A fly stole the show resting on VP Mike Pence’s head at the debate | USA TODAY

Many viewers were quick to send tweets, with some joking that the fly should get time to respond to the questions.
RELATED: Watch the full VP debate here

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#mikepence #vpdebate


  1. Am I the only one who has no idea what Pence said after that fly landed on his head? I actually had to go back and listen again and I still don’t remeber half of what he said.

  2. The most important debate in the history of US and all what the media care about is : the fly!!!! Wow!! You know why! You have the answer ! Harris lost the debate!

    1. It’s because EVERYONE needs comic relief – SO VERY DESPERATELY !!
      Thank you, fly !
      Personally, I think this is hilarious – and SO AMERICAN !

    2. lil juan ofcourse the fly won , because harris lost .The democrats will never say they lost . Good for them there was a fly! Loll

  3. GOOGLE: On the spiritual level, the flies symbolizes dirtiness, pollution, illness, disease and the war.

  4. Hillary said she wished she could be a fly on the wall at the debate. God, in his goodness turned her into a fly. However, she was too drunk to find the wall to land on it so she just settled for Pence’s head. 🤷‍♀️

  5. Flies are drawn to bull excrement, therefore, who should be surprised it landed on the Vice President? I’ll take it as an omen, thank you.

  6. When I was a young larvae I wanted to be a bull rider. Well, yesterday I became one and was all the buzzz 🐝 ….. Who knew you could become famous for landing on top off sh%t 🤷🏻

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