Rachel Maddow shares new reporting from NBC News that confirms suspicions that unusual course changes in the prosecution of former Trump NSA Michael Flynn, and long-time Trump political adviser Roger Stone are the result of politically motivated interference by Attorney General Bill Barr. Aired on 02/11/20.
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A.G. Barr Interfering In Legal Cases Tied To Trump: NBC News | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
BARR should be DisBarred from Bar Association and be behind Bars.
Why for doing his job and bringing justice back to our government ?
@Maga 4Eva3 Covering up Iran-Contra, Bush’s weapon dealings, and numerous other offenses isn’t “bringing justice back”.
Barr is only brought in when a Republican President needs to get away with their crimes.
He should be impeached
Put Barr in jail and of course the Bar Association should take his license ASAP!!
William Barr is disgustingly corrupt. He needs to be debarred. What a corrupt government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I have lived to see our government so destroyed.
@Goog Tube [youtube-bot] flagged as harassment.
@Bud Fudlacker [youtube-bot] flagged as harassment.
@googl android Is that why you keep sending me messages? Wow go to your safe space! LOL!
@googl android Haha pathetic. You hate free speech and love communism. You are everything you hate and are too manipulated and weak to even see it.
@Goog Tube what kind of a mutant are you?
Barr Should Be Impeached
Republicans the party of corruption! DUMP trump 2020 !!!
Ralph Campbell, you have misspelled imprisoned, however impeachment is a good start.
This is why Congressional elections are so important. Vote all these Republikkkan traitors out of office and then we can impeach all the Trump appointed Judges and Trump appointed officials. Then we can lock them up.
Who’s going to do it?
Absolute corruption corrupts absolutely.
Vote Blue 2020!
White Centaur If we have the chance; it’s all up in the air. Our Justice department is corrupt, rigging cases to trump’s satisfaction. This has never happened before.
@Debate Me! You are *stupid.*
No more republican traitors.
Debate Me! You are a traitor moron.
@Google User Trump and all his supporters are fundamentally bad people and should be kept away from children.
They are taking over the federal justice system.
Correction, They’re taking it back. BYE BYE DEMS
Scotty miller you hate “dems” more than you love your country, or do you work for trump?
They’ve taken over Congress thanks to Republican controlled Senate, and now the judicial branch. All 3 pillars of our democracy have been undermined by Putin’s puppet – the Trump Party. We need the military branch to intervene. Something. Fast.
Really, are you surprised? They want to take over everything, pay attention it’s been in front of your eyes for the past three years.
@Scotty miller You’re either a Russian or a brainwashed Trump troll. Trump said when campaigning that he likes his base ignorant & uneducated. Odd how they weren’t offended by that.
The nation’s top dirty cop!
@Sephiroth Prime Thanks for your input, Captain Obvious. SMH
JUST ME clearly it wasn’t obvious to the OP. You want a cookie or a juice box?
@Sephiroth Prime Anyone with a brain knew “top dirty cop” was used figuratively.
Fake AG for the fake president.
@Sephiroth Prime Lol.
Vote Blue and send them all jail with Trump…
All the corrupted pals of Trump too.
lesbian man ? Roswell madcow ?
MARIA AMAYA trump will never see the inside of a jail honey and YOU know it.
@Maga 4Eva3 False reporting of crimes account for 0.3% of crimes committed. You keep worrying about that. Just wear a white hood instead of the trucker hat. Who supports a bigot and racist. Oh yeah. Bigots and racists
@Maga 4Eva3 Ah. Thanks for admitting your bigotry.
Remember folks, Barr was handpicked BECAUSE he was corrupt, not IN SPITE of it.
Bud Fudlacker proof??? How about Report off 3-4 years reading in 48 hours? and then tell the ( Trump ) cult there was nothing in it . While all the pages where black he denied that mueller said no conspiracy while he ( this so called transparent president ) said he could not say he was cleared . How about lying under oath? How about his name BARR THE FIXER You better check your facts sweetheart
before you say something stupid
Ro G – Off topic here, but as a PACKER fan, i love your avatar. Genius.
@Just a bystander Ijs
Barrs the same GOP POS that cleared BUSH/CHENEY….
Just breathtaking the level of corruption in plain sight and not one peep from the Republicans that handed Trump a free pass to do as he pleases.
We don’t live in a Democracy.
Bovine One then why did all of the prosecutors quit today?
J Washburn that issue is minor compared to all of the thing your king has done
Kimchicracker – I already said that the prosecutors disagreed with the DOJ’s recommendation. That’s why they quit. But it doesn’t matter because the case is already concluded and the simple fact is that Barr is their boss. It’s no different than a district attorney telling HIS employees how to argue a case in court. Which happens all the time.
Kimchicracker – Btw, I’m not saying that I agree with Barr’s decision or that I support Trump. I don’t. I just think people are exaggerating the implications of all this.
thats right we live in a republic
Anyone who has ever had to pay their debt to society by being incarcerated and has done their time should march on Washington.
Dalene Gragg
Yes, we all need to match on Washington because this is a disgrace .
Eyehayt Apricots settle down junior
@Dalene Gragg Now !
@J Washburn ok boomer
Hey Rachel I’m just curious when did Fred Flintstone become the Attorney General?
Barr will be infamous for corruption as long as this country cares about law and justice.
Rico the Republican party. By far the most corrupted party in American history.
Try both parties moron
Giuliani went after the mafia. What we have now is Republican mafia. Hello, Rudy. Where are you?
*HERE’S A GOOD IDEA:* _Vote ALL republicans out of ALL federal and state political offices mercilessly and without remorse in 2020._
keyboyrecords they don’t vote, we’ll take care of the problem
Andrew Richards here’s an even better idea: go to russia if you’re not already there
@YOUR MAJESTY Our founding fathers also didn’t want a president to be a DICKTATOR! Right back at you

Hopefully they investigate AG Barr and his corrupt Friends, family too
Barr has to have his license(disbarred) taken away and he should be fired.
He can’t be fired, he would have to be impeached by Congress. That’s why we need to vote all these Republikkkan traitors out of office at every level.
Then we can start locking up all these Republikkkan traitors.
Barr’s father hired Epstein to teach high school kids with no credentials.
Barr also visited Epstein in prison a week before he so called killed himself .
Dianne Lo y
@Scotty miller That’s a FACT
Trump sullies and contaminates everything and everyone he comes into contact with.
Yes and it does appear that he’s going to get to fondle your country for another four years. There will be no coming back from that kind of “greatness“.
Indeed. His entire being is corrupt.