CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta discusses the danger of Fox News host Tucker Carlson's comments that are perpetuating the spread of vaccine hesitancy among his audience.
#DrSanjayGupta #CNN #News
CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta discusses the danger of Fox News host Tucker Carlson's comments that are perpetuating the spread of vaccine hesitancy among his audience.
#DrSanjayGupta #CNN #News
He’s smart enough to know how dumb his audience is and speaks their language.
Your eyeliner is poisoning your brain
@Jamin Broughton what kind of loser goes on YouTube to make statements like this?
Like CNN viewers. LOL. Keep the fear alive. Keep the hate alive.
Looks like someone believes in CNN, let me guess unicorn is a gender too?? CNN said it is LOOOOOL
If we aren’t allowed to lie or spread false information on social media without potentially having our accounts shut down, then why are those on Fox News even still relevant because….. All they do is lie and spread false information!
@James cox I never said Fox is a trustworthy news media or that they never lie. However, you seem to deny that CNN does that. You should look into what Charlie Chester said. He’s CNN’s technical director and said that CNN is “propaganda,” “wanted to take Trump out of office,” “wanted to make Joe Biden look young and cool,” “will fear-monger climate change next.” If that’s not fake news, then I don’t know what is.
After he was telling people to call the police every time they see a child with a mask, I was so mad I went on Twitter and tweeted back to somebody that Tucker Carlson was Offically Reta%$ed and they kicked me off for 7 days and told me I was using hate speech. But let these A-hole’s keep saying whatever they want and put others lives at risk and nothing happens.
@reality No, Nadda, at least we didn’t try to overthrow the Government!!!! How is that truth and justice and every Republikkkan is a bold faced lier!!

The people from Fox don’t even take Fox “News” seriously themselves….beyond comprehension that millions of people do!!
@RBC DAWG, This post is flagged as false and misleading.
@RBC DAWG pause for a second..
In all seriousness, on the run up to the 2016 election we’re you on message boards telling people that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex trafficking operation out of the basement of a pizza place?
Be honest..
@Geoffrey K It be easier to flag the ones that he posts that are
Jumping back on Tucker (Something a female has never said for $1000, Alex R.I.P. )
I really can’t understand why so many people like him. I don’t see how more people don’t see through his smugness and the “whoa is me” bs. He’s the poster child of being an entitled elitist rich frat brat but yet has blue collar workers believing he feels their pain. Seriously, if anyone doesn’t know Tucks family history, just check out his Wikipedia page. His dad was already a multi millionaire, president of CBS and a former diplomat till he married tucks stepmother, an heiress to the Swanson family food dynasty when he was 9. And hus full name has Swanson in it. Which is kinda strange but probably a calculated move by the Tuckster.
The guy hasn’t done a day of manual labor in his life. Never had to worry about a bill or food, yet he whines in his rants about being oppressed because he’s white and worried about “his” country changing because the skin colors are starting to get darker.
What exactly is Tuck so concerned about? More people of color at the exclusive country club? Seeing more Hispanics on the road while he’s getting chauffeured around?
He has had zero life experience, he was on the air giving commentary in his mid 20’s.
I don’t understand how average Americans think he gives a $hit about them or that in some way they are going through the same problems in life.
He’s got 3 moves.
1. The dumbfounded mouth breather face when he’s pretending to listen to a guest.
2. Doing that shtick of a monologue of just asking a bunch of questions in smug condescending way, then playing Mr. Innocent, saying “I’m just asking questions”.
3. And the aforementioned “this doesn’t look like my country ” routines of false outrage and oppression.
Someone explain to me how people buy into his bullshit? It’s almost a parody at this point. They don’t even realize that, not only is he mocking them behind their backs, he’s questioning their intelligence to their faces….
He’s basically telling them to ignore 99.5% of the scientists, Drs and experts and believe him. With his BA in history..
What’s worse is people really listen to him..
Think about that. If you went to an Ecologist and they say you have cancer, then 994 other Encologists said you had cancer.. if you happen to run into Tuck at the Piggly Wiggly and he told you that you didn’t have cancer. Are you canceling your radiation or surgery?
So, why on something as complex as a newer Infectious Disease why would you heed the medical advice of a talking head on a political opinion show? Everything is not political or a conspiracy theory.
I’d like to hear from some Tuck fans. Do you see through his fake ness but like the content or all you all Jim Jones in?
@Geoffrey K Your disinformation about posts has been flagged. Get the complete information or refrain from posting!
Meanwhile Carlson has vaccinated his whole family.
@Alec Pridgen aaahahahahahahaha!!!!

@Bird Brain I bet you’re just chock full o’ reliable and credible sources! hahahaha phuk ¤ff “birdbrain”
@Shawn Whalen Whatever floats your boat, champ.
@Donna Santiago
How vaccines will be used to exterminate billions of humans while amplifying infectious disease on a global scale…..
The mass extermination via vaccines consists of 2 strategies:
1. Lacing the vaccines with new bioweapons viral strains to ensure the continuation of the “outbreak” narrative. Notably, this only requires less than 1% of the administered vaccines to be laced
2. Engineering the vaccines to cause a very high fatality rate upon exposure to a secondary future infection, in a fatal reaction called a “cytokine storm”, which is a hyper-inflammation event that leads to rapid death. Thus, people won’t be dropping dead right away after taking the vaccines . Instead, they will seem fine until the next major bioweapon pandemic hits them, at which point the fatality rate will be extremely high (perhaps as high as 75% averaged across all age groups)
The next strain to be released via the vaccines will be Covid-21, and the Covid-21 strain could be rightly considered the second half of a Binary weapon system that will achieve extremely high kill rates for human beings across the globe
Importantly, the mass die-offs will further justify government lockdowns, quarantines, and medical authoritarianism that grants governments the power to forcefully inject people, kidnap people, imprison people, and even exterminate people at will. The mass hysteria from the sudden wave of deaths will also feed directly into the justification of increased censorship by the Big-tech giants, which will de-platform anyone who discusses the truth about how this entire scheme was planned from the start .
What ends up being created is a feedback loop of death, hysteria and tyranny. The more people die, the more hysteria the media spreads, and the more tyranny is justified by the state. This, in turn, results in higher numbers of vaccine injections, which spread more weaponized viral strains , resulting in another wave of hysteria , and so on. It’s the perfect scam of tyranny and depopulation : The very governments who are building the bioweapons are using them to exterminate the masses, while using the infections to justify their own power to administer the extermination weapons (I.e. vaccines)
Government tyrants are giggling with joy with their newfound powers over life and death.
YouTube has just recently confirmed it will ban all vaccine videos that don’t toe the line of BigPharma and the China-run W.H.O.
We’ve all witnessed the accelerating purges of so-called “anti-vax” channels and speakers across all the major tech platforms. It’s all part of the narrative control that will maintain the information monopolies to keep pushing the vaccines, lockdowns and tyranny that’s killing human beings by the billions.
This is how they pull it off! It’s not the pandemic that’s really killing people , it’s the governments! And any who don’t surrender to the tyranny will be singled out as “threats to public health” then silenced or ‘forcibly removed’
calmnews dot org/2020/10/22/covid-21-is-coming-the-second-half-of-a-binary-weapon-system/
@Shawn Whalen lol. That’s a wall of crazy, and then you just drop that “source” like it’s real.
If you take your medical advice from Tucker…I don’t want to see you with your hand out for help when it all goes bad
@grandma k. What wasn’t under Trump? And F Trump. He was the one who gave Pfizer, moderna, and the others, over $20 billion of our money to create this forced injections. He was the one that pressure them to skip trials, to bring this to market, to help him win this election.
@Kendogg He wasn’t a full time Nazi your honour just like a part time one…. repeated too many times at the Neuremberg trials
Hell if they voted for Trump and his cronies, they all should not be helped.
Trump should be on the air every night on Fox telling his supports that getting vaccinated is being patriotic and saving lives.
@Kendogg The las I looked at it there were 230,000,000 doses given and 0.0017% of them had VAERS reports. That translates to a 0.000017% probability per dose of such an event or 0.000033% probability with two doses. That compares to 2-3% death rate from Covid19.
@2:40 “We could be in much better position if it were not for people like Tucker Carlson…”. No truer words have ever been said.

@Illuminati_Killr Man you are SPOT ON. News this morning two people here in NV got covid went to the hospital and died guess what both of them had both of the shots works real good. We also have 98 cases of people that have had both shots and now have covid.
@Ed Dee Keep on crying please let me send you a blanket and some hot coco.
@Cory Costanzo try this everything you own not made in u.s.a. throw it away then get back at me

@sbd R. can’t handle the truth?
@sbd R. even before he was elected he said we had too much dependence on China
and he was right
I don’t understand who’d even take Tucker Carson’s seriously because he’s one very disturbing guy, And he just loves to lie, lt’s like it gives him a false sense of pride !
How appalling american people believe in fox and sic Tucker
My Trumptard brother thinks Carlson is great. And we’re Aussies. GFF
His rating is way above fakenewscnn lol
@lovelylee48 that’s because he has cornered the Q Bot market.
@lovelylee48 that’s because there are alot of cult followers on fox fake news. Appalling;
Not for the american peoples interest sad!
The biggest irony: I’d bet a hefty sum of money that Tucker got vaxxed as soon as (or before) he was elligible.
@John Steward
I doubt Trump got vaccinated. But since he’s pushing the vax, I don’t trust him. Still, he’s better than Sleepy Joe.
@Nicky L So are you saying that more educated = more sane? Cuz studies show that some of the least educated groups have the best mental health.
Besides, if you got a college education in the US in the last 20 years, you are NOT educated. You are INDOCTRINATED.
@Arthur Torosian
My old phone doesn’t recognize your emoji.
@Natasha Mudford your “think” v/s the experiences of my relatives, one of whom is dead due to COVID while those who got at least one shot survived. I think I know whom to trust
@Deepak D’Souza
Have your vaccinated relatives been exposed to covid yet? Cuz they might die even faster, you knucklehead! At least, according to past animal trials for Corona virus vaccines.
Sorry you lost one relative. I did too. She was morbidly overweight, diabetic, and probably had other health issues. My obese friend lost his obese cardiac patient friend to covid, too. If you are fat, I recommend you get down to a healthy weight. I am at a healthy weight, and I eat nutritious food. I’m not worried about covid, but I am a little concerned about covidiots. Trying to determine if I want to invest in the crematory industry. I expect a huge wave of deaths before the end of this year. Might as well make money off it.
his facial jowels are in a constant downward mold, they’ve formed skin sags like molten sour milk lava, orange stains sagging, dragging ever down down down.. like his soul,
like rudy’s sideburns but orange and milky…
@Keith Rice ” Tucker Carlson at his best”
Barbara – you gave a great description of Tucker. Hell awaits.
Tucker Barr Trump all dour faced jowls
Indeed. Hate and cynicism are known to age privileged, dull C- students (who’ve only been “successful” due to dad’s wealth and political connections) quite ungraciously
What vicious little people you all are, gleeful about being hateful, wow,
Love this “I don’t know if he’s so smart or so dumb”.
He is not dumb. He is doing it to improve his ratings. What a guy.
100 for so dumb please…..Alex! Rip Alex!
Even if you dont like him you cant say hes dumb.
The FBI should round up these traitors, throw them in Brazil and let them live there for a month. I am sure they will change their tone after
Are you referring to the CNN propaganda personalities?
Starting with John Kerry and Hunter Biden.
@Johnny Sam
Send them to india
@Johnny Sam – No, Fox ENTERTAINMENT Show .
Me, my wife and my sister are all in our 70’s.we got the pfizer vaccine in Feb. both shots .my sister got sick last week.she tested positive for covid.she still feels bad but has not had to go to the hospital.
@Paige B lol, make an appointment with a psychiatrist, much needed in your case
@Paige B you talk about propaganda? When you swallowed all of it
@mrwookie72 The vaccine causes their illness.smh
Unfortunately she was one of the five percent the vaccine doesn’t protect. Fortunately, she has some antibodies that should lessen the severity. Hope all goes well for her.
I hope they have communal showers in hell where T. has to pick up his bar of soap every single day.
When Alfred said ‘some men just want to watch the world burn’ – he was talking about people like Tucker Carlson.
@Chaos that’s almost as rediculous as Tucker’s bowtie and feathered hair.
@Waterborne Camper you’re upset cos I insulted fatty Brian. Fact!
@Chaos lol. Sorry to disappoint you – but we dont all go full fanboy for news anchors like you apparently do. Call him a three eyed toad – why on Earth would I care?
Trump should be on the air every night on Fox telling his supports that getting vaccinated is being patriotic and saving lives.
@02markcal if he cared if they lived or died maybe he would, but they’re cash cows, if they aren’t donating money, they don’t matter. And the donating frenzy is over.
My goodness it is doing a number on Dr. Cupta, he is such a great guy. Take is easy doctor you look so stressed.
So sorry for your loss and the shape of your nation. Loved your updates every morning.
They should be fined when saying inaccurate things that can harm people.
@sam rut just needed a response so I could mute you, man. Your rubbish pops up everywhere.
Do you not have the intellectual capability to decipher and hear more than one point of view?
@sam rut they’d be less hostile if you also call out fox news, same as cnn
@sam rut
They should be FIRED for promoting lies that are dangerous and could actually get people killed.
If Tucker Carlson is sent to India for a field report, I won’t be shocked if his report Thumbnail is, “There’s nothing to Report here, Let Me Go Home Now.”
I doubt. I’ve seen American vaccine deniers on CNN’s India-coverage videos. One actually told me that my uncle was faking his death.
@Deepak D’Souza Sooo that’s your evidence?
Very telling bout your intelligence.
@Elisa E. no. You are wrong. I’m from India and I can tell you that the numbers are being underreported although I can’t agree with claims like “10 times”. The government only couns those who were admitted to hospitals for COVID and then died as COVID casualties. If you had symptoms but were not confirmed COVID postive by a test before you died, it is not counted as a COVID death, and even funeral precautions are not taken.
@Mr Smith I’m from India. What do you want to talk about? My dead uncle? Or 2 other relatives who has to spend 2 weeks in a COVID care centre? Or the ambulances that zoom past my house to the nearest COVID centre? Or the massive lines for vaccination? Or my frustration at not getting appointment for my parents’ 2nd dose? Or how fearfully people looked at me the other day when i mildly coughed at a provision store yesterday?
If you take your advice from a man who “needed his girlfriend’s daddy to get into college,” then you deserve whatever comes your way as a result.
Or if we take our advise from liberal soy boys who live in mommy’s basement and work park time at Starbucks. Psh.
@Mr Smith you didn’t buy the masks. So sorry did you want to buy the stocks
One of the most honest and yruth worthy journalists, Glenn Greenwald, recently said he goes on Carlson’s show while avoiding other because Carlson is actually very intelligent.
Far more intelligent than anyone on CNN.
You are falling for and promoting false propaganda.
@bassamakasheh everything you have said here is absolutely false.
Stop lying. You will feel better.
The biggest headache is knowing that these people don’t even believe the stuff coming out of their mouth. They just taking advantage of these people.
It would not surprise me one bit if we find out Tucker jumped the line months ago to get his vaccine like Lindsey, Rubio, and other Republicans did.
Yes; CNN is known for their fake news! Just change the channel!
@Mustang Sally Go girl you must’ve forgot that tucker Carlson came from cnn! Lol
@Sims Fish 1) That’s what science does – as opposed to dogmatism, it changes its stance based on the data. To remain static is to be ignorant. At each iteration of new incoming data on how the virus transmitted, from asymptomatic transmission data in April 2020 which led Dr. Fauci to encourage mask use(along with fewer medical doctors in insanely short supply of masks in Feb/March), to new epidemiological studies in Late Fall/Winter of ’20 which shows more pragmatic efficacy of doubling(doubling is a very common exponential phenomenon in science; so no, “triple masking” is not “what’s next omgurrr?!?!” – diminishing returns is something most high school students learn about in their freshman years).
2) Gaslighting while asking “innocent questions!” most definitely can be giving advice implicitly, especially when you have millions of followers that, according to zip code data at any rate, refuse to wear masks(in Trump counties) compared to liberal counties(and you see some correlative data even within zip codes of conservatives wearing masks or taking vaccines less often).
“How do we grow as a society, if we have to keep doing this?”
We won’t grow until critical thinking skills are taught in school K-12.
Stop listening to CNN! Stop wearing a mask outside or when you’re driving your car that’s how
@Cory Costanzo yet you are here in the CNN comment section…
THERE ARE 33,367,795 Coronavirus Cases and 593,995 Deaths in the UNITED STATES
Last updated: May 07, 2021, 01:00 GMT
@C G yup right in enemy territory…