hill of beans, the occupants of this den of Luciferian thieves are not familiar with the nature of this shadow as it relates to the Vampire high life spotlight.

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