Here is how some of celebrations in the United States after Joe Biden was elected the winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
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Look at that covids gone
Thanks for the salt.
Look at that everybody has sense enough to wear masks.
120,000 new cases a day in the USA. Pay more attention.
@MrTron yes a piece of fabric protects you from the deadliest virus
@MrTron watch the cases skyrocket in a few days
delusional if you think every supporter was wearing a mask. You forget that covid started from 1 person
Coming soon: USA goes into full lockdown.
And covid cases start declining. Wonder what the connection is
@Sean Weekes and small businesses file for bankruptcy, unemployment hits record highs, with domestic violence increasing during lockdown. Wonder what the connection is.
@Sean Weekes yes lets lockdown perpetually from now on hoping for a vaccine which may never come out but hey if everyone’s business has to vanish to save the 2% of the population already planning their funeral. makes sense
Outstanding display of social distancing!!! Lol
virus is now gone
see biden supporters have autism they think the virus is gone like how biden has dimensia
Lets get ready for another war then. Its been 4 years for f### sake. Who will be invades this time?!
Lets reform the Allies and Invade China, Russia, North Korea, Every dictatorship on the planet has to go down.
wait until they start paying more income tax to pay for the ongoing welfare state.
50% did not vote for this.
Amar Akbar Anthony BFF allah huak bar! BOOM
@Punk Rachmaninoff neither is Trump! Or haven’t you heard? He’s broke and afraid because now he is touchable by the IRS and other federal agencies that are investigating his transactions. Hahahaha
By that logic only 19.5% of American adults (62,984,825 out of 322,941,311
in) in 2016 voted for Donald trump and 80.5% of American adults had to suffer the consequences of his administration.
@Amar Akbar Anthony BFF So you got rid of racism now that Biden won?..hahahah. Wow..
@Amar Akbar Anthony BFF
You probably haven’t worked a day in your life!
Actually, the AP has called the election since 1848.
@Punk Rachmaninoff Actually they call it a “projection” it’s not official until the votes are validated and the electoral college cast votes in Dec.
pack it up Fluffy, it’s over
Yeah why couldn’t they support him in rallys and vote in person?
Rather Not but all the sudden COVID doesn’t matter as you can see here… hmm..?
@Rather Not covid doesn’t matter anymore when you celebrate lol? Don’t be a moron
they supported him at rallys all 10 of them
I thought Biden supporters were staying inside because of covid. All of a sudden it’s not contagious? Weird virus.
You must be blind, I’m seeing a lot of masks out there.
Rules for them don’t count. They’re special snowflakes.
No more burger buffet in the WH held by McDonald Trump? Sad!
Well that’s the first time I’ve seen Democrats wave the American Flag in a long time
The Republicans have been waving the Russian flag for quite some time now…
@Alnoor Gilani bots FTW
Your right about that they’re usually burning the American flag wishing it was the constitution in flames!
They did when Obama won and and also chanted USA USA
@Punk Rachmaninoff hey incel can you even vote
They have been hiding in basement to print out mail in vote ballots.
Now they get paid to come out.
Biden should tell them to go inside because Covid19 doesn’t like crowds like he said.
The shame that Trump lost is painful
. Sorry but Americans have VOTED.
They haven’t won.
Biden hasn’t won anything, this is more dishonest reporting. Don’t believe a word from this channel.
America was a republic not a democracy
It almost died when Trump tried to stop the counts.
@Andrew biden won’t last
It hasn’t gone to court yet just wait, there will be a shortage in adult diapers very soon
So all of a sudden there’s no pandemic lol? What a bunch of hypocrites
The Associated press have declared it , everyone must submit.
Joe Biden didn’t win without huge amounts of voter fraud . I would’t be celebrating too soon. Do you think Donny’s gonna turn cheek. Do ya think the patriots will just let it slide ?
MSM rules support the blue wave. The blue wave would be Democrats waving goodbye to freedom.
Covid gone