‘A Massive Problem’: Chris Krebs On The Threat Of Ransomware | MSNBC

Chris Krebs, former director of CISA, talks with Rachel Maddow about the vulnerability of U.S. institutions to ransomware attacks and the threat posed to the smooth running of everyday business in America.
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'A Massive Problem': Chris Krebs On The Threat Of Ransomware | MSNBC


  1. This is what happens when foreign and hostile enemies were allowed to launch cyberattacks on the US unchecked and unpunished for 4 years.

    1. @Brenda Guzzo, are you saying this is Trump’s fault? How do you figure that? What evidence do you have?

    2. Except it happened under biden your blaming this on a man sleeping and golfing he has no power.

  2. They got told a yr ago about Russia but they said they ain’t doing nothing but then yet leaving the door open 🤦‍♂️

    1. Retired generals slam Biden as mentally unfit amid pipeline cyberattack. Biden emboldens our enemies and creates new ones while bowing to terrorist regimes.

  3. The ransomware’s main rule is “We shall never hurt you so badly that we cannot come back to steal from you again.” Even if they are sincere about that rule they probably have no real world idea where their self proclaimed red line is.

    1. @Google Gurgle and they are senile republicans with nothing nice to say about a good man and honest president

  4. The wisest thing that should be on every individual list of investment is rhe different stream of income and does not depend on the government to bring money now the predicament is hitting rhe economic pretty hard. Making money from the comfort zone of one’s home will be the best and satisfied thing to do now.

    1. Access to good information is what we investors Need to progress financially and generally in life. here is a good one am grateful.

  5. even russia knows how dam long that Arch takes to bend towards justice 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5 years of attacks.. they think Americas weak bc no one shows them otherwise

  6. They should learn to separate infrastructure networks from the internet. Thats is the only way.

  7. The target is a company based in Texas… hmmm. I wonder if there might have been another energy infrastructure problem in Texas before… must just be a coincidence. I’m sure it’s all fine.

    1. Yeah.
      Cutting costs for measures to be prepared for rare events.
      Short term profit over long term reliability.

    2. That’s what Texas gets for listening to “green energy” advocates. It’s the wind turbines that froze. The coal plants had no issues.

  8. Cutting costs for measures to be prepared for rare events.
    Short term profit over long term reliability.

    1. Retired generals slam Biden as mentally unfit amid pipeline cyberattack. Biden emboldens and harbors our enemies with comfort and funding.

  9. If Cris Krebs doesn’t want to go trout fishing with you Rachel I would be honored to accompany you in the trout stream of your choise.

  10. If hackers were to use smart contracts on blockchain to release the decryption key once the ransom is paid in bitcoin, it would be an insanely profitable business. There are many ripe targets all over the world.

  11. If it was Russian “Organized Crime” it was Russian Intelligence. They’re one and the same which means Putin ordered this attack.

    We must respond in kind, with some extra payback.

    1. At least until the run on lithium starts. Lithium mining is one of the highest polluting forms of mining. So much for environmentally friendly energy.

  12. American sloppy company policies for not doing enough to protect America…..and then they need government help. Ha ha ha.

  13. Hey Joe, why has your son bought into this pipeline for the last 3 years? Is that why you cancelled the XL pipeline? It would be a real shame if he was sub-leasing it to China…..

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