“We must restore the soul of America” – Watch key moments from the speech U.S. President-elect Joe Biden gave in his home state of Delaware.
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Really? Can’t we just get along? You started this crap.
Let’s see how far this talk will walk.
Yep, can’t wait for his concession speech after the real count is done.
Just setting up for “Trump is a dictator” cries when he wins in court / a vital part of any democracy.
they say there going to send a women to the moon why dont they send
Kamala Harris and leave her there
Laughing all the way.
Lying starts already lol
Been practicing for 47 years…..
Wooo! We democrats appreciate Joe for using the most fraudulent voting system, he believes, ever created in history! We love cheating to win!
adopted hometown? What the hell is that now? A bandito heaven or hideout? Give teamwork a chance? hahaha What fake gear boxes!
We are going to have a blast as opposition! 
I’m sure your wife knows all about that.
Dislikes more than likes….
That’s cowardly Trumpistas who don’t have the nads to comment on USA channels. Crawling up here to cry that King Donny didn’t win.
Their trump supporters like lmfaoo
When we going to war with Iran.
January 21st
We’re going to let them develop nuclear weapons first.
@Fred K lol
@Fred K and America is gonna pay for them….
A legitimate network would unpack the lawsuit against the Democrats. They can announce Mickie Mouse president. SO WHAT?
So where are the crowds? Why don’t show the crowds the way Trumps showed his?
There are some videos of some celebrations out there. Guess what … no social distancing. Surprised?
@Fred K Many with no masks too.
Victory?? LMAO!!
Yeah – listening to Trumpistas whine and cry is hilarious.
We’ll see after they sift through the thousands of claims of voter fraud.
millions more like it…
Should be easy, they all come from one guy.
Hypocrite. After the election it’s time to get along huh? Where was that spirit when Trump won?
Trump lost he is a disgrace to the United States of a america
Bs, biden didnt win. Fraud
So, don’t do what the Democrats have been doing for the past 4 years. Thanks Joe.