CNN's Jim Acosta addresses Republican attempts to rewrite history on the January 6 Capitol riot. #CNN #News
Acosta to House GOP: This isn’t about ‘BS,’ it’s about betraying your country

CNN's Jim Acosta addresses Republican attempts to rewrite history on the January 6 Capitol riot. #CNN #News
They’re afraid of the Trump base, one’s backing Trump, the Marjories and Gaetzs’ are doing it just to raise their own profile.
We’ve seen Trump assemble a coup attempt, They’re just afraid
There are more Dems than Reps. We need to get made and lock the up! I’m tired of being the nice guys!
@Rene Rigney yes there are a lot more Americans in the United States than there are Republikkklans.
If Trump dies, his base will fall apart and they’ll have nothing to dear anymore.
coup attempt like the russia hoax?
@g Then why do real Americans spell Republikkklans this way and they now consider the Republikkklan party to be the Russian government.
They should all be locked up. Thank you Jim.
I hope u got yours
How is it a deflection??? I outright am calling out two specific groups who are associated with one another on the left-wing. Antifa and BLM. I called them out by name while YOU want to deflect to ALL right-wing groups… LOL.
I am not “running away” I’m outright confronting you on the issue of BLM/ANTIFA.
If you want to compare ALL Right-Wing Terrorism to Left-wing terrorism, sure lets do it. Left-wing terrorists have committed more attacks and were far more destructive than right-wing terrorism… BLM/ANTIFA together account for the vast majority of costly damages within the last 9 years. This doesn’t include the left-wing mass attacks like the democrat who committed that atrocity in Las Vegas.
Tell me you LISTENED to what they told you to do!!!!!
That u did what almost HALF REFUSED TO DO!!!!
I will never understand how all these lies can allow them (GOP) to sleep at night. SAD!!!!!
@Pat Mahinie Hi Pat. Do you even know what you are talking about? The Mueller investigations looked into happenings around the 2016 election. It was simply to find out what happened, and the findings from that investigation were then available for prosecutions should the authorities choose to. It led to several cases against people from the Trump campaign, but since it was up to Congress whether or not it should be pushed further, it ended there.
Now the impeachmentS were not related to that investigation at all. The first one was about Trump essentially using the powers of the office for personal gain. He blackmailed a foreign head of state in order for that state to interfere in US elections – and committed a handful of crimes in the process. Therefore he was impeached.
The SECOND impeachment was about you know, treason. Inciting followers to attempt to overthrow the US government. Crazy huh?
Now Pat, do you understand why there is no link between the two statements you just made, and it sounds like you just want to defend Trump without knowing anything about… well anything?
@Jim Morrison
Rant all you want but the GQP is one giant cluster of mentally unstable Trumpian Neo Nazis. You know it, I know it, and America knows it. The problem is that 40% of Americans find these crazy GQP traitors desirable. I never understood how Hitler was elected to power until Treasonous Trump and his GQP came along. However, I still don’t understand how 40% of Americans can support such an Evil person but know it has something to do with Treasonous Trump tapping into their inner darkness.
@Sebastian Lavallée Hi again Sebastian, Thanks for the reply. I absolutely know what I am talking about and I know for a fact that there will be no charges brought up. At this point, you are criminally harassing someone because you hate them. You have delusional hate syndrome intentionally created by the left to make an honest dialog impossible. Also, the left is using minorities as political tools. It’s disgusting and you allow it because you hate someone. Snap out of it bud.
@Ernie Mendonca bruh dont tell Republicans to read things lol most of them can’t read and the rest proudly refuse to
@Pat Mahinie yes there were, even Mueller said if trump wasn’t president he could be charged, but because of Barr and his rules he was NOT,
I’m getting so sick of them whitewashing this….
From the outside, we all have been sick of it for the past four years. No surprise it got to this.
@FACTS ONLY Congratulations. You’ve won the contest for the most inaccurate handle on YouTube.
@Stephen Suddick The gas in our state just hit over $4 dollars per gallon and our groceries at the store are up an average of 28% when my wife went shopping this weekend. This never happened under Trump.
Is this build back better?
If so,
I’m pissed….
like the blm thugs burning down cities
@FACTS ONLY – Democrats always have to clean up after Republicans.
I guess he didn’t see the other videos. Disgusting…it’s shameful those senators/congressman are allowed to serve and lie straight to our face.
It won’t make a different since human were created with sense that could different right from wrong, true or false, good or evil so do should or not.
Since your claim about who is lunatic, only backed by your mouth or “likes” from those that sick like you.
Unless you mean readers here, were dumber than pig and accepted your conclusion because you have something that can be eat.
Nothing to eat?
Even pig show you, a middle finger. Then, what idiot like you expect from human here, if pig keep $x#-&x since you didnot carry any food.
Who were dumber than pig and support your conclusion even you have nothing for them?
Speak louder, so everyone can hear you.
@Danny chong Humans weren’t “created”.
Please go find Nurse Ratched and tell her you’re late for your meds.
@Robert White all while filming live as well the animals.
that is why they held the doors open for the rioters i seen that live
@Julian Marsh really? Then please Google: Democrats protesting Brett Kavanaugh.
Truly scary. These retrumplicans live in an alternate reality. America seems to have lost its damn mind…
Andrew Clyde and other Republicans will be the main defense witnesses used by Trump supporters who say they were just tourists. Will these Republican politicians continue to lie under oath?
Beijing Biden will destroy America! This should make Demo-rats happy!

@Pat Mahinie , Personally, I don’t have a problem with any news media, mainstream or otherwise. People can be misled & incited to believe lies by those who intentionally deceive for nefarious purposes, but I draw my own conclusions based on my own principles, regardless of what I hear from others. I guess I just have a lot of sales resistance, some people don’t.
@Pat Mahinie , @Pat Mahinie , Personally, I don’t have a problem with any news media, mainstream or otherwise. People can be misled & incited to believe lies by those who intentionally deceive for nefarious purposes, but I draw my conclusions based on my own principles, regardless of what I hear from others. I guess I just have a lot of sales resistance, some people don’t.
@Marie Smith I can respect That Marie Smith.
Did Andrew Clyde suffer a stroke? A car accidental head injury? A concussion? Clearly, he is not of sound mind…
@A. Bordeleau from your pic…do you eat bat heads like other trolls or are you blind?
@FACTS ONLY gee our gas is back down to.less than 2.90. Groceries up for the past 2 years, going up monthly. So, hate to tell you. No more bidens fault than it was trumps. People going back to work. More money. More demand, higher prices, just like it’s always been. Your gas stations obviously price gouging. Sorry. Our prices always higher than most, so know how frustrating it can be.
@A. Bordeleau u r a bigot.
Don’t we have enuf hate in this country?
@Tetraire you got me…
But you still look like a guy in drag. It looks like you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down
@Vicki Bertrand oh well ima bigot. That’ would offend me if I thought it was true
You’re obviously offended on someone else’s behalf. That makes your character questionable. You’re so woke you’re offended by someone else’s shortcomings
they’ve already decided who they are gonna back. they are traitors, plain and simple.
@Go Home Joe Biden is the ultimate insurrectionist
Inflation is rising, cyberattacks on our infrastructure, jobs report was a disaster, Middle East is in shambles, gas prices skyrocketing, working class can’t fill up their gas tanks, an invasion & crisis is on our southern border and the Biden Administration’s leadership is nowhere to be found…. this is ‘build back better’ ?
If Trump had been re-elected NONE of this would be happening –
America is sinking faster than the titanic
what about the blm thugs
The congress has become a playground for lunatics.…..
Spot on. Betrayal of your OWN country. Like talking to a wall.
@Brian Jones Thats how the American people felt when we had to waste 4 years under Trump ..
Nothing accomplished in 4 years..
Well.. a few note worthy .. He is the only US President to get impeached twice and has over 500k Lives on his hands..
On top of that .. the dumbest 1/3 of this nation lost their ability to think for themselves and still follow a meme from 2016 .. who not only cant even hold charities because of theft ..
but the Insurrection on Jan 6th.. Lets be real now..
Your party is broken .. Directionless .. Leaderless..
There is no 2022 .. there is no Trump 2024..
Its time to wake up .. The American people have spoken .. and we no longer wanted a meme as our President ..
You may want him .. but the vast sum of the American people dont..
Perspective is a hell of a thing .. but none of which is any my problem ..
Did you ever just stop and think perhaps the way I view life is wrong?
Seems like the majority of the American people think so also ..
Take it for whatever its worth .. Best wishes and Enjoy Joe Biden .. =)
like the blm thugs
@g lol what a joke.
@Teena Selman The gas in our state just hit over $4 dollars per gallon and our groceries at the store are up an average of 28% when my wife went shopping this weekend. This never happened under Trump.
Is this build back better?
If so,
I’m pissed….
Trump built it! And WE’RE paying for it…
These people have obviously sold their souls to the devil.
Feel pity for them….no, actually I don’t.
@FACTS ONLY sorry facts only I stopped at raising gas prices. Man that hole must be deep. Almost as soon as Trump declared so called tax break for the middle class BOOM gas prices rose. Now I’m sure the rest of your dissertation was correct but since I stopped there I kind of doubt it
@Rob H not me though. It’s easy to call January 6 a picnic when you compare what BLM has done to America for a year now. Not one weapon found, not ONE murder committed by Trump supporters.
On the other hand, you have BLM looting every Dollar Store across America taking reparations, 30 people murdered, thousands of cops hurt, billions of dollars in damages.
I straight up BLM it’s not isolated to Portland.
@Rob H What Democratic violence?
@g Stop with the false equivalencies. The two events were completely different. BLM are protesting over centuries of human rights abuses, police brutality and racism. You MAGAts lost an election. And to the point, most of the BLM riots and looting were gangs, rightwing insurgents and opportunists. The VAST majority were extremely peaceful. But you go ahead with your little talking points and white privilege tantrums, I’m sure someone is interested.
These so called lawmakers must be living in a box, except they are not. They are bold faced lying.
@January It’s actually either bold faced or bald faced.
@Marlene Greer It was a fake acquittal after a fake trial for a fake president.
@D F Learn English, tovarisch.
@TRU7H Therion They’re completely denying it happened!! Are you really that f*cking blind?
Andrew Clyde and other Republicans will be the main defense witnesses used by Trump supporters who say they were just tourists. Will these Republican politicians continue to lie under oath?
Capitol police officer dragged and beaten screaming and crying that he has kids…. and Republicans say it was friendly tourists…. I’m sick to my stomach. It’s so unreal
@Jack Dorseys Mom I pity you. You are loved by God, but you’re losing fans among us humans.
@Jen Vicinity no brother, I guess you will educate me
@John H. you will reap of what you sow. You can consider yourself warned.
@Luis Rosales Dude stop BSing.. Libertarian is a far left … You said you don’t like the socialist … But, you’re a libertarian..
I am suprised how many Traitors are in the Government.
All I can account it to is ignorance and racism. #thebiglie
Don’t you find this guy boring???damn..
@Liberal Dumbfuck a major march on Washington! #thebiglie
I’m not
Andrew Clyde and other Republicans will be the main defense witnesses used by Trump supporters who say they were just tourists. Will these Republican politicians continue to lie under oath?
Jesus Christ
These dudes need to be removed from Congress
@Jock Young If this had been Democrats CNN would be reporting it as a peaceful protest.
Under President Trump the Middle East was contained, just as our border was contained. There were no spiking gas prices, no fuel shortages, no inflation to be found,
Trumps ‘ America First’ policies gave us the best economic numbers in 70 years with his tax cuts, and by getting rid of Obama and Biden‘s business killing & oppressive job killing regulations.
Trump also opened up Federal land drilling, fracking and offshore oil drilling which made us energy independent for the first time in 65 years not dependent on foreign oil from nations that chant ‘ death to America’
A staggering 500,000+ ILLEGAL migrants have entered the United States illegally, since China
Joe Biden’s presidency. It’s increasing daily and he does nothing.
1000,s of rockets
from the terrorist group Hamas is being launched into Israel
. Is this a coincidence? They did not do any of this when Trump was in office for four years. But they’re doing it now.
This is not a ‘pro – Trump ‘ analysis, these are just simple FACTS !
In just over 100 days China
Joe Biden has completely destroyed all of this.
As a former registered Democrat of 15 years myself, I walked away from the party because of China
Joe Biden’s America last’ policies
@terry lunsford lol wtf scapegoating and beeing cultish at the same time? Well done terry
It is about time to stop sugar coating traitors.
@Kenneth Sloboda So give me one example of how the GOP did better. Just one! In fact show me where they ever gave 1 example of how they would make life better for our country. I’ll wait
@Luis Rosales Stop with the false equivalencies. The two events were completely different. BLM are protesting over centuries of human rights abuses, police brutality and racism. You MAGAts lost an election. And to the point, most of the BLM riots and looting were gangs, rightwing insurgents and opportunists. The VAST majority were extremely peaceful. But you go ahead with your little talking points and white privilege tantrums, I’m sure someone is interested.
@Tim Norton
Your right!
The right attacked the Capital after enduring a year of politically encouraged rioting while defunding the police and forcing them to not engage and stop the violence. Many lost their businesses and livelihood because politicians stood by and either did nothing or actually encouraged the rioting.
The Left attacked everyone else.
So what’s worse? Fighting the lawmakers or fighting the people?
Wow! This comment section is just full of confession through projection. That summer of love sure didn’t have a single murdered innocent, certainly not 19! The $2 billion in damages was just collateral damage of the “protect”. “Trained” Marxists siphoning BLM donations to be divided among the top mouthpieces of BLM LLC? jUSt dOn’T TaLK AbOuT IT! So many of you all are playing yourselves thinking your doing something wonderful by buying into this, and fewer of you don’t even care. Even have some admitting it.
Too woke to realize you’re sleep walking off the edge, then then again, that one way to get rid of a problem. Too bad networks like CNN amassed too many of you to follow as they also plummet. Atheism+, 3rd wave feminism, cancel cultists, communism, gender fluidity, supremacy collectives. The walls are starting to close in and the democratic party has already openly turned it’s back to you. Remember the first 30 days? Hiden even left you all a little voicemail. Regain or locate your sense of self before they too will turn the rifles on to you as well. Then again, under such a Nanny State, we’re all equal in the lye pits…
Oh you mean like George Floyd who was actively in the process of committing a crime, resisted arrest, and amped up on 3x the lethal dose of Fentanyl? You mean that kind of racist police brutality?
…don’t call me MAGA. I’ve never voted for Trump.
It’s time for the GOP politicians to be arrested for insurrection and sedition.
@Jock Young Wdym, have you seen Blm and Antifa being covered in any sort of light other then Fox?
@Jock Young *When you realize they all got a get out of jail free card by democrats*
@Luis Rosales Stop with the false equivalencies. The two events were completely different. BLM are protesting over centuries of human rights abuses, police brutality and racism. You MAGAts lost an election. And to the point, most of the BLM riots and looting were gangs, rightwing insurgents and opportunists. The VAST majority were extremely peaceful. But you go ahead with your little talking points and white privilege tantrums, I’m sure someone is interested.
@Secure Asset Management Stop with the false equivalencies. The two events were completely different. BLM are protesting over centuries of human rights abuses, police brutality and racism. You MAGAts lost an election. And to the point, most of the BLM riots and looting were gangs, rightwing insurgents and opportunists. The VAST majority were extremely peaceful. But you go ahead with your little talking points and white privilege tantrums, I’m sure someone is interested.
@S. F. by repeating the lie that the election was stolen.
Wow, just WOW! May every one of those insurrectionists receive a prison term. I hope enough people come to their senses and rid themselves of these corrupt politicians.
@g dufus
Andrew Clyde and other Republicans will be the main defense witnesses used by Trump supporters who say they were just tourists. Will these Republican politicians continue to lie under oath?
They won’t. They believe all the corrupt politicians. Remember EX PRESIDENT TRUMP. The one who loves the uneducated, because they give him their hard earned money freely.
@Cj Shannon i know biden is a dolt
These guys should not only be removed from Congress but charged with whatever criminal charges might apply. This is sedition bordering on treason. Put them under oath and ask them to swear to the statements they have made.