Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sits down with CNN's Kaitlan Collins to discuss her plans for her second term as governor and says the sentencing of two men convicted of plotting to kidnap her was "just," while urging both parties to confront threats and violent rhetoric. #CNN #News
‘A significant sentence’: Gov. Whitmer on fate of men who plotted to kidnap her

Good job governor, send those Trumpsters to hard times in federal prison
Nobody was a Trump supporter especially the FEDS who helped orchestrate the entire sham. SMH
The courts did it. The jury.
@JAMES C It’s sad that people don’t understand basic concepts in the legal system.
@Sam Man No – it is essential for the tyranny to operate in its decline.
It is very nice to see justice served in Michigan. DC, Manhattan, and Atlanta will be next.
@Sam Man …. There’s some sick puppies out there and I’m not one of them. Conspiracy theories are lies. Get a grip there, buddy.
@Veronica Saint lol even when they sentence these guys who are very clearly not the FBI.. you STILL believe in those conspiracies??? That’s called cognitive dissonance. Your ego is trying to cope with evidence that directly contradicts beliefs that the rightwing media spoonfed you
@Stacey Cramer
None of that is true, Bozo, so what’s your point?
ukroid bots lol
Those two men look like they had no life. Now, they’re have their lives in prison.
Like seeing your teacher in a grocery store.
Governor in a kitchen.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
She had me at kibble.
I admired Ms Whitmer,justice served love

Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
We are always with you Governor.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
They should have been charged with treason and it down like the rabid creatures they are
@uncleanunicorn Baseless lol, you clearly haven’t looked into any part of the story.
@An Acc Naw, people are sick of your treasonous lies and betrayals.
You guys call for charges of treason way to flippantly. This wouldn’t even qualify as treason anyhow.
@uncleanunicorn Um… he is kinda correct. lol
@uncleanunicorn Holy sht, I just looked it up and hes right. wtf is this??
Very satisfying and gratifying to see and hear that the people of Michigan have spoken to uphold our democracy
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Our democracy? Lol
The sisters are getting it done in Michigan. Governor Gretchen Whitmer, AG Dana Nessel and SOS Joslin Benson
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
She’s a baddie governor
She killed a ton of people during covid
Love how they kept in the “fixing the damn roads” line.
The United States should just decentralize already, there is nothing uniting this country any longer.
@Sam Man that’s not possible. We are so intermixed with each other that there is no way to split the country up. What happens to the people who can’t leave the shitty state they live in…like say Indiana….what happens to those who can’t afford to leave or don’t want to leave because that is their home? Who’s going to pay for people to be moved? It’s not possible for that to happen.
Roads are necessary to any functioning society.
MICHIGAN GUN LAWS: Unjustly punish and permanently remove 2nd amendment gun rights for drinking & driving offenses! (CONTINUE READING!)
Who is the injured party to question in court and who is the victim when all DUI offenses are pullover-and-blow arrests void of accident, incident, victim, or injured party?
(This crazy law clearly denies Jurisprudence!)
State law says 3 DUIs in a lifetime create a permanent non-reversible felony. These newly created (Mom & Dad) “non-violent” FELONS cannot ever hunt, protect themselves, their wealth, or their families by firearm! (Permanent Felons/Eternal Slaves!)
The CRAZY LAW has a nexus with federal law and is based on imaginary death and destruction created by MADD!
The crazy law does not distinguish between “having a victim or injured party” vs “victimless” without a victim or injured party! (Simple pullover & blow arrests!)
When DUIs are in fact 100% victimless & non-violent, without having any injured party or victim to confront in court, the severity of eternal punishment should never eternally remove 2nd amendment gun rights … IRONICALLY they allow the DUI drivers to keep their driving privileges while eternally removing the 2nd amendment. (Ironic)
The current law clearly lacks distinction between the two classes (Victim/Victimless) offenses!
Drinking and driving have never had anything to do with 2nd amendment gun rights!
Heck, the DUI-arrested felon can still lawfully carry black powder rifles and handguns while driving and you don’t see them going around shooting up the streets do you? No, of course not…. The two have no nexus with each other!
*EXACTLY!!!* The complacent acceptance of misogynistic violence is outrageously putrid!!!
“One man shows up at a Supreme Court justice’s house and turns himself in, and that’s being covered and treated as an attempted assassination. The men who plotted to take me by force weren’t going to ransom me for my return, they were going to kill me, and that’s being treated as an attempted kidnapping..”
More than 50% of people involved in this plot where from govt agencies… if this happened anywhere else it would be called a false flag operation
Frank Sinatra Jr. was “kidnapped”; she did the same thing
@D Squared
Which “cities were burning due to BLM and antifa riots..” and–even more importantly–what does Gov. Whitmer have to do with what takes places in other cities and states?? A group of extremists were planning to kidnap her for the purpose of killing her, so I am curious, upon what else should she have been focusing at that point in her life?? Oh, and exactly how did the F.B.I. trick a bunch of individuals into agreeing to participate in a felony?? I only ask because if someone were to approach me asking if I was interested in taking part in something as felonious as kidnapping someone, my answer would be a straight up, resounding “Hell no!!”, immediately after which I would be contacting the local police authorities. No one can compel you to take part in a crime if you don’t want to do so..
And I checked–all of the U.S. cities are still standing, so again–which cities did BLM supposedly burn down??
@Aisha bint Abu Bakr
That allegation has never been confirmed–alleged but never corroborated. Oh and how exactly did Gov. Whitmer arrange to have herself ‘kidnapped’ by enlisting the help of a group of individuals who didn’t want to participate in a crime?? Because no one can compel another person to participate in felonious activity if you don’t want to do so..
Frank Sinatra Jr. **was** kidnapped, a ransom was paid by his father, and he was returned safely to live to the age of 72. The leader of the kidnapping, Barry Keenan, has even asserted in multiple interviews that Frank Sinatra Jr. had nothing to do with his own kidnapping..
I don’t think the FBI were ever really going to kill her, that’s too misogynistic even for them.
I’m so glad we have you as our Governor for another 4 years.
Long live our democracy.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Our democracy? Americans are too stupid to even realize that they have no democracy, by which I mean you have no influence in government.
Congratulations governor Whitmer… keep up the great work and stay strong
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Hopefully the FBI stops trying to kidnap her. Lol
MI has two women of steel…gov and AG
@TurtletruthIf you are can’t manage to drive sober you should not have a firearm. You say they even give three chances. Drunk people crash into and kill people everyday.
@Jack N There should be a time frame to regain gun rights:
All three of my DUI convictions were in the same year and over 44 years ago? (All 3 pullover & arrest offenses were also without accident or incident)
Further, all three DUIs were acquired after returning home from serving 6 years as a United States Marine and the last two years in Iran during the Iranian hostage crisis as a foreign interrogator! (1979)
Coming back from Iran was very difficult because of PTSD. (If you know what that is?)
Many veterans at the time weren’t as fortunate having decided to take their own lives (As many still do today) rather than fight the head demons. Alcohol was the only relief under the circumstances at the time since drugs were never an option. That was all 44 years ago and before having my own family and now grandchildren! People today seem to have greater hate than understanding for Mankind!… – Turtletruth
@Jack N Drinking and driving have never had anything to do with 2nd amendment gun rights!
Heck, the DUI-arrested felon can still lawfully carry black powder rifles and handguns while driving and you don’t see them going around shooting up the streets do you? No, of course not…. The two have no nexus with each other!
@Turtletruth all a power grab my friend… just like making sure felons can’t find a decent job anywhere for life without connections, they encourage repeat offenders keeps law enforcement career making money…. We will see no change because nobody gets paid to challenge the constitutionality of these laws
@Seksee Marcus Kidd Unfortunately that is the Turtletruth!
Very impressed with Gov. Whitmer. Would strongly consider voting for her for president.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Of course you would, which is why America is a joke.
I’m a yooper and this makes me happy. If only we could not have Bergman, who doesn’t care about us, as our rep. And i pray for her her safety – she cared for all of us. Dixon never did. And I have never been a democrat
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Thanks for hanging in..you are an example of a great leader and role model. Michael Moore has done quite a bit to keep the momentum going and getting a big movement to turn the state blue. Your intelligence and ability to stay focused on the path to a fair and healthy Democracy.
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She is one courageous, effective, principled, and excellent example of a True Leader. I admire her immensely and pray for her safety and success, every step of the way! Her opponent’s remarks are unconscionable and vile beyond belief. She would not be so deliberately offensive if she had madmen banging on her door for her life. I pray for sanity, humanity, and grace. Michiganders are SO FORTUNATE to have her!
I have so much appreciation for this strong woman and leader, and I am so happy that she remained your Governor! So happy to see most of your state went Dem! Now things will get done, and good things, for the people, not just the rich like the GOP do!
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
For the first time a Democrat wants people in jail instead of letting them out

Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Democratic Attorney Generals have put many people behind bars , Slingblade.
Right on Governor!!!!
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