Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg reacts to Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill, claiming it could lead to an increase in suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth. #CNN #News
‘Absolutely’: Pete Buttigieg on whether ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill is dangerous

I am a history teacher, and I will not STOP teaching factual history.
@Ke He so you support pedophiles?
@Junksaint you’re Delusional where do you see that happening anywhere in America right now ? Please point it out or show an example other wise you’re just talking out your butt
@Kc 82 what the hell are you talking about what Truth are you referring to did you even read what is in the bill ? Do you even know what’s going on? Or are you like 99.9% all democrats that don’t even look into the truth and just believe what you see on tv and social media the bill is to stop children young as 8 from being forced to learn about sexual preferences at that age they need to be focused on school not what gender or sexuality they Identify as they are to young to make that choice how do none of you see how the pedophiles have taken control of the schools and you say you love your children shame on you
@II nosferatu II correct! And they also band the game tag because the person that is tagged is called ” it” and can be hurtful to their self-esteem also they banned dodge ball because it can encourage school shootings lol. the Democrats = pure hypercritics
I can’t believe how many pedophile supporter’s here
We need Federal Laws to over ride horrendous state laws.
Was anticipating the next act of the fascist mob in America. Insecure scared straight white boys and their whiney biotches can’t stop at threatening persons of colour or different faith, one the goose steppers are after us. Thankful that there is a border blocking this discrimination and their violent hordes. America has become filled with addicted adrenaline junkies that use hate and violence to get their fix.
@James Montgomery because socially it’s not moot and that’s not how the legislature works. For laws to be considered unconstitutional we have a judiciary. See article 3 of the US const. Socially it is sending a clear message to a super minority. It is literally telling kids that they are wrong, dirty, less than, should be unspoken. America is about diversity. Hard stop.
spoken like a true communist
Pete is a really good guy and I’m straight. I live in south bend Indiana where he was mayor and he may be a fairly young politician but he’s definitely got the nations best interest at heart and he’s more than willing to work with the other side of the Isle in order to get things done faster without petty bickering. A great guy and great politician and I sincerely hope one day he does become the first openly gay president of the united states and this comment is coming from a straight person who’s not homophobic
@True Fact what do you mean you would be??? You are !!!! and that is FACT!!
@Michael Ferrari G OMG
you burnt me on that one so badly
but FYI I do own a vehicle an old school bettle bug in fact and I’m not on welfare I have a job at none of your business making approximately none of your business. Any more assuming digs you want to toss my way because it’s so damn easy to put a Republican in their place because hardly any them have the capability to understand anything outside of what Donald Trump allows them to think 

@Michael Ferrari it’s so obvious now why in the dictionary the word “Republican” is right in the middle between reptile
and repugnant 
now who just got burned…..
such a mindless, empty comment. how sad that people like you actually exist. hes been a disaster as transportation secretary and failed as mayor. You people are utterly incapable of looking past shallow personality traits.
@Gary Marino ignorance? He’s correct. You people are insane if you think this guy should be president
Aren’t there some people that claim special snowflakes are triggered by words? Were they the snowflakes all along?
sodomy is the correct term
*The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.UNO222

_Let’s take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into the content for us_
@melody hallelujah And what’s it to you, pumpkin?
@David Bowersox that’s a pretty bold statement. Almost like how Chris Cuomo got canceled for sexual assault charges.
Projection always
Florida seems to be moving into another reality almost daily
sodomy is the correct term
God bless Florida for being amazing!
Yes. Farther away from the dystopian nightmare of blue states.
@William Royer Desantis doesnt want to answer questions? And you voted for Joe Biden? The guy rushed out of the room by his handlers every time the press tries to get a question in? Jim Jones was a dedicated socialist btw. You lefties are truly brainwashed beyond repair
This just about k-3 like these kids are 5-8 thats all its banning schools im not seeing problem past that point there is no legislation
Legislating language has always been proven to have disastrous consequences.
@Matthew Curry I m sorry you are not making any sense. The subject of equality is part of the curriculum. You can’t address the subject without addressing diversity, and you can’t address diversity without addressing race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, intelligence, autism, the constitution, genetics, religion, etc. If you leave any of these factors out, the teaching becomes corrupted. Why your obsession with sexual ‘kinks’? You don’t need to discuss those when teaching about diversity and equality. Are you alright? You don’t seem entirely coherent.
L MN 9p
@Sophie Dockx I think you should read the bill.
@Tom Beacher it already happens in canada and new York it’s legit a crime lol how stupid
@Sophie Dockx I have a distinct feeling you didn’t read the actual legislation. I’m not sure how keeping people from talking about any sexual topics to primaryschool children is disastrous. I’m not sure how sexualizing children is beneficial unless you’re a groomer or you support people like Epstein.
I think we all can agree that we need a “don’t say Ron DeSantis bill”
Hey, Trump asked you to drink a cup of the poison punch, not the whole darn barrel. You literally don’t see the irony in your statement, do you?
@Amy Hogarten MSNBC’s contracting viewership may be broadly characterized as belonging to the subset of Americans most susceptible to social hysteria. Starting from a constant preoccupation with racism they devolved to shrill accusations of “fascism!” and now, a continuous state of paranoia about “Russian agents” and “domestic enemies”.
When historians chronicle this period, they may have this to say about the American Left: _they were insane towards the end_
@Amy Hogarten

what do you think COVID is? I have already had COVID. Unlike you I am actually healthy and take care of my body. Maybe you should of put more thought into your health before this whole thing started. You obviously don’t have much faith in that vaccine you cheerleader so hard for, because if it works the way you people say it does. Then you don’t have anything to worry about. Yet you are still scared to death and think you have the right to force others to do things because of your irrational fears. Not today Karen, not ever.
@aurora_occidentalis Should they include all the “Q” horsesh^t too, dummy?
we need to pass a bill to prevent democrat locusts from moving to red states.
In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan fed the American people his fantasies about how we all deserved to have anything we wanted because we were Americans and get it without great sacrifice. This particularly irked me at the time because it took my father ten years to save up to buy a modest stereo system he had dreamed of owning, and which gave him hundreds of hours of pleasure the rest of his life. My uncle, a carpenter, spent ten years of his life, as did his wife, taking a day here and a day there on weekends to build their modest dream house in the country so they could move out of a city apartment. Reagan gave us to believe all that was unnecessary. Now, there was one way for manufacturers of nearly everything under the sun to provide everything everyone wanted at a cost they could afford while keeping their shareholders raking in the dividends: reduce costs by sending jobs overseas and automating, both putting millions of Americans out of work. Unions warned about this and were ignored by successive presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, so frightened were they of calling out Reagan’s fantasies for what they were. The American people made their choice: acquire more stuff cheaply instead of less stuff made in America by workers earning decent wages. They were goaded into this by politicians and corporations, but also the media. Apparently, most Americans thought that other Americans would lose jobs, but theirs would be safe. That was a seriously wrong assessment of how capitalism works. Now paying the price and all bent out of shape, because they can’t buy as much stuff they don’t need as they used to on what they are earning, some of them doing everything in their power to extend the COVID emergency by not masking, social distancing, sanitizing and getting vaccinated. The funniest thing is that they are blaming pointy-headed, nerdy professors instead of those people living a lavish lifestyle, doing no productive work and raking in the dividends. Pres. Biden isn’t perfect, but any president who keeps saying, “Buy American,” has the right idea…finally.
It’s not reagens fault humans are, well human. He was just appealing to certain parts of them (us).
Efficiency (for apes perspective) is part of the future in the illusion that we’ve hacked entropy (e.g. click now and get it today)
I’m totally in agreement about changing government through time to make sure our well being is still baked in the system. Trouble is you (we) sound too “Bernie” if we warn of the actual impending problems we need to solve. I hope we solve some of them
Trump said buy American also,but …
One of my favorite things about Secretary Buttigieg is his bravery being forthright about his family. “Don’t say gay” crowd are cowards. FFS, they’re afraid to go to Walmart without being overtly armed.
Be careful Catya it’s now “Don’t say the G word”.
sodomy is the correct term
We are not cowards sweetie…. Some topics are just not age appropriate …. You obviously just read headline….
What’s his pronoun
@alejandromolinac Its nut.. They call ppl with common sense stupid and dont even realize the bill is only for Kindergarten to 3rd grade. I bet most of the ones triggered wouldnt want an adult talking to their 5 year old about sex
I’m straight and I love Pete. He’s my favourite American politician. His good nature doesn’t fit American standards, but a man can dream that will eventually change.
@Warren Parker Triggered MAGA snowflake…
@Warren Parker have you even spoken to a democrat? This idiotic line of reasoning is only parroted by right-wing taking heads.
sodomy is the correct term
@DaKrawnik420 I feel the exact same way as you do.
Oh my god !!! I thought you were serious when I first read this !!!! Hahahahahahaha I know no one is this dumb or so far removed from reality to say that so obviously you are kidding
Anyone ever heard of sex ed? These days, it’s impossible to teach sex education without bringing up the vastly different orientations and the way that people identify themselves. What about history? Harvey Milk? The Stonewall Riots? Gay marriage being passed into law? These are fundamental history lessons that CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be erased! Just because people have a problem with it doesn’t mean it should be erased from history. Slavery, for instance, is a hard topic to discuss, but it’s a part of our history that should never be forgotten.
It is nice to see someone thinking in terms of cultural history instead of sex.
CNN news for today……A jury trial has been ordered in a 2019 lawsuit against CNN’s Don Lemon, who is accused of rubbing his balls in a Hamptons bar and forcing another man to smell his fingers.
@Drought Tolerant ok. But why do you guys get to act the fool sometimes and nobody ever says look what straight people are like
Why do i gotta be a billboard for the gays when im being nutty? Straights dont
@Scott Jeune? Just be you. I was reporting on a story… is more After two years of delays in which Lemon repeatedly opposed a jury trial (instead, asking for a ‘bench’ trial in front of just a judge), Lemon will face judgement for his alleged actions.
“[Lemon] put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff’s mustache and under Plaintiff’s nose,” reads the complaint filed by plaintiff Dustin Hice in Suffolk County Court.
“Lemon intensely pushed his fingers against Plaintiff’s face under Plaintiff’s nose,” the lawsuit continues, “forcing Plaintiff’s head thrust backward as Defendant repeatedly asked Plaintiff ‘Do you like p—y or d–k?’ While saying this, Mr. Lemon continued to shove his fingers into Plaintiff’s face with aggression and hostility.”
@Drought Tolerant
Why are you changing the subject? Whataboutism?
It never ceases to amaze me at the depths of fragile masculinity.
Calm down, groomer
yeah, people like Brian Stelter, Jim Acosta, Chris Cuomo, etc
@Charles Charlemagne brain ” don’t trust joe rogan!!! Trust me !!! I don’t understand why you don’t trust us ! ” Lol
Everything in life takes a process you can’t just switch to Electric just like that it takes time but a lot of patience
This is ridiculous neither one of the people read the Bill it only covers group sex education in class for 5 to 8 years olders but one on one talk is fine
This law applies to kindergarten-3rd graders.
Why is no one saying what the bill says? From what I’ve gathered its that you don’t talk about sex and sexuality/sexual orientation to kids in primary level grades. I’m struggling to see how that is dangerous, the real danger are the people salivating at the thought of talking about that to kids and to expose children to sex as early as possible. The fact that this segment went out of its way to avoid telling the audience what the bill was is very telling. The bill doesn’t single out LGBT, it’s any and all sexuality including heterosexuality. Read the bills for yourselves and come to your own conclusion, it’s 4 pages long and CNN certainly doesn’t want you reading it because most people would think it’s reasonable.
The “Don’t Say Gay” bill bans the teaching of sexual identity in primary schools. I’m curious…does it also bar the teaching of conventional sexual identity in primary schools? Does it become illegal to portray a man and woman married to each other as that teaches heterosexuality?