GRAPHIC WARNING: A Florida deputy has been put on administrative leave after cameras caught him fighting and grabbing a Black teen by the throat at the Sarasota County jail.
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That teen is larger than the cops. Stop perpetuating falsehoods.
Doesn’t give the cop the right to randomly murder prisoners.
In custody and kid jumps to his feet as the officer approches.What would he expect to happen?
These “cops” are trained to physically diffuse a situation, not make it worse. Stop perpetuating your own ignorance, and stop giving parasitic behaviour like this ground cover, your cognative dissonance & cognative bias is part of the prob!
@Robbie & Kimberly It’s not my fault that u lack the nuance to understand what I mean. That’s a YOU thing.
The correctional system isn’t supposed to be a picnic, especially when you resist the officers. Don’t do the crime, don’t do the time.
A shed defund blm
Penny Stock Whispers And you know the 17 year old kid is guilty do you
@Margaret Grupski He resisted the officers, the correctional system requires compliance and you have the opportunity to defend yourself in court, welcome to the judicial system.
@Penny Stock Whispers he resisted when he is already I’m custody u are a special kinda of dumb aren’t you?
officer friendly wasn’t friendly
You aren’t supposed to move quickly and jump up when a police officer is walking towards you.. I thought this was common knowledge.
So defending yourself….when you have every reason to believe you may be in danger is to allowed? The police knew he had nothing like a weapon, since he was already in the station….so what were they so jumpy about?
@Karen Acton U realize you can still be in big danger by a human who has his arms around your neck? Have you never watched UFC?
@uzef73 On a scale of stupid to extremely stupid, where do you fall?
Which law is that?
@Art Deco Zero. I comply with police and don’t act unless told to.

Why would you jump up at the last second like that? I don’t think anyone would get away with that without being restrained immediately.
Ever heard of of fight or flight mode? I bet if u grew up the way he did, being distrustful of cops – u would react the same way. What’s the saying “walk a mile in someones shoes”…..
@Jonathan Edward your joking right ? or you never lived in those shoes yourself . Hey but do what you do mate . one day you’ll win a Darwin award yourself .
@Rustybucket & the Battery Clamps I have actually volunteered/ worked to help ppl in some pretty rough places in life, and have seen perspective that u clearly haven’t. I would be careful to assume u know anything abt me. Posturing on YT only makes u look juvenile & weak.
@Jonathan Edward what do you mean grow up the way he did? Did you know him?
@otherthrakker A 17 yr old boy has been witnessing his brothers & sisters getting murdered without impunity for years, u don’t know the context & don’t know why this kid has even been detained. All factors that weigh in on his actions if u actually parse through this situation logically.
He stood up aggressively.
He stood up like anyone that is distrustful &nervous of the situation they are in.
May be it will be you one day, Jill.
He had his hands in his shirt….was told to take them out as they are not sure if he somehow managed to get a weapon in…and then jumped up fist ready with the possibility of having something in his hand..
@Jonathan Edward not once did I say it was/was not justified. I pointed out the exact play by play of what transpired.
Just because they searched him doesn’t mean they couldn’t have managed to get a blade through
His body language when he shot up with his fist out was he was cold?
I swear you snowflakes are looking for anything to be outraged by to justify mooching off your parents, while needing sunglasses because you can’t figure out how to wear a hat straight ahead.
@Scotty Boy No what u did was create plausible deniability for the cops unprofessional behaviour. Aka Ground cover.
U seem to be doing a lot of presuming a posturing. presuming that the kid didn’t mistrust cops after seeing his brothers & sisters being murdered without impunity.
Your posturing on YT only makes u look weak & juvenile. Ironic as your Ad hominem attack was centered around a 12 yr old pic when I was a juvenile. Careful, your mask just slipped.
@Jonathan Edward You get told IN A JAIL to take your hands out of your shirt and to NOT hide your hands and you do it. He clearly didn’t. He got exactly what was coming to him. It’s not a “sick society”. You’re just pussified.
@Alan d’Eon When was he told not to put his hands down his shirt? U know this how?
Furthermore, if u follow the logic u just asserted.. If the police felt the 17 yr old was a danger they would have handcuffed him, this is how u diffuse a potentially risky situation. Are u too thick not to logically think this through!? LOL Police are trained professionals- allegedly, this means some cognitive ability is warranted.
@Jonathan Edward His danger increased when he refused to listen to direct orders from a police officer while sitting INSIDE a JAIL. Once one refuses to comply they ensure that you do comply. This 6 foot tall “17 year old” didn’t comply which is very clear from this video.
Who cares. This is fine.
And it was not orchestrated
sept 1st of what year?
Just gotta keep that BLM narrative going eh?
are you kidding me. The teen’s physical actions is what caused all of this. I encourage everyone to watch the video closely. that dude was ready to fight.
Another lawless criminal refusing to comply.
Well Done!
Always a cop problem never a clown problem.
It takes 5 full grown men to restrain an unarmed teenager?