ActBlue Raises $3.8B For Over 21,000 Dem Candidates, Committees & Organizations | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Chris Jansing brings the latest about ActBlue, a platform which has been "a game changer, up and down the ballot." Aired on 10/09/2020.
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ActBlue Raises $3.8B For Over 21,000 Dem Candidates, Committees & Organizations | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. Trump is worse than broke, he’s $400,000,000+ in debt. I have have very little and am far more financially stable than trump.

    2. @Jennifer White The Abrahamics say that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven, it’s in their instruction manual.

  1. Actblue seems to be the democratic (small d) response to 2010 devastation by the plutocratic Koch brothers.

    1. Sounds like a democrat program to me just throw your money at them for no reason. Im sure they love the cash lmao

    1. Sakurakuro – Hahah… said while wearing my best impression of Kamala Harris with her cut the crap..mamala expression.🌊💙🌊

    2. Cpt Falcon – apparently that’s all it took to convince the gullibles to elect Donald John Trump.

    3. @M K Trump literally removed healthcare protections for transgender people so doctors can refuse to treat them like three months ago.

    4. @M K That is a great idea – everyone SHOULD compare the Democratic and Republican Party’s platforms!
      Democrats aren’t perfect, just a better choice in EVERY way.

      The Democratic platform offers HOPE and REINVESTMENT, and incorporated many of Bernie Sanders popular proposals from 2016 like “Free” college for those that need it most (a report released Tuesday by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce states that the program pays for itself in only ten years), and other GOOD STUFF.

      The Republican platform is an exercise in building an AUTHORITARIAN POLICE STATE at home, INTERNATIONAL ISOLATIONISM as foreign policy, and, of course, Tax Cuts for the WEALTHIEST.

      MK is an insufferable, no content/no subscriber Troll Account, but he IS offering sound advice: compare the Party Platforms.

    1. The democrats are pure evil, its about controlling the brainwashed, I see you are very dummy downed.

    2. @George Thompson

  2. I’m a principled conservative who is voting for Biden because some of my core values supersede my political wishlist. They are as follows:

    Equal rights
    Loyalty to country

    I don’t understand how any faithful Christian or true patriot could vote for Trump. Vote them all out! #CountryOverParty #AmericaOrTrump #VOTEBLUE2020 #BIDENHARRIS2020

    1. Chard O’Mania don’t worry, I don’t want an ethnostate despite how desperately your side pushes that narrative. I just want a nation cleansed of the socialist traitors who hate it so deeply and constantly seek to destroy it. Unfortunately for you, 200,000 won’t be nearly enough. There’s millions of traitors like you infesting this country that will need to be removed before America can truly be made great again.

    2. @M K the military wouldn’t exist without socialism. Controlled by government, paid for by everyone. You don’t even understand what you think you oppose.

    3. Darrin Fry lies and propaganda, specifically designed to give the public a false idea of what socialism is. Don’t worry, you’ll be dealt with same as everyone else. Your side’s treason is about to be punished the way it’s been begging for for years.

  3. People have the Right to Choose the
    Next Supreme Court Nomination, not
    the Deadwood Senate. $70 Million…..😊✌

  4. Lol. The Dem’s don’t even have to try hard to get donations. While Lindsey Graham had to weep and beg on Pox news for money, it was really sad but funny to watch. Hannity got so fed up with the bleating that he shut him off, lol. Well, if trump and cohorts hadn’t swindled so much money from the coffers, they might not have had to remove so many of their ad’s and have to beg on Pox..
    Pennsylvania Rep. Warns that a Bill Could Disrupt Election

  5. My friend who has been independent and who has worked for the local community has helped in the Blue fundraising, she said that one elderly lady could not afford to pay even $25 but she gave $10.. Seeing her activities and the community-based fundraising activities, I truly believed that this is what the real grassroots supports, no penny from the “caclulative rich corporates”… And these voices are the real voices that have to be heard in the Washington.

  6. *👉”Thoes who can make you believe Absurdities, can make you commit Atrocities.”*

    *👉That, is how Evil works, it’s **#Trump101** Making America Hate Again!👺*

      #BlueTsunami2020 🌊
      #BlueWave2020 🏄‍♂️
      #VoteBlue2020 🗳🔵
      #BidenHarris2020 🔵🇺🇲🔵

    1. He would be eligible for Obamacare according to his tax returns. He have any pre-existing conditions besides being Orange?

    1. Larry if Trump gets in you must have moved to Russia because that’s what it’s going to look like cuz I don’t know why you don’t understand that

    2. @Larry Larry Putin and Trump are sleeping together there’s a secret room in the white house for them right next to the bunker

    3. @Paul Wiley ohhhhhhh I now k got the Russian reference. For 2016 election thst haillaryy Clinton paid and ovama was aware that they should start spreading fake new and claim russjan interfered. Fyi that has been debunked and people are starting to go to jail. Tome for you to find new material to steal and claim it’s your own. With your tiny brain I doubt you could come up with some original though. On the subject of russi, xan yiu name which wife of a russian mayor gave millions to which politician? Who got millions from Ukraine and China? Whose son got millions from Berisma in Ukraine?
      Documents have been shown and emails. Quit the russian crap, democraps cheat. Biden needed a wire during the debate.
      Now go back to yiur room and thjnk of something deep sh*t. Trump2020 reelected

  7. Think about this: if it hadn’t been for Ralph Nader in 2000 and Jill Stein in 2016 (or Gary Johnson), we most likely would not have had a republican president in the 21st century. That fact and this video just goes to show that truly the majority of people in this country want policies that actually help average people and not just corporations and ultra-wealthy individuals. It’s also why republicans are always the ones that want to make voting more difficult because they know they can’t win a truly fair election. Mitch McConnell once called a push to make Election Day a national holiday a “power grab” by democrats. Why in God’s name would he think that’s a power grab for anyone? Wouldn’t it supposedly also give republican voters more voting access as well? Or is he just scared of what will happen when you give as many eligible voters as possible easy access to the polls?

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