Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the video of influencers' plane party a 'slap in the face' and says an investigation is underway.
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I don’t think Justin quite understands what “hypocrisy” is.
If you look up hypocrite you’ll find Justinflation’s picture featured there.
I heard they have 3 ‘Justins’ they use in different situations. This was the more mentally dense version imho.
He acts like hes emotionally unstable.
Don’t think that’s an act.
@robert bentley neither do I.
He can’t act fir chit.
All the theatrics he learn in drama school?
He is a Psychopath!
What a hypocrite he is.
No different than your trip to tofino and partying for several months before calling in Parliament.
I’m sure there’s none Dislike for this video, there’s no need to hide the count.
Youtube removed them for everyone. As November. Only account owners can see them. And Youtube said they will not come back
No Justin your embarrassment no body listen too you no more . New Year’s Eve was party’s everywhere in nb .
lol, she just asked someone WhoEmbezzles $240B every 8 months if he’s gonna investigate a “plane party”?
I don’t think Justin quite understands what “hypocrisy” is.
@Vaccines Save Lives Says the bot
Ya , normally that would be a plane full of liberal politicians.
Justin needs to change his tampon!
He for got to say only he’s aloud to party with his friends on a plain
Plane? Is that what you meant or on a plain like a prairie?
This is all a publicity stunt. This guy is such a liar!
What about all the trips Mr. Trudeau you took last year and last Christmas when you told others to stay home??
When government does wrong who investigates them ???????
Everybody needs to stop listening to these fool’s take the power back and just ignore the government for a few months.
“I can assure you”. As soon as he says that, it means I dont give a fk.
I don’t think Justin quite understands what “hypocrisy” is.
If you support public shaming like this you are part of a much bigger problem.
This was a private charter and this clip was prior to the flight attendants telling the pilots and then it all ended once the pilots made an announcement. Government should investigate their critical activity.
They were just like Trudeau and high government officials. You might want to give them jobs in high office. Appoint one of them as a Governor general