A mother’s abortion in 1975. Her family’s discussions about it, nearly 50 years later | USA TODAY

USA TODAY Editor-in-Chief, Nicole Carroll, found a manuscript her mom wrote about an abortion in 1975. Carroll explored that decision with her family.

RELATED: The new reality of abortion bans: The journey of 15 women from Texas to New Mexico

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  1. Some born babies still find it difficult to believe they weren’t really wanted either. Thus the delusion that their mothers abortive decision was about them. Why can’t adults allow and accept their parents choices?

  2. If I hadn’t had a previous abortion my twins never would have been born 10 months later. Never regretted it for a second. Think of how many people are only here today because their parents aborted a previous pregnancy. And of course my now teenage twins are adamantly as pro choice as I am.

  3. Just think since 1975 in America that has not come out any new way to protect pregnancy there are no better methods in America anymore except birth control by killing abortion is a great system of birth control use widely and enjoyed by many people who like to see this process continue and not recommend other resources maybe there aren’t any maybe this is the best birth control we have in America abortion

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