Nik weighs in on whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should have delivered a different speech on election night, where the Conservatives go from here and what the Green Party should do after the resignation of Annamie Paul.
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We’re coming for you guys!!!

We wear the crown now.
Made of tinfoil
Go back to sleep. It’s not for you.
@Eric Houghton healed no sense. Just a typical flatearther rambling on.
The leadership in this country, or lack thereof, is extremely disturbing.
There’s leadership, Toronto just doesn’t want to vote for it.
68% of the vote went against the Liberals they still get 47% of the seats. Says it all don’t it.
Actually the biggest screwage was had by the NDP, who got the votes for around 60 seats proportionally, but only won 25 :/
And they’ll never fix it. We’ll have a liberal gov in perpetuity it seems.
@Bob MC I don’t think so. PPC is a bad idea. We don’t need pizza politics in Canada if you have a leader lacking charisma like O’ Toole.
Also conservatives are probably hurting the from the Trump effect.
@Bob MC until the co s get Pierre Poilievre as their leader you are probably correct
@shizuokaBLUES Who the phuck do you think you are saying what kind of politics that WE need in Canada…???You Speak for yourself only Pal and nobody else… Don’t you EVER forget it…!!!
Just prior to the election, trudeau once again promised to review electoral reform. Seeing as reform would have tossed him to the curb, it is no surprise that he is once again silent on it and again breaking his promise.
Take the X’s out
…..and your surprised?
… sticking with yesterday’s electoral system today…. That’s how I see it
Wake-up call?! Trudeau?! HAH…. that’s a laugh!
Does that empty suit look like the kinda guy who’ll heed a wake-up call? The overgrown teenager is running around defiant as all-get-out, chest puffed out, proud as a peacock like as if he just won the f*cking world!
I anticipate another terrible government under Trudeau as being akin to watching a train wreck in slow motion.
It wasn’t a win it was a theft
I have the proof
The election results gave him the message to go forward with his new mandate? He was going forward with his new mandate regardless…
I don’t know any single person that voted for Liberals
Most of my friends and colleagues did I believe. Liberals and NDP.
But I’m beginning to understand why.
The dumpster fire rages on. Shame shame shame.
I cannot understand why Trudocio allows to spend 600 Mil while in the pandemic
Can you tell Nanos to take a flying leap back into the realm of Hell he came from.