As the House voted to eject Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Budget and Education and Labor committees – 11 Republicans ultimately joining Democrats to do so – gun control activist David Hogg joined MSNBC’s Ari Melber to react to the historic vote and to discuss the importance of accountability. Hogg, who had been harassed by Greene before she took office, asserting “this is about the safety of our democracy and the people who work within it,” not difference of opinion. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 2/4/2021.
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#Parkland #DavidHogg #MSNBC
'Accountability': Parkland Survivor And Activist David Hogg On Greene’s Ejection
MTG is not the GOP fringe, she is their hand selected poster child.
@thesun collective147 your absolutely stupid
@Tsubadai Khan exactly! Without Christian leaders were all f**cked
MTG…I like that.
@Joel Racicot You can’t even insult somebody intelligently, hey dumbo, the United States is a Constitutional Republic. It’s in our Pledge of Allegiance for your reference next time, Lmao!
Anytime you need a lesson in Engles-Marx Socialism/Communism, Maoism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Anarcho-Communism Christian Communism, Libertarian and Islamic Communism, or even Fascism you come to me. I’m well read in all of it. I’ve even read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky and the Antifa Handbook by Mark Bray, I got you. Bring it on big mouth, anytime!
How awesome to see an intelligent young person speaking out, showing signs of future leadership. Hope for the future!
Hopefully, we have millions of crazies in America..
Who are the 11 republicans that has the balls to say NO THIS IS NOT RIGHT
@Mary I believe you, but I don’t believe a guy whose used his trauma to gain stature in a political party. You ever hear of Kyle Kashuv? Probably not, ask yourself why David Hogg got so much media attention, while Kyle Kashuv was completely written off by the media.
@Mr Deplorable2020as an old straight male I’m probably not your type, however I didn’t accuse you of any of those things but you did avoid my point. Red scare 2.0.
Yeah! We all want to see their names so we can support them in future elections.
@Shelli Belli LMAO! Yeah, bad precedent for her career. She’s already getting censored in her own state by her own party.
Good job Democrats for rejecting her committee assignments. She was only their to spread misinformation and block Democratic process anyway.
@God Forgive Us Our Democrats and me, a conservative recent ex-repub.
There were 11 Republicans that joined in the vote to remove her from commitees (I know she should not have been on them to begin with) If we don’t give credit where credit is due then people might be less likely to go against party lines in the future.
Democratic process involves free speech doesn’t it? I guess its now illegal to have certain thoughts.
This country is quickly becoming a banana republic. When you can’t compete, rid yourself of the competition.
MTG is the evil spawn of he-who-shall-no-longer-be-named, aka Evil Orange.
president reject
@geofo60 Geof Harris Ditchwater Donnie the ginger menace
I do like the name,evil orange for trumpy.
From now on he will be called by me,evil orange. Margie,AKA a qnon supporter and a evil orange sucker.
Good riddens,to bad rubbish.
Good work house dems, for voting her out of the committees she was given.Truly deserved.
Ftis that
oh yes
11 republicans who are brave enough to realize an evil person.
Ttis that
oh yes
How is she evil? If she doesn’t think it happened well what can you do? It wasn’t like she was the one hurting people.
@Mr Deplorable2020 That’s because you can’t have independent thought. Get in line or we’ll destroy you. You have a job? That creates Independence and there’s no need for the government. They can’t compete so they destroy. They can’t win legitimately so they cheat.
@Mr H You are absolutely correct, and the problem is, the Democrats are the Nazis they accuse everyone else of being. All of the rhetoric can’t hide their fear of a massive resurgence of populism in this country. It was never about Trump, it was about getting rid of them!
Tonight, “Check and Balance” is being restored based on School House Rocks.
Ttis that
oh yes
This young man needs to run. He has more intelligence and eloquence and then green does. Find job young man
@Ray Isaac
Fuzzy or not, you’re not listening to our politicians. You’re enabling them by dismissing them for watered down moderate leftists.
Donald Trump argued strongly for the stimulus too, does that make him a Democrat? I’m listening to them, and watching them.even closer and their telling me what their going to do. I’m going to judge them because my freedom and country are about to take a nasty turn for the worse and they are driving the ship. I don’t want my country to be like yours in any way. You still pay loyalties to the British the crown, your police are beating mothers in the streets and hauling them off to jail for violating mask mandates, hardly civilized. My country is moving fast towards a Socialist economic downturn and there isn’t any proof otherwise you can provide to the contrary.
@Lauren Walker I’m glad you’re recovering from your addiction, I have no issues with your feminism or your sexuality. You’re wrong, even though you’re left leaning, that doesn’t have any bearing on how I view you. That sucks you think I’m so shallow. I care about YOU as a human, not a leftist, not a bisexual or a former addict. I was simply trying to tell you, I hear an awful lot of contradictory and hypocritical comments predominantly from Democrat politicians. If I’m wrong, correct me. But don’t think because you affiliate yourself with a different political party your worth less than anyone else.
@Mr Deplorable2020 Everyone, this self-proclaimed “deplorable” is pathetic; your comments make him gleeful.
Hes a wannabe libertarian who listens to Joe Rogan and then the fringe guests Rogan platforms….
Mr. Deplorable, could you call in to the Majority Report and challenge Sam Seder?
Is your voice like your sage, Ben Shapiro?
@Lauren Walker He watches Shapiro and Alex Jones.
Did you contribute to the 6 January organizing fund Alex Jones hawked? Are you going to hold a sign at Alex Jones’ upcoming trial?
If they don’t kick her out, there will be more like her show up and coming in to the white house.
She lies and continues to lie. Elected officials should be held to a higher standard of behavior. She has to be held accountable for her lies.
There held to a lower standard, any other job she would be escorted out.
Ted Cruz is there and is an embarrassment, this coming from me from a third world country. The republican party looks as looney as some politicians here, that is terrifying.
What are you talking about? Do you think she’s the only House Representative to lie? Or are there good lies and bad lies? If the Democrats tell a lie it’s ok, if a Republican does it it’s wrong? As McCarthy said, this is a power grab by the Democratic party.
Ftis that
oh yes
This young man is wise.
When I saw how Greene harassed this young man on the street, I don’t know how he kept his cool. Greene should be expelled from every federal property and from the US – and sent to an island far far away to live with her fellow violent QAnon pals. Another planet would be preferable. They are a blot on not just the US but humanity.
He got that way through horrible experience
@Christine Wright “I don’t know h ow he kept his cool”, I suspect because he’s far more mature than most people in his age group, not to mention being in a school shooting can add a couple years to your psyche
Unfortunately, yes.
He’s smart but not wise.
Let’s be clear: this woman is NOT the victim.
She is receiving what any adult should. It’s a shame that she should have to be reprimanded for speaking in violent language.
No politician should speak like this. It is unacceptable. Zero tolerance!
It is not the culture of civil disagreement upon which this nation was founded. It is corrosive and dangerous to allow it. It must not be so.
She bullies and harasses the survivors and disrespects the victims and the dead by calling these poor massacred children and their grieving family’s “actors”. Sick. Absolutely sick. Beyond deplorable.
I find this young man so incredible, I’m sorry his youth was ripped from him, but he destined for many great achievements .
Ttis that
oh yes
This young man and his class mates have been through enough without some phyco woman threatening them especially a frickn crazy congress woman. Unbelievable , why is she still in congress?!?!?!
So relieved Democrats did not back down! Great job everyone!
David, I am so sorry for the terrible things Taylor-Greene said to you.
McCarthy said she retracted her previous statements in their closed door meeting? It is NOT retracted until she goes on NewsMax or OAN and tell it to her people. Otherwise, its BS.
She is a Female version of Trumpet, but She’s No Lady.