Lawmakers in Texas and Oklahoma are leading the charge to pass restrictive abortion laws, as pro-life movement turns their eyes toward Roe v. Wade.
RELATED: Abortion: How SCOTUS ruling on Mississippi law could affect states
Ahead of an anticipated U.S. Supreme Court ruling this summer that could overturn Roe v. Wade, some Republican-dominated legislatures are pushing to further scale back abortion rights. Oklahoma enacted a bill this week that makes it a felony to perform an abortion, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Kentucky enacted a law this week that bans abortions after 15 weeks as well as medication by mail used to terminate early pregnancies. While legal challenges are pending, the law already halted abortions at the state's last two abortion providers, with advocates saying it makes Kentucky the first state to effectively end abortions. Some worry that if Roe is overturned, conservative states will push measures that increasingly criminalize abortion or dilute long-standing criminal protections for women involving their own pregnancies.
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#AbortionLaws #RoevWade #SupremeCourt
I understand being prolife. Unfortunately outlawing abortion will not stop women who still choose to terminate their pregnancies. You will only drive them into the shadows.
Ok, so let’s alow all drugs
I had a friend who opted to terminate her pregnancy using non medically approved means. She went into septic shock. Thankfully it she got out without permanent damage.
What I mean is that there will always be a certain percentage of pregnant women who cannot be talked into keeping their pregnancies no matter how much you drown them in reassurances.
Murder is murder
I stand with Planned Parenthood. Keep abortion available, safe and legal for females of all ages. Leave Roe vs Wade alone.
@Diana Hill wtf we’re not talking about adoption
You do realize it’s Good Friday, right? And that Christ died, at least in part, to atone for the scourge of abortion?
@EW Rock Christopher Hitchens and A.C. Grayling: Religion is manmade.
@BARDOCK there might be thousands of people, now or in the future; that want their adoption nullified.
@Diana Hill I pray that you repent before it’s too late.
Bye Bye UKRAINE, bye bye EUROPE, bye bye USA, bye bye NATO, bye bye DOLLAR. Now RUSSIA will speak and YOU will listen. RUSSIA POWER. PUTIN BEST OF THE BEST.

It’s all for votebank
more babies to be raised by Uncle Sam
Abortion in my world is wrong.
its murder