Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly resigned a day after leaked audio revealed he called the ousted commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt "stupid" in an address to the ship's crew.
Acting Navy Secretary resigns after this audio leaked

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly resigned a day after leaked audio revealed he called the ousted commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt "stupid" in an address to the ship's crew.
*Modly “in a hindsight, I wouldn’t have said those disparaging and demeaning comments if i knew it would be leaked and would be on the public domain”*
That’s how a Trumpian reptile thinks. Not sorry he did it, just sorry he got caught.
I know… it’s almost like he’s “stupid or naive” to think that wouldn’t leak…
@Zack Z now why would he think that this would be leaked? After all he only broadcast it to every sailor on the ship over the PA system. Come on man he knew whatever he said would be, he just stuck his foot in his mouth and couldn’t get it back out
@Rick Lawson it’s too big a mystery for me.
I think the Secretary of the Navy was appalled that the Captain went to bat for his crew.
That’s the real crime.
acting secretary of the navy; trump can’t seem to get a qualified person through the senate.
@Steven Howe to be fair Spencer served 2 yrs as Sec. Navy (nominated by 45th) before he sunk his own boat, re Gallagher saga.
@Steven Howe Are there any self-respecting competent people with a remotely decent reputation who would want to get nominated for any position in the 45* GOP and then having to either defend the indefensible or get dragged through the mud and fired for doing their job? That’s why the 45* GOP is staffed almost entirely with swamp monsters.
Lol he was on a loudspeaker everybody heard him lol. What a mutt.
So, he was leaked too? Over the mic and TV
Call some on stupid. He’s the most stupid on in the navy.
So, who’s the stupid one now!
This was a well-played chess move.” The needs of the many outweigh it needs the one.” Spock USS Enterprise. Well done captain.
That’s an awesome beard. I’m getting major beard envy here.
I agree! Captain Crozier is a leader that sacrificed his career for the sailors in his care. He will go down in history as being a true leader.
Electric Gigolo yeah same. The beard is op
The acting Navy Secretary made a small mistake. He meant that he himself was naive and stupid and he was right that the information would come out in public.
Oh, there was no confusion on what you meant. Everything was very clear.
Ohko Lee Crystal.
@Whitney Thompson apart from his confusion over his interpretation of his 100% BS lie.
‘i apologise for the confusion my words may have caused’ …even his apology was a non-apology
Jessica DeTrant you do know that she is a witch that drinks the blood of children. Or do you it’s documented she flys once a month to L A. That’s why she was falling apart and couldn’t walk
@john vasquez Fucking ridiculous…
Jessica DeTrant Hillary Clinton is the most evil wicked witch of all times she drinks the blood of children
@john vasquez says, “But but Hillary, but but baaa!”
Acting secretary of the navy: I’m gonna fire that captain
Public: uno reverse card
Lol i dont believe. …uno
@Richie Kozik Not yet! maybe he’ll be promoted!
Can you define “ironic” any better than this?
“If he didn’t think the information was going to get out into the public in this information age……….”
@d fobroy You sir are hypocrite, one would think wisdom would come with age. Not always clearly.
The Tweatles I see your still trolling for the D William H.
@The Tweatles I think it’s ok, as long as their not ugly and they’re not republicans, but I repeat myself.
American especially the Republican politicians are criticising n condemning China for reprimanding the doctor for alarming the world on the coronavirus . And here in America, the President himself n his Military chief fired a navy Commander for writing a letter to them informing them of a outbreak on the warship. What a bunch of hypocrite
There is a “chain migration” of crooks in Washington DC
Hopefully they all get the bug.
The trump revolving door turns again.
Yes, the gop is filled with crooks
Keep in mind he flew halfway around the world to bad mouth this Captain.
Trump must be like this sucker.
I wonder how much it cost to fly over there? What a waste of Dollars! How difficult to get money to people who are suffering now but no problem to fly a fool across the world on tax payers money. I am not American, I am Irish but horrified how this captain was treated.
Trump didn’t tell him to say those things he fucked up. Trump said he hadn’t heard what he actually said but he was going to get involved as for the captain he messed up by sending out 5 letters saying his ship was getting sick and they were powerless. Those letters got leaked to the press and came out in the newspaper.
@Will Harris Makes me wonder if Lord Lard Arse has a hotel in Guam. More taxpayer dollars at work.
Doubling down on a dumb thing he said makes him deserve this for sure
He learned that technique from the Commander in Chief.
@Russ Clark wronq
@Glenda Ridings wrong there’s no q
Dim Wit Glenda is quazy. Everythinq is about q.
@Glenda Ridings If you seriously believe that Donald “Jeenyus” Trump doesn’t double down on every idiotic comment he makes, you’re a bigger dumbass than he is. Do me a favor and STOP voting. You’re ruining my country.
He should’ve been immediately fired for failing to take into account the welfare of the sailors
He cared about his crew, also he’s now sick. This was an SOS. I’d say if he gets well, give him back his position.
@Irritated Barbarian, he had the respect of his crew. His crew would gladly serve with him again.
@Irritated Barbarian it’s easy to say when you’re not the one sick on the boat I guess. I’d like to think that he at least made an attempt at using chain of command but I keep hearing he didn’t even try because he thought he wouldn’t be taken seriously.
Trump at press briefing : – ” I don’t know him “.
Trump tomorrow will say who……? Ohhhhhh yes he was JUST A COFFEE BOY!
@andre muise Then he’ll appoint someone even worse to the position. #OnlyTheBestPeople
Al They already are. I am so pissed. He supported Ghalleger who abanded his post and got captured by the Taliban. Men on the ground got hurt trying to find him. Ghalleger is a traitor so why treat a heroic Captain of an amazing career. He was putting his crew above all else and his chain of his command failed him. I was trump support but now I am rethinking about “His support for the military.” If the Dems have a decent candidate I will be for once voting democratic. If not, then Trump again. Just ashamed they would do this to our Sailors
@Al The next toadie in line.
@Kayla Bowman Yang is the answer but not till 2024 unless something crazy happens listen to him speak read his policies
when powers corrupt the civil, the citizens mock him into sensibility.
Sailors sure will be clapping as Thomas Modly departs. Some will even give him the one finger salute.
You mean Moldy.
Traci Schmidt ouch
American especially the Republican politicians are criticising n condemning China for reprimanding the doctor for alarming the world on the coronavirus . And here in America, the President himself n his Military chief fired a navy Commander for writing a letter to them informing them of a outbreak on the warship. What a bunch of hypocrite..
I feel for the Captain. He just aired his concerns with his sailors best interests. Is that really as bad as it has been seen by some. That Captain would remain with his ship until the end.
The irony of it was that his downfall is for the same reason he was namecalling the ousted captain for
True now the nation have lost confidence in Modly
His comments/retraction highlights the trump school of despicable, loathsome, contemptible and reprehensible self-justification. I hope the brave Captain gets reinstated to his ship.