Trump sues in 3 states, laying ground for contesting outcome
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انا احب ترامب
It is what it is, Trump!
Time to move to Trump Tower Moscow…
Too many and too blatant irregularities, Trump will win this
Truly delusional.
Or a Troll.
It is what it is, just get over it already.
> Too many and too blatant irregularities, Trump will win this
Yeah, all by the republics. ¬_¬ Also, you made such a completely useless statement. Name one specific one.
Such as?? Where are your facts?? Talk is cheap!! STFU
FN corrupt Democrats
The democrats didn’t write the voting rules in each state, suck it up.
Trump has to win
Why, so he can kill a half-million more Americans from covid, balloon the deficit and wreck the economy / environment even more?
@Paul Wyatt Voting for trump is useless
What an absolutely sad, pathetic poor-sportsmanship sore-loser.
He’s been assuming he’d lose the entire time, that’s why he started complaining months ago to make up excuses why he lost. 
But to be fair the other side has been poor sports since he got elected. They been trying to get rid of him from day one lol
@beff jaker … that’s kinda the point of politics
@CRiVEN great! So we agree? Both sides are absolutely sad, pathetic poor sportsmanship sore losers
@beff jaker Well the citizens are always going to be sore losers, but usually the president is a little more accepting
@SuperQmod yea..because the president wins lol losers don’t just like Hillary did.
I don’t think trump knows what he is talking about half the time if not all the time
To be fair neither does Biden lol!
@beff jaker But Biden has two braincells…Twice as many as Trump.
@beff jaker I think they both know what they’re talking about but none know why they haven’t already been done.
If you think the Democrats in these ballot counting cities are behaving like someone who was above board with nothing to hide…I have a bridge in San Francisco I would like to sell you.
If ya think these conspiracies the donald is preaching have anything more to do with integrity or anything detached from himself, i have 20,000 videos for you to watch.
Dump reminds me of a guy I played pool against in a bar a long time ago, he tried to change the rules halfway through the game when he was losing. His court challenges will go nowhere.
Yeah, I completely agree
Trump didn’t change the rules midstream the demoncrats did , moron!
@Dale Halsted how so smart guy/girl ?
you remind me of a bum I saw last week
@Mike Hunt Transparency
“attacking the integrity of the voting process”? Dude Trump’s not the one dumping 148,000 votes at 4 am. It’s ok you’re lying and you KNOW you’re lying. That’s what offends me the most as a Canadian
The Canadian bit was a bit unnecessary, but I fully agree with you.
Hi all the way
What did they wheel into the polling station in Detroit with briefcases and coolers at 4am?
That’s easy, the bleeding hearts of Conspiracy Theorists… it’s a key fuel for the Furnace of Democracy.
Trump. The worlds Biggest ManCHILD……
You just had to end it with the “Democratic spokesperson” didn’t you?
Let the orange bombs fly…