A judge ordered that former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows must testify before a Georgia grand jury investigating possible interference in the 2020 election. #cnn #News
‘A loss for Trump’: Judge orders key Trump aide to testify

A judge ordered that former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows must testify before a Georgia grand jury investigating possible interference in the 2020 election. #cnn #News
Even if Meadows does use the “I plead the fifth” card, it won’t make things better for him. They likely have a large amount of evidence against him that he doesn’t know about, and that will make a convincing case for him to go to prison as a result.
@Ellis Spot on…
Hey Jethro: CNN’s YouTube page is driven by ad revenue. Ad revenue is generated by the number of users posting on their page, regardless of content. Therefore, every time you post, you are helping to generate ad revenue, which goes to CNN and YouTube. How can you be this f**king stupid and actually exist?
trump see sir
Keep in mind that trolls like WE THE PEOPLE are paid for every response they get. Snide remarks are fine with me, just don’t make them directly to the troll. Liars shouldn’t profit.
Any loss for Trump and his axis is a WIN for the USA and her citizens.
@Liberals haveitallbackwards Troll. You love traitors.
@Russ White
. Ahhhh the “T” word, used when when you have nothing. You’re funny Russ
trump see sir
@Kitty Day =
Biden has killed more people with COVID than Trump ever did. lol
@Douglas Reagan * At lying.
Graham gets a free pass from SCOTUS and Meadows has to testify. That’s some political power! The law obviously doesn’t apply the same to everyone.
@Franklin Churchill had a huge stroke. Dingus…. learn about sht before talking
@Franklin And, yes all too well.
@Franklin you can cross the street and get hit by a car or you might not . Logical
@Morgan Stevens Cobwebs.
@Stephen Roldan That’s true for anyone. It’s an accepted risk in our modern society. But he is suffering from brain damage currently. Not the best representation for millions of people.
Has anyone ever seen innocent ppl fight this hard not to talk?
@GiantMeteor2024 Then file a damn charge if they can and lets get this show on the road. Nothing I would like better than see Trump to put Pelosi and Schumer on the stand under oath…
@C Davis I’ve seen how they question with Kavanaugh, Barr and others..there is no telling your side of anything. all you can do is answer loaded questions and try not to get tripped up by it…best not to participate and just let them file a charge if they can and go to a real court of law where hearsay, narratives and anonymous sources doesn’t fly……
@Altrusian WolfDog What EXACTLY does any of that have to do with trump and his ilk being criminals?
@Altrusian WolfDog Making it harder for Americans is not security measures…but nice try at spin.
@Altrusian WolfDog
need education and mental health care not guns and walls
Only FOXYMORONS say narrative
An order these days from a judge is meaningless when it comes to Trump and his cronies. All goes to appeals.
@Biden is Garbage Hang Mike Pence?
Defund the FBI?
@Biden is Garbage Traitor loving troll.
@Biden is Garbage Trump is trash and so are you!
@Biden is Garbage what is the fake news? That team Trump is appealing, stalling and delaying? Is there a court somewhere they are fully cooperating with that nobody has heard about?
@Brian Niegemann you need to let this obsession go already
The party of law and order doesn’t want to talk to the law and order officers.
i understand being able to appeal a verdict or sentence but it completely baffles me that you can appeal an obligation to give testimony. especially if you have the option to plead the fifth
@La Duchesse The only person embarrassing themselves is the person who’s too arrogantly ignorant to pick up the items I’ve referenced, i.e. their OWN Democratic Party’s political playbook Rules For Radicals to actually READ it. I’ve read it, you have obviously not read it. If you had, you’d know the book is full of NAZI tactics and dedicated to Lucifer. There’s no such thing as ”far Right Fascism” due to the identical economic and governmental ”goals” of Marxism and Fascism that do in fact make both Leftist ideologies. Instead of checking out the facts, you’ve allowed Fabian Socialist academia and CIA Operation Mockingbird MSM propaganda to cloud your brain. Patrisse Cullors’ and Hitler’s quotes do in fact ”line up” due to these undeniable facts.
@Chief Scalpalot

Fascism comes from the Italian word ‘fascio’ and was established by Mussolini in Italy in 1920. Generalissimo Franco and Hitler adapted it.
So Mussolini, Franco and Hitler haven’t been far right?
What do you guys learn at school?
@La Duchesse You’re correct, and Marxism and Fascism have identical economic and governmental ”goals”, compare them friend, something you’ve never bothered to do, just as you’ve never bothered to notice the NAZI tactics in Rules For Radicals. Identical ”goals”=identical ”Leftist ideologies”, go COMPARE THEM. The NAZI’s were just Bolsheviks in disguise and the easily fooled/indoctrinated like yourself are obviously too damn dumb to figure that out.
@La Duchesse Hitler said the whole of his National Socialism was ”based on Marx”, in addition to saying this-
”it is not Germany that will turn Bolshevist, but Bolshevism that will become a sort of National Socialism. Besides, there is more that binds us to Bolshevism than separate us from it. The petit bourgeois Social Democrat and the trade union boss will never make a National Socialist but the Communist always will”-Adolf Hitler.
Clearly you’ve missed some facts…
Watching from afar.These judges really need to be on the same page.These enablers are trying every trick in the book to avoid criminal responsibility and are making a mockery of the Judicial and legal system.Stop this circus of madness and show the American people that you are not going to stand for it.
@Biden is Garbage ”exactly’ I’ll take that
@Tessmage Tessera yes
@Tessmage Tessera We are making history now…
@Biden is Garbage I’m coping just fine. Our side is winning. Your side are going to prison. Life is good.
@Biden is Garbage This is why we have laws and no one should be above them, including your king. Have you even taken the time to examine the multiple crimes this man has committed or are you such a partisan hack you cannot be fair minded? “Leave him alone” is not good enough. Justice must be pronounced.
This is ridiculous that they have to go after him and wait all this time. If this was one of us trying to do this crap we’d be in jail ASAP. They are getting special treatment that they don’t deserve, it’s disgusting
@Beatriz Carr *MUTE
@gacj2010 Wrong answer, you should stop listening to the orange one, exactly what I said was supposed to happen with Presidential items did happen.
@Cheryl Pounds ur calling them cultists because left news told you to. Go to a bar and say that to a person and they’ll either laugh at you or punch you. I hope they laugh and punch you lolol
@chuck granger so do I at times.
@John Herold good luck with your obsession Trump derangement syndrome. I will happily and anxiously vote for trump again. Are you looking forward to the mid terms? What do you think will happen?
I’m tired of lawmakers breaking the law and hiding behind privilege
@John daily
And learn how to construct a f**king sentence. Have you ever heard of this thing called “punctuation?”Clearly, you have not. Apparently you haven’t made it past a fourth grade education.
@Burr Anderson exactly
@S J typical reply. No one is above the law. Read my post again. Is Hunter hiding behind privilege? Is his father hiding as well? Last I checked, President Biden is not interfering with the DOJ investigation unlike those who shall remain nameless
*cough TRUMP
@Ms Berries H Clinton is above the law.
trump see sir
Donald Trump: “So I once or twice said that only the mob takes the fifth, but that was before I realized I was a mobster myself. Since then I came to realize that it’s perfectly normal to refuse to answer for your crimes. You would do the same if you were a criminal.”
@rosemary manley you people are way to obsessed with Trump, the left keeps him in the news, the Conservatives pro America First movement goes on with or without him. Ridiculous how you think liberal policies aren’t destroying the country, put down your hot pocket look away from your screen and look out the window.
Stupid comment provided by the media channels repeating this for one month. Lol good for you slave
Cope little fella
@Biden is Garbage ?

*Lord’s Prayer*
“Forgive us our traspasses
As we forgive those who traspass against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but, deliver us from evil.”
The beginning of this prayer:
“Give us this day our daily bread.”
Jesus said: “Man does not eat by bread alone.”
So, I tell my husband:
“Give us this day our daily bread. (pause).
With butter and jelly please”.
My 81 year old mother teaches Sunday School at her local church to the little ones a couple times a week.
I told my mom the same thing she said
“That’s not funny.”
I said (softly and sheepishly), “yes it is” giggling a bit.
My husband finds it funny too.
Have a blessed day.
Its really nice to see team Trump “going through some things”. If they weren’t lying traitors they wouldn’t be fighting subpoenas and pleading the fifth thousands of times…
He’s laughing at you. You know, the thing.
So this is pretty much what we have come to expect – they refuse to cooperate or plead the 5th amendment. Odd behavior for people who say they have done nothing wrong.
This is the clip u been looking for:
If your lawyer told you to plead the 5th you would do it so shut up already lol
@Biden is Garbage IF YOU WERE INNOCENT??? Nope!
“I just want to find 11780 votes, which is one more than we have.”
–Failed former U.S President Donald.
People should NEVER have legal standing to challenge a subpoena. EVER. It’s literally Obstruction of Justice. These people have to appear and testify. Period. They can still try to refuse to answer any particular question for cause, but they must appear and they must respond to the questions in some manner. No more legal challenges to subpoenas.
Totally agree.
I agree- if only that were the case. Subpoenas can be, and are, abused by inserting improper or manipulative questions. But they are signed by (or on behalf of) a judge and theoretically should have the force of a court order. Witnesses should always just appear, and if they don’t like the questions they can object during deposition.
Anyway, subpoenas to appear are usually preceded by interrogatories in which the parties attempt to agree on what questionswill be asked. You can bet that Trump’s lawyers have objected to every single detail, every step of the way. What these crooks are doing is an arrogant, abusive delaying tactic.
May be mistaken. Always thought lawmakers had to appear because of subpeana in lieu of their Oath of office. In adherence to the Constitution?
We saw the abuses of these requested subpeanas go unanswered during the Mueller Report. When trump would always “claim” executive privilege for them. He is no longer president. We saw the willful act of many on 6 January going against the certifying of a fair and free election. What are they hiding? A seditious take over of our government? Constitution protects against all enemies foreign and domestic. An opinion. Can some one enlighten me?
As the nation goes down the drain with the most confused president in America’s history
Democrats: ” How about that previous president, huh? ” smfh
@Benito Salazar You’re so right about that. In old Salem an accusal meant death. Ignorance and hatred were the driving forces much the same as today.
Either updated or new laws need to be enacted that strictly apply to politicians!! Laws that will hold them at a higher level, especially for those that make said laws, and with mandatory compliance and mandatory jail time if they don’t comply. Also adding a deadline of 60 days so they can’t just delay delay delay!
And guess who would do this? The same people who the laws would apply to. And these Turkeys are sure not going to vote for Christmas.
For me it is almost not believable that somebody may refuse to witness, if he ‘wants’ he should not answer, but refusing to appear…
It’s funny how to commit conspiracy to steal from 80 million people will get you 4 months in jail if you don’t go to court, yet you can get many years for stealing from 1 person. The judicial system has become a joke

Steal from 80 million people?? What are you talking about??

All of these traitors to Democracy need to be held accountable.
Yes, Democraps are the modern day commie
Let’s not forget that one lady. Um what was her name. The one who waisted years of the governments time and resources. She paid for some false evidence that was meant to make sure someone didn’t get elected or something like that. What was her name. The one who actually broke the law. She tried to fix a election. Oh yah. Hillary Rodham Clinton. What party does she belong to. Hmmmmmm. Oh Democrat. Just sayin.
Go to bed sheep
When somebody wants to get an attorney to fight a subpoena, that clearly states they’re trying to hide something.