1. Carole King is an absolute legend, a trailblazing woman, one of the greatest singer/songwriters of all-time. GOD BLESS her

  2. What a treasure, Carole King is. We need to pay attention to our world and those who would savage it .

  3. So glad my home is solar powered. Free electricity, as much as I need, no emissions, no electric bills.

    1. How long have you had solar panels and what state do you live in? We have discussed getting solar panels on our house but we live in Indiana and not sure if we can get enough power with them year round?

  4. 💥 As if she’s not already AWESOME! 🌺 Carole King, 🌺 Joni Mitchell, 🌺 Joan Baez… Those talented women of the 60’s and 70’s still rocked today!!!

  5. Praises to Carole for her music and her voice and all in involvement in saving the environment. Lived in SF- LA in 70s…She was inspiring on many levels…President Biden needs to sign the Executive Order Carole suggests. #NOW…….Thank you and much love ❤️ Carole.🤗

  6. West of Colorado no trees should be cut at all. In some eastern states the forest can benefit from clear cutting but land disturbance is a problem everywhere

  7. Sadly Logging is going on with no end in sight-
    And even though it’s effecting our life
    To suggest it stop is not a popular idea Carole
    In small town America.
    Why? Because in small town
    America jobs are far and few between,
    Which becomes part of economic politics Vs the environment .
    I fear Carole that no matter how much education we do in regards to informing others on the detrimental effects of logging- it falls on deaf ears.
    What do you think about considering strict legislation that enforced loggers for every tree they cut down -to replace and plant the Exact tree that they cut down ( not any cheap tree they feel like planting such as pine trees)?

  8. The song that got me my scholarship to my high school for singing was a carol king song, so thanks carol!! I also had the pleasure of seeing her perform in Sydney with my mum and sister AND the pleasure of seeing her broadway show. So many beautiful, beautiful songs. To hear that she has the same passion about these issues that I do only makes me feel more kindred.

  9. Carole King is a true American hero besides being a musical icon, I admire people like her who use their fame and “celebrity” to advocate for important social, political, and environmental issues

  10. Working to reduce the amount of junky things made of wood and returning to well made pieces is a great place to make cuts in excessive wood use. Perhaps a quality goods act is in order to increase the longevity of world products and start to cut future demands starting today, most people are ok with pre-owned things (especially if that’s what we show them is right). Let the wood get some respect and be bound for greatness.

  11. I live in the Oregon forest and I think about climate constantly as I turn 60!!!
    I hope Biden will hurry with this!!

  12. Big trees grow where they grow the best. Replant after cutting and within 25 years you have more big trees. You don’t build houses without trees. Forests left alone without thinning become fires.

  13. The Lord bless you in all your tireless efforts to bring and end to logging in your National Forests. One can only hope and pray that there will be a serious look by the Government into the issues which you have raised and pass the necessary Bill.Blessings from RSA.

  14. I live in a national forest and I have seen a lot of clear cutting. It is sickening to butcher the forest like this. I have friends that are loggers and I ask them why they do it. And their answer is that they all have families and this is the only work available.

  15. I love that she mentioned MORNING SUN. Carole always spells it out quite clearly. Thank you dear.

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