CNN’s Jim Acosta is joined by Republican strategist Alice Stewart and CNN political commentator Maria Cardona to discuss Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R-FL) move to send migrants to the Northeast. #CNN #News
Acosta to DeSantis: Don’t use kids to ‘own the libs’

Do people know and understand that immigration issues have existed in the US for many years and under multiple Administrations, both Republican and Democrat.
@sammyshott23 One day they even held a time trial competition between 10 people. 😂
@KingUSMCO I dunno feel free to look it over I have better things to do then argue with idiots all day. Search for Poll: 72% of Americans Say Immigrants Come to the United States for Jobs and to Improve Their Lives. Youtube doesn’t like links.
“People that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves, liars and traitors are not victims… but accomplices”. ⚔
George Orwell
Vote desatan out 😡 Vote 💙💙💙💙
@Bernard Gilbert It really does not sound like Orwell (which is why I checked). Way too crude and accusatory… It’s a “blanket statement” that goes nowhere.
@Chuck Taylor I totally agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts. There is nothing factual about your statement.
Does she have a speech impairment to be stuttering so much when asked the question about the Trump Administration having an unsecure border problem and why didn’t the Governors do this at that time too or is it that she got caught up in her own BS?
@Karen Shahwan stop being a Karen. 🤣
haminah haminah hamina
These people should automatically gain citizenship. and thank abbot and deathsantis for making it possible
Yup, the latter
DeSantis didn’t “foot the bill.”
Here finally
@Rachel Kristine not all of them.
Yes. I’m starting to be a big fan of.🔥❤️🇺🇸🔥DASANTIS 🔥🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥☝️❤☝️☝️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@A A Considering all states pay federal taxes, federal funds are given to border states for border security and those border states accept those federal funds, yeah non-border states do pay for border security. How those border states misuse those funds is on them.
“Three great forces rule the world; stupidity, fear and greed”.
@Just Me And bigotry.
Add hate and you have described the ‘perfect’ Republican.
Watch CNN much, Shemp? Educate yourself!
@Hugh Jarse Appropriate name you’ve got there, Hugh.
Alice Stewart needs to sit down. She belongs on Fox.
Defending hypocrisy is very difficult. When the lady stuttered, you know she is just thinking of how to spin the indefensible
@ke4uyp lol you’re either trolling me or you live under a rock
@Owen Alden if you are so confident in what you’re saying then why don’t you tell me where you read that?
Every DHS employee who gave them addresses like a shelter in Tacoma should lose their jobs. What a horrible thing to do. Clearly something has to be done about all these people coming here. But using these people as pawns is wrong.
Here finally
I think more than losing their job is warranted. The want cruelty, let them taste some. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it.
Last fight
Thank you, Ms. Maria Cardona.
Of course you would agree with her Esmeralda
You know she doesn’t know how to answer the question even when she knows the correct answer when she just keeps saying the same thing repeatedly at every question
Here finally
Also, CNN really needs to stop having that “Alice” hag on. Every time she opens her mouth, lies and noise falls out.
John still hasn’t admitted the Duke race hoax was a juicy smullit 2.0.
I disagree, I think they should put her in display and let her humiliate herself on national tv….she clearly has no shame nor do the people who pay her. humiliation is a good tool.
Ha, yeah, I bet Alice hates the fact checking in real time and in person.
Pretty sure the homeless people & others could have used that wasted money
Money spent to fly from Martha’s vineyard was not are governor’s to spend it was the people’s money
@Willard Simpson Then one could argue the money/ homeless service resources that would’ve been utilized by these undocumented migrants are not theirs to spend either.
I for one believe that the wealthy residents of martha’s vineyard should share in the effort of helping these migrants out.
Desantes didn’t “foot the bill“, Floridians did!
Yes! Money well spent!
Yes. I’m starting to be a big fan of.🔥❤️🇺🇸🔥DASANTIS 🔥🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥☝️❤☝️☝️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
So technically he made millions of Florida residents pay for a Kidnapping ring? 🤨🤔🤨
gotta just love the states, who receive federal tax money to handle this stuff, still are interfering with federal operations.
@Adrienne King LMFAO yep exactly i am headed out on one of my ranches right now to do work om y driveway with one of my excavators. Now go clean your rental.
And Desantis couldn’t find a plane load of migrants in Florida? Some “invasion”.
I’m starting to be a big fan of.
🔥🔥❤️🇺🇸🔥DASANTIS 🔥🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥☝️❤☝️☝️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Martha’s Vineyard couldn’t handle 50 people??…………50 people!?! the wealthiest of all places in the US and couldn’t manage 50 measly people??? pretty big show for 50 people. must be a pretty big political gang behind this ride in the vineyards.
@Dave Waldon Copy/pasted this all over the thread, and spelled his name wrong, LOL.
This is what we expect from the GoP base.
Who is still allowing this Alice woman on TV? She just got destroyed by Al Franken and apparently she can’t stop embarrassing herself and hasn’t regained her power of speech since then. She just makes a fool of herself every time she appears on air.
Propaganda and lies. She says whatever, regardless of the truth.
I agree 110% with your statement.
Al Franken = Stuart Smally.
It doesn’t matter who they get the Republican spokesperson deals in talking points, when the taking points are destroyed they got nothing left.
Well done Jim and Maria for defending the rights of these poor victims. No empathy at all from Alice, just all about the business… despicable.
@GBWM2021 false. They entered legally seeking asylum.
I love the way she really had no answer she was caught Off guard with his question she Stuttered lol 😂
@Parker Place Give me the materials needed and I would welcome them. As it is, I’m in a 1 bedroom apartment but I’d build them something if I had the funds to do so. But hey, I guess you think– owning the libs-makes you special
@YOR REFUSE It’s a difficult job, it shows how good Jen Psaki was at her job. Nothing personal against KJP , but I don’t think this is the job for her.
In a way, I can kinda understand that it would ease the burden on border states, and help the economy (and the immigrants), if we could spread them out usefully.
I know that Idaho has “space of land,” and agricultural work. I also know that these immigrants are willing to do other work, like meat processing … I’ve harvested walnuts along side them when I was a kid.
Do you like to EAT?
How about drink?
I can’t say that I worked along side my immigrant neighbors picking/choosing grapes, in California wine country … I wasn’t qualified to know the right grapes, so I didn’t.
I’d be willing to bet that these immigrant people heard the word, “Vineyard,” and thought they had REAL work … that you might not know f:ck all about.
Do I think that the Governors of Florida and Texas “conspired” to *hustle* these, very likely, good people to a place that they “shouldn’t” fit in?
Yes. 🤨
Unless you’re predominantly Native American … your ancestors are immigrants. ‘Nuff said.
Agriculture … food.
It’s just my opinion.
I could be wrong. ✌🏼
It is literally the favorite tactic of abusers everywhere to hurt you consistently until you feel gratitude any time they let you have a semi-normal day.