Acting-DNI Joseph Maguire Defies Law To Hold Whistleblower Report | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reports on the existence of a whistleblower in the intelligence community, brought to light by Rep. Adam Schiff. The whistleblower was deemed credible and urgent by the inspector general, and the House Intelligence committee, by law, should receive the report. Instead acting-DNI Joseph Maguire is making excuses to withhold it. Aired on 09/16/19.
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Acting-DNI Joseph Maguire Defies Law To Hold Whistleblower Report | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. @cindy clarke I understand now why abortions are needed because Democrats and liberals need to eliminate their children automatically! I don’t even like abortion with apparently you people are so insipid and stupid you’re not even worth breathing!

  1. America when does this circus end and reality return, the GOP has no integrity and is destroying the country for the normal American, when do you stand up for the normal man. Pure and simple everyone around the world knows you beloved leader is a lying crook. Save yourselves and you great country.

    1. the bub
      I’m beginning to suspect the “normal American” is so profoundly corrupt and indoctrinated themselves, that criminal behavior is regarded as typical and routine.
      The USA is utterly rotten, the rule of law no longer exists. It is just one more shithole in a world with many shitholes.

    2. @John Griffith
      Haha, well said!!
      The culture of the USA idolizes gibbering halfwits like Trump, like Pence, like most of the television morons and most of their elected representatives.
      The so called “normal American” is getting exactly the government it deserves.

  2. Republicans are in for a very rude awakening when the Democrats regain control of our government and actually enforce the laws and the Constitution! This time we will not turn the other cheek. People are going to prison!

    1. Jeff Cockrell Lmao! Do tell what Obama is going to go to jail for? Then you can start with “the Democrats, quite a few Republicans and 3/4..”. What a stupid, but somewhat entertaining, comment. Stop watching entertainment news. It’s rotting your brain.

    2. Only if the corporate donors give their permission… Get both the GOP and legal bribery out and consign them to the bonfire of history.

    3. Yeah…that is all American’s do is put people in prison as if that will change anything. The entire government is more than 50% corrupt, both parties.

  3. trump is like a rat running down an alley—knows how to scurry under dumpsters and find those cracks to hide in, and gnaws on everything he can get his dentures on.
    Keep chasing! He’s running out of dumpsters, but he keeps gnawing.

    1. @Patricia Lewis Confirmation bias. As well as stupidity. Plus believe it or not some people like seeing him make fun of Democrats. That by doing so he is also denigrating our nation, they cannot discern that fact.

    2. @Patricia Lewis They are blinded by stupidity!!! I just hope the Democrats would get together and figure out how to secure the election to make sure the criminal enterprise do not get another four years. They’re talking about a Deep State, but the Republican party is the real DEEP STATE. Google it and you will see that it fits the Republican Party!!!

    1. Actually what’s really scaredy is that some normal intelligent people support Trump. Not so much because of his behavior, but they identify with the things he’s scaring them about.

    1. Kelli Barnhouse It would be a carton, wouldn’t it? If it wouldn’t be so serious and damaging to our country – and the world. Trump has done this his whole life – he is 100% corrupt.

    1. @Jeff Cockrell If you had any brains at all, you would listen to people that are more intelligence than you. Point proven you dont. Go snuggle up to the traitor in office, you and he are on the same level, below grade.

    1. @Headford Coyote You are so right!!! How can you drain a swamp when the swamp creature brought the swamp and made it swampier.

  4. This is why the DOJ should be independent of the oval office. The President shouldn’t have control over the DOJ. He shouldn’t be able to hire / fire.

    1. @Ellen C – that’s the question, isn’t it? That’s exactly why President Banana Republic prohibits transcription of his Oval Office meetings.

    2. In this instance, there actually IS an audit. All presidential finances are automatically audited every year. So the fake audit he’s made up for years has, indeed, been replaced with a real one. That of course does not change the fact that neither real nor fake audits prevent you from releasing your tax returns, and all other modern presidents have done so (both while running and while in office).

    3. @Michael Ramon There must be a number of versions of his tax returns, that’s his problem.
      Probably he used his tax returns to avoid paying taxes, to get illegal tax benefits, and to defraud the IRS; and a different set for asking for loans where his income and profits are grossly exaggerated.

      Whatever is redacted in the Mueller report is still pertinent and probably the most damming evidence.

  5. Well who’d have thought the trick to getting away with criminal behaviour is simply more criminal behaviour….??

    1. @Andrew_Owens and most of President Harding’s cabinet…but unlike now, oddly enough, not President Harding…search out his quote on who to watch out for….it is a jewel.

    2. Our laws have always been skewed to protect the moneyed class and prosecute the working class…this train is now running amok at high speed..Trump/GOP are working overtime to destroy our weak foundation of laws and the Constitution.

  6. The whistleblower needs to come forward, for too long we have asked only soldiers to sacrifice themselves for the country.

    1. Since the DNI has refused to abide by the law, the whistleblower is free to talk to the committee directly or a 3rd party (the media), I’d advice making multiple copies and send it to the House, his lawyers and every news organization that has an email or fax number.

  7. Why is it when we get a subpoena and we don’t show up we get arrested but these individuals continue to violate just about every subpoena and nothing happens to them when they should be arrested.

    1. Trump is a CIA asset too agent Orange, the feed him dirt on everybody, Looks like he has Nancy Pelosi and others.

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