Avril Haines, the US Director of National Intelligence, discusses Ukraine's current state and the challenges the Russians and Ukrainians are facing. #CNN #news
A top US intelligence official assesses where Russia’s war in Ukraine stands now

Avril Haines, the US Director of National Intelligence, discusses Ukraine's current state and the challenges the Russians and Ukrainians are facing. #CNN #news
I strongly believe that the West should’ve supported Ukraine with more heavy weapons sooner but I’ve honestly been pleasantly surprised by the way things have come together. It seems like Ukraine is able to absorb and utilize that help more efficiently now thanks to the MASSIVE training and logistics infrastructure the allies have built spanning the globe from Bakhmut to Oklahoma!!
Now I just hope all that incredible military aid promised at Ramstein arrives sooner rather than later.
@Bill Gibbard You are hilarious, the Russians needed tremendous military force because the Ukrainians were resisting their invasion, the invaders of our southern border do not need military-style weapons because we are too stupid to resist, so they just march right over by the millions. There wouldn’t be a war in the Ukraine if the Ukrainians were as mindful of their border as we are ours
@YoungJudah02 So the National Socialist German Workers’ Party that was active between 1920 and 1945 in Germany. Has been reborn in Ukraine in 2023? Since this Political Party is trying to gain members. They must be recruiting. Can’t really have a Political Party without members. How many members do they have?
What positions of Ukraine Government do they occupy. Germany outlawed this Political Party. Why didn’t Ukraine?
@YoungJudah02 the National Socialist German Workers’ Party that was active between 1920 and 1945 in Germany. Was created because of the sanctions place on Germany after World War One. So this Political Party is still complaining about he World War One Sanctions placed on Germany?
@On the Trail lol I think you’re arguing my same point
@YoungJudah02 Does the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in Ukraine have a Website? Can you post the link. Or just list it.
Every country has to step up and finalize the war
@joseph A Russia wants to rule the world.
Big words from someone not fighting In the conflict
@Stoni Burke Throw Pootin in prison with the men they’ll take good care of the little guy
Agreed. Allowing this War to continue is only prolonging the suffering of the Ukrainian and Russian people. This World War must be ended decisively, and the appropriate action must be then taken to prevent Putin from ever attempting the invasion of another of his immediate neighbors.
I felt that CNN was somewhat one sided on political issues. However, I appreciate their coverage of Ukraine, and find Fareed Zakaria to be the best and most creditable news person.
As a Canadian I thank the panel for their support for Ukraine. Their statements of support must now be translated in immediate action to defeat the invading forces from Russia!
@Lady Sadie If they become a member of NATO they absolutely could help defend Canada if necessary. More than that a new western aligned trading partner helps increase prosperity.
@Dusty These are worldwide problems and caused by more factors than the war in Ukraine. Abandoning Ukraine at this point will not magically end inflation and would cause far greater problems in the long run.
@Riverside Garden Radio you make sense here
The Russian trolls stir up the thread while pretending to be Canadians.
But now that it is in the evening in Canada the Russian trolls have all gone to bed and won’t be posting for a few hours.
Don’t respond to the trolls! It just feeds them and keeps them going.
They are all RIGHT. It’s up to us to make sure Ukrainians have the weapons they need. WE as the world need to make a stand against Russia. Then we can be more secure.
No country left to save now, Zelensky Traded Ukraine for blood money. He’s just like his boss Igor Kolomoisky.
@Helly Razr ruzzia seems to hate america the most though.
@Lucas yeah ummm can all those sanctions perhaps be a factor??;?!
up to us? you mean you’re parents tax
@Lucas that’s false actually the Russian people like many things American.
What needs to happen are some “three corner deals” like the US suppling South Korea, currently not in an active war, with Abrams turbine powered tanks and in exchange South Korea supplies Ukraine some of their conventional piston powered tanks, all using NATO standard ammo.
A new verb is ‘Scholzing’ it means making promises but doing everything you can not to keep those promises….
Oh,.. you mean Trumping..!
German here, love this! In my friends circle we use it like that: “Stop scholzing (weasel) your way out of it!”
You’re confusing Scholz with Duda. Poland is all talk and doesn’t deliver anything. They are free to send all the tanks they want, but they’d rather point their fingers at Germany.
Lets the 🐆 OUT
@Joal Hoekstra Trump warned us of this mess. You can say what you want about the man but he did.
As a Canadian I can say I am not a fan of our Liberal government. But I do think the support our government is giving Ukraine is a true reflection of how the majority of Canadians feel. Most of us feel strongly that we must help them in everyway we can. We should join with others in NATO and send as many of our Leopard 2 tanks as we can to Ukraine. We need to do this quickly and not wait on Germany to okay it. We could purchase replacement tanks to back fill our needs from Germany and if they refuse to sell us replacements on grounds that we did not give them final approval to send our tanks to Ukraine, then I am sure our British brothers and American cousins would be happy to sell us some of their tanks. Our German friends can still change their position on sending tanks and offensive weapons to Ukraine. But Ukraine needs all of her allies to act now.
Love to hear comments like this from fellow Canadians… let’s all band together and give Ukraine what they need to drive the criminal invaders out of their country..Time is of the essence.🇺🇦✌.
@Víctor they have the tanks in their possession. What’s Germany going to do to stop them. This is war, no one should give a damn about licensing crap. So what if it pisses off the Germans.
I agree about this too. Not a huge fan of the liberals (although they aren’t the worst either),…. but we can all agree about supporting Ukraine.
I think we should send our Leopard 2s and then get some surplus tanks from the States. No doubt the Americans would be happy to sell us something to tie us over until a more long-term solution could be found. And since they are our neighbours and allies, logistics should be feasible.
With canadas infrastructure crumbling this is not a smarr investment
Considering the “problems” that the Germans put in place transferring German made tanks OWNED by the purchasing nations, one would believe that ALL future tank purchases NOT be from Germany! Since it’s obvious that these tanks are NOT being transferred to an ENEMY nation, but to a new Democracy fighting a WAR against an AGGRESSOR who invaded their nation without being THREATENED!
Short summary: Ukraine needs lots of on going help. They are actually fighting this horrible war not only for themselves but for all of us. God bless them. Slava Ukraine.
@cok vdStadt You say that Russians believe whatever Putin says… And if Putin says win, they believe in winning !
That’s why Russia will try to win at any cost… Putin doesn’t aim to lose !
why are they fighting for all of us again?
@Mo Brahma No, That’s not what I wrote. I think you don’t understand the text. For example : I wrote : ‘Because Putin can sell his loss to his people’ etc. So he did already loose his war then but did tell his people that the goals have been achieved or other nonsense. For the Russian Putin believers the special military operation is over then and there will be no shame cause Putin told them goals were achieved. What ever which goal that will be told by Putin. I hope something will be clear to you now.
@cok vdStadt Your words do not represent facts… everything you say is just a personal opinion according to your wishes… And I am not stating things based on your personal opinion, but based on facts !!!
In fact, millions of Ukrainians fled to European countries. Fleeing is defeat, there is no victory by running away…
Ukrainians are cold, without heating due to rotating power cuts, without water,.. Ukrainians are frightened by the sound of alarm sirens, and your personal opinion does not change reality !! face it…
@cok vdStadt And you compare the Soviet Union’s defeat against Afghanistan to Russia’s war against Ukraine… that’s different!
The Soviet Union was fighting in Afghanistan which they did not know, unlike Ukraine where Russia already knew Ukraine well… In Afghanistan all the Afghans fought against the Soviet Union. whereas in Ukraine, there are Ukrainians on Russia’s side…
Sun Tzu once said, The sign of defeat in war is when you see your enemy fleeing without being organized… then build golden bridges for your enemy to flee. if too many cross then the golden bridge will collapse and your enemies die by themselves…
That’s what Russia did. making refugees a burden on the surrounding countries. if too many bear the burden of refugees, the country’s economy will self-destruct. Eventually the refugees will become a problem… Europe can’t realize it because their skin is the same, Europe can quickly realize if only the skin is different !!!
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” Winston Churchill
That’s why they let Freeland speak.
In this war is very obvious to see where the lies are coming form unless you’re completely inept.
UK=vulgar monarchy supported by the USA regime now in decline.
The matter will change our world. We must stand for an uplifting future for Humanity and universal Human rights.
Give them what they ask. They ask with a good reason, for a good reason. They ask what they need. As Duda pointed: current package is not enough. Meaning: it is too few. Russia not loosing mean WE ALL pay the price. US too, Germany too.
In our country Philippines. I had the same sentiment for Ukraine to win the war. Many would say it was just US proxy wars but in reality it is the survivalability of democratic and independent country of Ukraine.
Our country was invaded and occupied for several hundread of years of the occupiers. We keep on fighting even it take years until we achieve freedom.
We have been struggle fighting on Emperialism of Japan, Colonial power of Spain, US dominance against spain and Philippines and even modern day China.
We have been fighting the occupiers for many many years and we win it. My same hope for Ukraine that they could withstand Russian Invasion and prevail their independent state against the occupiers.
We have our own struggle on the east because of Chinese aggression.
We shared the same sentiments that we protect our sovereign countries against them. We will prevail.
We are both democratic countries. The Philippines does not do anything because we have our own front agaisnt the aggression of China. If we do anything against Russia then we can also not handle it on our own against them. But our few fellow countrymen have the symphaty for Ukraine to win the war. Though some of us support Russia.
We shared the same fate against those authoritarian regime that keeps bullying us. But we will prevail.
Slava Ukrain!!
@Will Smith, slapping Xi Jinping the only countries that really care for Africa( your people) are China and Russia in a very strong way, shame on you, you have been manipulated big time against the reality!
@moore angels of the table Dude, you are so confused and or brainwashed.
@moore angels of the table good morning Vladimir.
@moore angels of the table Russia started this. Own your sh*t.
@Patrick Melling because the guy is telling the truth?
The commentary from these different leaders and politicians agreeing and wishing to continually work together, is such a refreshing change from the flood of USA politics in recent years and the past half year especially. Not even about Ukraine, just in general.
Seeing these world leaders come together in support of another nation, and add on top of that the support from all these people around the world, is so eye opening and good. I do support Ukraine, and I pray that this bloodshed ends soon, with a clear and definitive Ukrainian victory, so no more Ukrainians and Russians and Chekoslovakians, all these others fighting, can finally go home.
@Ratim Cirim Yes, those Chechens, who got radicalised as kids, when Ruzzian army razed Grozny to the ground and killed their mums, brothers and friends, imagine, it was 23 years ago.. As a poor and from an ultra conservative region, it’s not too difficult to get hooked on Wahhabist fundamentalism, especially when your fellow countrymen get in a bed together with your sworn enemy, whom your forefathers have been fighting and dying against for centuries.
Proof Ukraine again used western supplied weapons to kill civilians. ( SPECIAL REPORT)
@Sheila Goos Those terrorists that the US created.
Yep, all these different leaders are happy to make money from this war.
That’s not the issue lol. They need to negotiate with the other side. My god wtf.
I sure hope that Western nations will help Ukraine win this war. If we allow Russia to take Ukraine, our world will be in big trouble. Even if we have to send soldiers to help fight this war, we should do whatever it takes.
I guess there’s a idea that the west thinks Russia wants to rebuild the Soviet union. But putin stands by the Minsk agreement 🤝 and protection of Russia in missiles near their border.
That’s exactly how I think .. I believe if it’s not won in Ukraine we will be fighting all over including the oceans with all our enemies at once . I’d prefer to go now !
Let Russia take Donetsk they will do the world a favour and we will not have to listen to the Beggar anymore
It is good for the free world to see a unity of all democratic countries!
Hmm, all US puppet countries, not all democratic countries, don’t make such a big mistake.
The best defense against communist authoritarian dictatorship is to strengthen democracies from corrupting influences and nepotism. It takes an active and concerted effort of the people, to ensure that our democratically elected politicians are truly representing our interests.
We must also address what hostile communist countries are doing, both domestically and abroad. Democratic Nations must stand together against their lawlessness in defense of global security, human rights, and enforce International Law.
Thank you, President Duda, for your strong words of support for more Ukrainian support in this pivotal moment in the conflict. I pray that your words will give all NATO members the moral courage to do what is just and what is right. The Ukrainians bear the weight of the fight. Let us bear the weight of providing them the tools they need. This fight has not only immediate consequences for Ukraine, but it has worldwide consequences that will linger for centuries to come. This is not only a pivotal moment for Ukraine but a pivotal moment for all democracies who seek adherence to a “rules” based existence of peace and stability. Please, step up strongly and proudly and in concert with allies who share the same view of what needs to be done to repel the aggressor and save the good people of Ukraine from further deaths and destruction. Bring this senseless, illegal, and immoral invasion to a close!
“If we let russia win, it will not only he a tragedy for Ukraine, but it will send a message to Russia and all authoritarian regimes that if they use force and violate international law they will get what they want”
“Two of those tanks remain on permanent display nearby, and you must keep this in mind when you pass them by Every morning.” — Petr Bystron said, referring to the two Soviet T-34 tanks that are As a part of the memorial to the fallen Soviet soldiers near Bundestag.