CNN's Jim Acosta calls out GOP members' reluctance to push their supporters to get vaccinated as vaccination rates stall and the Delta variant continues to cause coronavirus cases to surge. #CNN #News
Acosta: People shouldn’t have to die so some politicians can ‘own the libs’

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities
@Marcus #1 you poor ignorant child. Your indoctrination is complete. No further conversation is necessary.
@Nera Kar it is happening right now! Lol
@Richard Smith no further conversation is necessary because you know every single word I typed is true. We can agree on that for sure….enjoy your day!
@EVERREADY TO PLAY hahaha six of those Texas democrats got infected that left Texas to flee from the voting bill. Nice try. I’m vaccinated with the Trump vaccine and love Trump. And you democrats died like flies. That’s a fact
@psycobleach46 tullis let me guess you’re so smart you voted for America last Biden 👎🏿
It is incredible to me that they have allowed politicians to make our health decisions based on the politicians career aspirations.
@Paul can you elaborate on what you mean by Woke cancellation BS?
The Reich-wing politicizes and weaponizes everything. Including a deadly pandemic.
@LD preach brother preach
Jesus commes and this is how He looks like in your heart: Revelation 1 13 like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, 15 his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. ( each time you look on Him and give Him a bigger size as universes as He is much bigger than all created things it gets hotter because of more light.) He forgave us 2000 years ago even future sins.( Israel had a goat to free for 1 year future sins so how much more worth is the blood of God.). Muslems, Jews and Christians awaits Jesus( no one awaits Paul or Muhammad to comme from heaven for us) In the begginning was the Word and it is the true God.( without the word was nothing made.. word like by computer. God gave earth to humans and humans gave earth to devil so God became flesh to redeem humanity while dying on cross and ressurrecting on third day as a firstfruit so we can becomme like Him God in flesh. (because of this we count time BC (before Christ) and AC (after Christ) 9r AD which is same .: (under favourites list you find good preachings of others on my channel). Blessings dears and head up.
I could not agree more. They are not doctors and they are not getting their advice from doctors or the data.
Should MGT be arrested for threatening to kill a state/federal employee?
@Dicky Jones how so?
I think it’s considered… Inciting the murder of State & Federal Officials..
@Allan Gibson They are different, but more importantly are different in size? colds and flus are larger than Covid which is at .3 microns.
@Allan Gibson Masks do not stop a virus that is .3 microns because if you look at the mask indicators the claim is for viruses and particals much larger than that. Do you know what it says about the Covid virsus being .3 microns? Why don’t you go there and see for yourself. It doesn’t handle .3 microns which is what Covid is. The numbers are the facts and not what you or your favorite show CNN says of what you want.
@Allan Gibson “The low infection rates of influenza means it vanished first. Colds are a different group of viruses”
Simple question: When you get sick, do you go to a doctor or a politician?
@Jusuf Agung well when they create a virus in a lab then leak it into the public then flip flop on how to combat such virus on a weekly basis then rush a vaccine into production and blame people for not wanting to take it meanwhile you can still get contract and spread such virus and also create new strains with the vaccine instead of obtaining natural immunity all while censoring people off the internet who may disagree or have other natural ways of fighting corona….. yea it becomes hard to trust anyone now a days.
Neither. You stay home, take a hot bath, drink some water, sleep, and get well as the body does it’s thing naturally.
Probably doctor if I need one but certainly not Fauci.
Jesus commes and this is how He looks like in your heart: Revelation 1 13 like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, 15 his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. ( each time you look on Him and give Him a bigger size as universes as He is much bigger than all created things it gets hotter because of more light.) He forgave us 2000 years ago even future sins.( Israel had a goat to free for 1 year future sins so how much more worth is the blood of God.). Muslems, Jews and Christians awaits Jesus( no one awaits Paul or Muhammad to comme from heaven for us) In the begginning was the Word and it is the true God.( without the word was nothing made.. word like by computer. God gave earth to humans and humans gave earth to devil so God became flesh to redeem humanity while dying on cross and ressurrecting on third day as a firstfruit so we can becomme like Him God in flesh. (because of this we count time BC (before Christ) and AC (after Christ) 9r AD which is same .: (under favourites list you find good preachings of others on my channel). Blessings dears and head up.
The standards for Harvard, Stanford and Oxford don’t seem to be very high if these guys went there.
What’s up? Jealous because you couldn’t get in?
@Wallace Naylor Florida blows
@Sacha Vasiliev “WHAT ABOUT!?!!?!” lol…. pathetic little snowflake.
We already know you can get into most prestigious universities if you have the right amount of money! Even Trump has a fake degree because his daddy “donated” a hefty sum of money 💰
@Vintage Glee President Trump didn’t go to a prestigious school. He went to a millitary school, for well off people for sure, and graduated in the middle of his class with a business degree. Try again Gleeful Idiot.
Dear Mr Hawley – Joe Biden may be to the left of you ( would not be difficult), and to the left of the rest of the GOP ( again, would not be difficult), but, he is not far left.
You’re right he’s not. Everybody else in his administration and the people pulling his strings sure are though.
Man, Jim Acosta is really at batman level already. Dark but right.
At least Asa can admit when he’s wrong..
A government official encouraging people to break laws? 🤔
0:21 yeah…that seems like the right thing to do sir, I don’t see what’s wrong.
But, but… what about mah FREEDUMB?
John Kennedy…. Straight out of “Deliverance”! Squealer.
Hi maire how are you? Hope you are fine and safe
It is frightening that people like this are actually elected politicians in America.
The only experts they listen to are the ones from their banks telling them how much money they’re making.
FOND MEMORIES: Madam Bleach Bit 💻
⚫”Like with a cloth?” – HRC
Watching too much of the news can really stir up some emotions, can’t it?
Acosta still around? Why isn’t he also talking about Arizona Dem Senator Tony Navarrete that
has been arrested Thursday evening in connection to a child sex crime? He’s never relevant.
I agree – stop playing politics and close the border instead of bringing in new cases of covid..
When will it end, we will be dependent on the government and their shots in instead of our own immunity.
“The Science” is not to be confused with actual science.
Yes…the first , which we have here is “Politically Motivated Science”!…then there is the actual Science from the Scientists that NEVER get any time from the Main Stream Media!
Praise be to science 🙏🙏🙏
@creamiegoodness Praise be to REAL SCIENCE..not that from the FLIP=FLOPPERS like FAUCI who makes $468,000 per year from the US TAXPAYER!
And now the sickening facts of Fauci funding horrible torture and death to dogs. He is the animal and let’s put the flesh eating bugs on him. This will probably be censored.
“The road to hell is paved with Ivy League degrees.”
Well in this case, the road to hell or the the bad route is obviously sickness and death ☠️
Josh Hawley always looks like he’s trying to read the last line on the chart.