Former Watergate Prosecutor Nick Akerman argues the aides involved in the Ukraine plot will be ‘squeezed to cooperate,’ as their ‘only way of avoiding a major jail sentence.’ Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is under criminal investigation as indicted Ukraine-linked associates appear in court. Akerman argues the evidence against Giuliani shows both associates ‘were involved’ in this ‘conspiracy’ by introducing ‘Rudy to people that were involved’ in his ‘investigation’ into the Biden’s led by Ukraine. Aired on 10/23/19.
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'A Major conspiracy': Indicted Giuliani Aides Could Sing To Feds | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
It will be fun watching the rats eat their own. It all starts with the traitor at the top.
Ronnie LAU life will be normal again! I can’t wait!
And we all know who Trump would like to eat first

Ken Evanska ewwww!
Can you spell RICO ?
Trump probably cannot spell it, but as it gets closer, you can bet he smells it.
that would be poetic justice since Giuliani used that against the NY Mob families.
G…i…u…l…i…a…n…i… That is how it is spelled.
I’ve never heard of Trump and loyal in the same sentence without some variation of “is not” in between them.
@John Wagn It’s because he is slim and in great shape.
Dharma Yep a real chump err I mean champ
American Scapegoat
“the eyes are useless when the mind is blind”
sk8queen the Great White Hope is now the the Great White HOPELESS. Trump supporters do not care what he does, how he does it. What he did, as long as he hates the same people they do. The irony is that unless his hilly billy supporters are billionaire donors, he couldn’t care less about them. But the eyes are useless when the mind is blind.
You should go to “court days” in Mount Sterling, ky. Trump posters with him as superman, and Rambo. Shirts defending him and praying for him. Also thousands of guns being sold without background checks; anyone, any age. Super scary. Apple fritters were good.
These guys are gonna SING. They are being prosecuted on state charges which cant be pardoned by our Criminal-in-chief. He couldn’t save Cohen and he cant save Rudy. Rusky Rudy is already dry snitching, just wait until he gets charged. Rusky Rudy will get a sweetheart deal and rat out EVERYONE. Just watch.
It’s actually kinda sad but you can’t make this stuff up.
@Dan Sanger very good! I don’t believe they will sing. They can handle a couple years in a country club. As you say they work for serious characters!!!

. That sounds just like him. Toooo Funny.
@CannDid Conversations wanna hear something funny? I find all this boring. No string of Assassinations..JFK MLK RFK Malcom X. Cities burning …Kent State, Jackson State… Vietnam War 500 GIs dying weekly…carpet bombing of North Vietnam… Watergate!!! Iran Contra…bla bla….this is nothing unique. Expat conscripted vet! Vincent Conti E4 D116174. You’ll get nothing else … always look on the bright side of life…now imagine whistling!!!!!
I think this will test of Putin has the ball to start poisoning people on US soil like he does in Europe.
That’s what I like to hear
What’s the difference between Republican minions and the Boy Scouts?
The Boy Scouts have adult leadership.
_What’s the difference between Republican minions and the Boy Scouts?_
Boy scouts don’t sodomize boys
Hah! That’s clever
@José Hunter’s EW&F Remixes wait…
What’s the difference between a Republican and a coma patient?
Coma patients have brain activity.

Impeach and incarcerate the treasonous little mushroom dk pussygrabber DRUMPF
TRUMP PENCE Giuliani for PRISON 2020
When it Ukraines it pours…funny funny stuff
Helene Papageorge This needs to be a bumper sticker!!
Sheik Yo Booty LOVE it!

Congratulations! The stable genius made America the greatest joke on earth, so SAD
Frank ten Horn yes the land of stupidity.
Frank ten Horn Thanks to the EVILgelicals (fake Christians)
Jerry Guerra
“Fascism will arrive draped in the flag and carrying a cross” Sinclair Lewis
Throwing people under the bus as usual
It is driving up the demand for heavy duty buses for sure!
Hilary’s been found innocent of all those email conspiracy theories. She and Obama and lots of others should sue Trump for defamation and lying. Just like people sue the National Enquirer.
I agree I don’t know what it is about this ‘all’s fair in politics’ stuff… they have been massively defamed.
Maybe nobody has sued Hannity yet.
Wayne Slater That would be nice…. I would like to see his family suffer the consequences and have to do real work once in their lives
The MAGA Man is running out of friends & making enemies rapidly. His Presidential
is about to be taken away.
His dumb base is still guzzling the mushroom soup.
The only reason Trump is running out of “friends” is because he keeps throwing them under buses.
@Nevuah Gallery I can’t tell the difference between a bus and a locker room anymore.
Thanks Donald.
The *GOP:* With fingers In their ears, singing ♪♬♩♫♪ “La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La!” The real “Trump derangement syndrome” *Into the minds of madness.*

Donovan oh God. I had a visual. Too funny.
. But so true.
for someone who claims to not be guilty of anything he sure is obstructing justice in every way possible.

One is simply guilty when one would make repetitive denials of guilt as an response to a single question.
Remember how republicans use to scream law and order and impeached a president for lying about cheating on his wife. Lol. Oh how far the pornstar Party has fallen.
That is a fact.
Rudy is racing to Washington with his little bat wings. He’s king of the world I tell you.
Lol@little bat wings. Thank you! I needed that!
While we are watching this impeachment process drag out, Kurds are being killed, Russia and Turkey are plotting (we have our nucular weapons there). North Korea, Saudia Arabia and China are flying under the radar with no accountability. This is about as bad as we want it to get. We have now entered very perilous times indeed.
and you can thank agent orange for putting us there larry
Russia is now the major power in the Middle East, any American presence must be approved by Moscow, apart from our underpaid US mercenaries in Saudi Arabia – sorry US Army. Massive win for Putin and Russia and Erdogan who was on the ropes politically and is now cozying up to Russia while being in NATO.
Plus the Ukraine President is apparently now in talks with Putin on the terms of capitulation – so back under the Russian Jackboot
So effectively along with Brexit the end of NATO and Putin can now achieve his long term goal of rebuilding and extending the USSR as the ruling world power.
Donnie has delivered big time for Putin
I’ve said this before, dump is an illusionist. The secret is misdirection, when he wants you to look one way, to distract you, you better look the other way because that’s where the hammer is gonna fall.
One of my concerns is after he’s out of office how many buildings are going to be built on russian controlled territories? What’s gonna go on in turkey?
It would not surprise me if commander bone spur is the 1st American president to move to foreign soil after leaving office. Probably one that doesn’t allow extradition. Mainly because there are several criminal and civil cases that are supposed to be brought against him once he’s no longer dickhead in chief.
Frank Speaking America. The best country money can buy.
Larry Appelbaum absolutely sickening. I’m outraged. An acquaintance asked me why the Kurds were throwing potatoes and rocks at our troops. DUH! At first the Kurds held up signs begging our troops not to desert them. Then they got angry. Yes. Despair brings on anger when you know that you and your family, neighbors will for certain, be slaughtered. I can’t even imagine it.
OMG It will be delicious when Tchump is in prison, and Ghouliani joining him there is icing on the cake!!!

Impeached, incarcerated, Mr Trump your FIRED!
Is it just me or does it seem like a lot of people associated with Trump have been arrested?
Can’t wait to see those smiles wipe off their ugly faces.
War criminal George W Bush is still smiling with the celebrities.
Robert Allen Bush is an angel with integrity and intelligence compared to Spanky.
@Sandra Gouthro Bush read My Little Goat while Cheney orchestrated 911 from the basement of the White House…its called Teamwork!