Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire delivers his opening statement on the whistleblower complaint of a phone call between President Trump and the president of Ukraine to the House Intelligence Committee. Aired on 09/26/19.
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Acting DNI Maguire: 'I Believe This Matter Is Unprecedented' | MSNBC
Staffers running our country who are not quallified. Presidents strong arming Nations for election help. People getting jobs they don’t desreve right ivanka?
@Ungha Bungha If not for anything else but to develop anti-gravity technology in order to hold Trump’s comb-over in place.
@mclarenV12 Space is the one place you don’t need anti-gravity, genius. Nice toddler derp bad hair derp nonsense though.
Seriously…the instructions were clear as daylight. Forward it to Congress. That doesn’t mean question the IG’s decision and then approach the very people that complaint is against and ask them what to do with it. Thanks for your service, but you blew it, Maguire.
@Hit?Sunk! Good points, but I believe the President can classify and declassify anything he wants. Question is, why? The conversation was about corruption, and I do believe one of the President’s promises was to drain the swamp. The release of the transcript could reveal an ongoing investigation, and we know there are investigations ongoing, looking in to how the Russia investigation started. The release also revealed he had asked about the DNC server, and wanted them to cooperate with the AG. I believe Trump is upholding his oath of office by faithfully executing the laws of the US.
I think President Trump is several moves ahead, and he is using the Democrats proclivity to investigate to get them to do the work for him. Investigate Biden and it won’t be long until you bump into Obama and Hillary…would be a grand slam for Trump.
No excuse for ignoring the whistleblower statute and allowing the WH and corrupt AG bar to declare the matter invalid….
@MrSteveSy actually, when the White House started handling the call records outside of defined channels it became an intelligence issue… the ICIG was directly confronted because the WH was ignorant of the outcome of trying to bury documentation of official communications outside of normal channels.
@Everblue Freediving No, that was an allegation by the anonymous “whistleblower” who had no direct knowledge of the conversation. It’s more made up crap just like when it was alleged the DNI Chief said they would resign if the whitsleblower couldn’t talk to congress. When are you guys going to learn this is an all out attack on the president in an attempt to remove him. How many accusations have been proven fake from anonymous sources…too many to count.
@MrSteveSy lol… denial…. Trump, Pompeo, Pence, AG Bart have been caught in an attempted coverup of Trump trying to enlist foriegn election interference. Trump’s own staff spoke of their concern to the intelligence officer that made the complaint… the WH tried to bury the transcript outside of normal channels and that redflagged the complaint and is the reason that the ICIG flagged the complaint “urgent”…
@TheVuduYuDu The full transcript was released this morning. Go and read it for yourself. But you’re probably too lazy. It’s easier to just believe the lies the media makes up about what is in there.
@Dolt Daft Dunce Deplorable Donald Trump That never happened. That is an outright lie and the transcript proves it.
@Faceless Man How about you read the full transcript. You can start on page 3 if you wish or you can do what I did and read the whole thing. PLEASE READ COMPLETELY BEFORE YOU RESPOND!
Um this isn’t unprecedented trump does it all the time lol oops
Thank you !
@MrSteveSy my, my you freaking arrogant pro-Trump-Bot- idiots, you think you are all so sly don’t you, to put the full whistleblower complaints and audio recordings under ” #LOCKDOWN” while your Republican Mafia leaders wave a half-backed pretentious “transcripts” in front of us Liberal Dems’ dumb-noses, hy Sly-Stevie?
Go back to your Bannon’s #GameGates gang, or go back to your home-schooling boys, because you never ever were able to fool this godless Intelligent pacifistic Monkey, Kiddos. No matter if your numbers are just one, 425 millions or 7 billions of you pretentious religious fools.
Godless Best,
Projectheureka LLC
@Projectheureka Lol you guys are so funny. Watching you lose never gets old.
Executive privilege should not be covered, when a crime is suspected
@RuBaron715 There is NO CRIME. Turn off CNN and pick up a high school American Government book and read it to educate yourself on our laws. TDS is an incurable affliction.
@Julez my comment was informational only for the original posts benefit about executive privilege. You shouldn’t be so sassy, and by the way I’m in the middle of a biography on Harry S Truman, I just finished Ronald Reagan’s biography, ….. so I’ll read up on that stuff later, if it’s okay with you.
@RuBaron715 Sorry, my bad. I misread your comment. However, I will never stop being sassy!
Commited, not only suspected
The guy on his right looks like a Movie assassin
He acted more like he was afraid of losing his acting job.
@Mr.D Simpson Try watching it again, then get an adult to explain it slowly to you.
@Johnf275 Oh just hang trump. You republicans only see what you want to see. I
@Mr.D Simpson The Democrats are getting everything twisted.
1) Trump colluded with Russia. Nope! that was Hillary with the fake Russian Steel Dossier.
2) Trump bribed the Ukraine President. Nope! that was Joe Biden.
*Even* Cluster-Fox ‘News’ admitted *#45’s ‘guilty as sin’* and *should be charged* …
“I also believe that I handled this matter in full compliance with the law ..”
Yeah, that’s just, like, your opinion, man…
And an invalid one at that.
if not for the whistleblower,this would just be a secret not known to the public.
What right do you have to the Prez’s private phone conversations, rice muncher? Who the f– are you?
True, the story had been buried for a long time. Now we get to watch your war criminal Biden struggle and squirm while you hilariously defend the crackhead receiving $50k/month bribes, while you defend your war criminal Biden selling his VP position and threatening foreign countries to stop investigating the corrupt Big Oil corporation that was paying him through his crackhead criminal son. That’s all your politically motivated swamp rat “whistleblower” exposed.
@Onii chan…we dont get your grandma’s ancient Chinese food recipes. So quit worrying what the President says
any and all objective people know that one cannot ask the permission of those implicated in possibly incriminating evidence to give permission to disclose that evidence. the thought on the face of it is profoundly ridiculous.
beautifully stated!
DA goes to the bank robber and asks his permission to prosecute him. We have truly entered Cloud Cuckoo Land.
It’s just scary how accurate Matt Groening has been with the Simpson and Futurama.
Wow…Did any of you read the transcript or even listen to the rules he had to follow? By the way… Congress wrote those rules and are now asking him to not follow or break them. Come on people…
Why did Maguire talk to Trump about the whistle-blower’s complaint about Trump?
He didn’t talk to the president. He said, he spoke with the white house office of legal counsel. Not the same thing
That lost looking boy in the background

he so cute 
NO sir, Mr DNI,
If no one is above the law, then NO ONE is above the law. PERIOD. PERIOD. PERIOD.
WHY OH WHY, do we get executive appointees defying the law as written by elected officials on grounds of “OPINION”??
William Barr is no AG, he should be dragged out in handcuffs!!!
@MrSteveSy You have a strange way of thinking. You claim that no one has broken the law even though the whistleblower allegation has not yet been investigated by the appropriate congressional oversight committees. *THEY* will determine if the law has been broken. Not you, comrade.
@Jon Stone , why would anyone look in to an accusation made by someone who didn’t even see it or hear it. I heard you robbed a bank yesterday…guess the prosecutor in your area has an obligation to investigate you lol.
@Jon Stone what’s amusing is people like you would have a fit if some anonymous source who didn’t see anything reported Obama or the next Democrat president based on a third person account…its fricking laughable. want is a banana republic.
DNI Maguire broke the law.
The law says “Give the complaint to Congress.”
DNI Maguire did not do that. He basically had to be forced.
If Maguire really thinks William Barr followed the law and acted in good faith he’s a complete imbecile.
Am I the only one that sees a Spidey man look alike? The confused lookin guy behind Maguire…