President Donald Trump campaign use doctored photos of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden to try and portray the former vice-president alone and inside. CNN's Daniel Dale reports.
#Trump #CNN #News
President Donald Trump campaign use doctored photos of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden to try and portray the former vice-president alone and inside. CNN's Daniel Dale reports.
#Trump #CNN #News
A failed business man that has filed bankruptcy six times doesn’t have morals or scruples.
Cheated on all three wives too !!
Trump’s mantra: My authority is total but I don’t take responsibility at all.
Right up until they slap the handcuffs on.
Criminal lunatic
With absolute power comes no responsibility.
Less than 6 months
@THE ANGRY QUAD a president who assumes no responsibility diminishes the office. To respect Trump is to disrespect the presidency.
It’s what you do when you don’t have policy or strategy to help Americans (must hear) (2)Hear (3)
2nd and 3rd Video proves both need to be put into a straight jacket.
Time for republicans, Kayleigh McEnany, Kellyannye Conway, Stephen Miller, Fox News to listen to Jesus Christ to find God urgently as Americans are in a dangerous chaos.
Basement Biden!!!
@kaldrazidrim – “don’t have policy or strategy to help Americans” ??? End your Liberal Group-think BULLCRAP. You know that your Mentally-deluded opinion is a total LIE. Shame on you!
What policies are you talking about? Ask the Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas about their treasonous policies.
The puppet of
Putin, his master.
Pfft, I’d like to see Trump attempt to sit on the floor…..even more so, I’d like to see him attempt to get up.
I’d like to see the Dumpster get up from off the floor.
@Joe Biden will impose forced vaccinations on you I am sorry Dr.______ I didn’t get your name but how do you know he has alzheimers?
History professor Allan Lichtman who has correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984 has made his prediction for November. According to his “13 Keys” which are always correct, Joe Biden will be the new president.
Yeah… Pelosi didn’t need help getting up from bending the knee to an anti american/terrorist organization.
If he was alone who took the pictures lol
Duh, Jesus. You didn’t see the second set of footsteps
His negative press that got the best of him
Good thinking Michele
GoKart Mozart but he wants to hurt god
Disgusting. Really glad they got caught and I hope everyone finds out about this.
Just when I think it’s impossible for Trump to stoop any lower….. he has no problem doing it. The depths of his absurdity and vile demeanor is flabbergasting.
IF he can rape 13 year old girls and get away with it, openly have affairs with porn stars while serving as president, hire aliens to work long hours and not pay them and threaten to deport them when they’re done, get coffee tea and package snacks for the Irish cops and send them a bill — and for an absurd amount of money, tear gas his way to a church to hold up a Bible upside down and say things that don’t make sense, launder money, make racist statements about the Chinese “inventing” the virus, sending children to school in a pandemic, etc. etc., this shouldn’t surprise anyone. He also altered a video with a black and a white toddler hugging each other — that was low, too. What will we hear when we wake up tomorrow?
Trump projects what he is, what he does, and what he would do. Remember?
Desperate trump acting like a child like always
As long as we win on November !
@F LPZ Deluded wish
Trump: I’m innocent!
Hitler: me too!
Satan: ummm…I’ll have what they’re having!
George Floyd to Satan : I already ate your plate
@F LPZ ? Pathetic
Dump to Satan, did I do good boss?
Wheatie Sweetie Satan to Dump : you’ve been fired since the day you ran against my daughter Killary
The radical right is going to make us so poor we won’t be able to buy food let alone a gun. Trump is going to over fund the police so they can watch everything we say and do. Police will arrest us like the Gestapo! 911 WILL ONLY BE USED TO TURN IN PROTESTERS THAT SPEAK OUT AGAINST HIS Regime! Police will not be there to help you unless your a gold card party member DUMP Trump now! Save yourself! Say no to commy Trump and CRONIE PUTIN!
If they can’t win fairly, they’ll cheat, and cheat, and cheat and the only one’s buying the snake oil are the deplorable 40% who are stupid.
Trumps already trying to sabotage the mail
Watch all the cheating go on once the voting begins.
It worked the first time
@Poogle Chen Deutsche Bank gonna work this time, too. Wait and watch. He can’t cover up everything. There is always someone out their to give up even the darkest secrets.
40% is still a massive number of people!
don’t assume anything.
trump has no idea what it looks like to pray because he never has, daddy would probably think that was weak !
cnn and democrrats got strong daddys! With big “loving hands” they have so much control issues their dad had to go almost to deep in them prolly
It is what it is. The “NOBODY LIKES ME PRESIDENT” will do anything to get re-elected
Only honest thing he’s said.
Biden like HILLARY are ready to do anything for power.
@Ariki Royal What the hell are you on? Put that pipe down and pay attention!
@J See open your eyes and pay attention, you will see the truth, it’s a plot.
History professor Allan Lichtman who has correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984 has made his prediction for November. According to his “13 Keys” which are always correct, Joe Biden will be the new president.
Trump’s Tombstone
“It is what it is”
Trump’s collective intelligence couldn’t fill a Royal Doulton, hand-painted, periwinkle demitasse cup.
Wow… Intellectual comedy?
Person woman man camera tv.
i miss that show!
” Gob blesh da unined schakes ”
Donald ” Joe Biden is mentally diminished ” Trump.
Roderick Billings :

Yosematry ,
Anybody who takes the witch doctor over real doctors are just as pathetic as the bone spur guy.
The hilarious irony is that Biden’s campaign doesn’t have to doctor/alter any photo, audio, or video of Trump.
good one!
They don’t even have to spend much campaigning
Trump is hanging himself