Former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham reacts to the former president's team's claim about boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago. #CNN #News
Acosta calls Trump team’s finger-pointing ‘almost comical’

Former Trump White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham reacts to the former president's team's claim about boxes recovered from Mar-a-Lago. #CNN #News
Are newspaper clippings even a thing in 2022? Trump thinks we are all idiots. He is right, at least as far as his supporters go.
@willysnowman are you always wrong or is today a special occasion? President Trump did in fact receive an invitation.
Here finally
Calling stolen money stacks of paper does not change the nature of the crime. Why are we entertaining this excuse a 5 year old would say?
@Crossed Rifles you mean this years “but what about her emails”
Yes I’m very eager to hear how they claim it’s news clippings. Let’s see them lie themselves into ridiculousness.
When this gets to court, remember Roy Cohn, “Don’t tell me what the law is, tell me who the judge is.”
@Mdebacle What do you think Roy Cohen would say about Trump’s decision to double down on doubling down? Double down more….?
@Rocky Power Roy Cohn would be impressed by the way Trump engineered this whole scenario.
1) Take documents,
2) Provoke a search and seizure,
3) Play the persecuted martyr,
4) Get the MAGA mob riled, get the bootlickers (Murdoch, DeSantis, Graham) back in line,
5) has his own flunky judge Cannon in position,
6) has 2024 nomination secured. Mission accomplished.
Here finally
ACCOUNTABILITY is on the ballot
CHOICE is on the ballot
DEMOCRACY is on the ballot
Trump for ever in prison at GITMO 2024 !!!!
Vote blue for liberal hive mind and the world economic forum agenda
Here finally
November 8, make your plan and get to the polls!
Let me guess, trump also thinks the Constitution is newspaper clippings? There is no law this man will not violate to make a buck.
@Anson Arnold Bonezpuz lost AGAIN
@Harold Moore look buddy, Hillary lost. What does this have to do with anything?
@Sean McCartney yep, she did but at least she won the popular vote. Something Trump has never accomplished.
The only way to fix it is to vote them all out. Register if you haven’t done so, take a day off and make sure you go and vote and remind everyone else to do so. It is important.
@Nanker Phelge Why did they stop counting? – Donald Trump
@Nanker Phelge
We live in a Republic not a Democracy..I don’t truly hate anyone ..I’m very upset with our government though on both side’s..
From Australia – please America do this. We are sick and tired of this Trump cult. We want to see an America free from this never ending idiocy.
No way should those scam lawyers get to see or even hold any classified documents.
@Rough Habit Of course you don’t care since you or a family member aren’t US agents in a foreign country. Another patriot like Mango Mussolini and Moskow Mitch.
If I would have stolen a single page which was only classified as confidential…..the FBI would have kicked my door and tossed me in some dungeon and lost the key…..others playing golf.
@Borneo Man no we are a constitutional republic
Here finally
Put him in jail. Will be wild.
No you translate to English
@psycho supposeiam Since YouTube doesn’t stop this nonsense, they most certainly condone it.
Here finally
Half of Washington should be ! Those clowns in west wing too !
Trump: “Nice country you’ve got there…
It’d be a real shame if something bad happened to it…”
The GOON SQUAD is “…stand(ing) back and stand(ing) by.”
Here finally
The thing about Donnie is that he only insinuates threats because he doesn’t have the balls to make real ones. That’s how he gets away, by later feigning ignorance.
His “work” consisted of his daily coloring book.
He has a stack of old mcdonald’s kids menus. It’s not just coloring, its paint by number and a crossword. It’s the exact same menu every day, but he doesn’t know that.
Love it!

Here finally
Trump knows how to make clumsy mob-boss threats of violence. Do we have any judges who will admit to knowing his meaning?
@Nanker Phelge 750 on this one.
Last fight
Did you just threatened me? I know what you really meant.
This is the greatest movie ever. Trump is fooling everyone.

Isn’t it a stretch to call Grisham trump’s “press secretary”, when she never had a single press conference!?
@Sean McCartney How can you see what is not there?
@mel welker So true. The real press secretary for the Orange U Tan was Kayleigh “I will never lie to you” McEnany. They had to scrub the Press Secretary podium with industrial strength Lysol when that one left the room.
She was the twitter secretary, she never spoke from a podium!
She may have been a secretary that Trump once pressed. Urk!
Well, no it’s not a stretch. She never gave a press briefing but she did hold the job for a while, during which time it was her official title. And at least according to her book, her time in that role coincided with a hold on that type of press briefing. Trump, or Meadows or one of another few of Trump’s minions with the kind of authority to make that kind of decision wanted that kind of daily briefing to stop for a while for some reason at that time, I guess. Not sure if it’s true or not, but that’s according to her. It’s not hard to imagine though.
Getting Stephanie Grisham’s promise that Pat Philbin is a “righteous, moral attorney” is *like a DIRTY COP vouching for the integrity of their partner of 15 years.* _Just consider the source before you accept her word on it._
She got frog lips.
She rehabilitated herself and the cash keeps pouring in with her disciplinarian schtick. The gal is such a small human being. All the botox and lip injections in the world cannot mask the stench.
Here finally
Don’t forget about that May 2021 plane flight where Tweety’s accomplices loaded boxes & boxes of something into his getaway jet.
had a MAFIA Boss told a DA there would be big trouble if he got indicted, it would just add 20 years onto a two year sentence he would have gotten for contempt.
Bingo !
And what about the boxes he just put on a plane to his secondary homestead? Ought to warrant up that place as well.
1 Cindy Rink Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Here finally
So embarassing.These are supossedly mature, adults, who just oblantly lie! Shameful behavior
Here finally
@Jay Cee well I understand how you feel being a trump supporter. You guys are some of the weirdest creation’s on Earth. If you’re not a trump supporter then I’m sorry.
@Anson Arnold being that you think that let me know you’re not the brightest crayon in the box. But ok.
*This is what actually happened. This video is not for children, it’s shocking* VIEDAYS.TK
Mr.Dunn – respect for you.
Here finally
No don’t do it
Last fight
It’s utterly infuriating that they all knew, and no one said anything at the time. Now they all want to cash in and get pats on the back in retrospect. They’re all complicit. 100%. Deplorable is FAR too nice a word.