A B.C. man recovering from vaccine-linked blood clots has shared his story on social media.
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Они все тромбофлебит вызывают(((((
How can they still say absolutely it’s safe?!!!!!
What kind of doctors are these?
Because it’s not them or their family members who are affected.
Illuminati and New World Order with Gates
They are running scared … don’t want to lose their license to practice …..
That thumbnail tho w t fffffff
You really have to wonder what goes through their minds using that thumbnail and then having an expert guest assert safety. Confounding.
Just wait !! There will be delayed reactions.. more to come..
@Holly Harris doctorate in basket weaving
@Vijay Kumar you’re just another lippy forigner thats probably scamming the system.
@holly Harris you are a Dr in google research
@Vijay Kumar LOL
@Vijay Kumar who the hell are you!
Are you the guy who cleans out my waste basket at Princeton Plainsboro?
Patient: “It was fun – will vaccinate again!”
Hurry up, thank you for being a test subject.
Or they can say the screwed up
What is the personal income of these medical propagandists in 2019 vs 2020?
The risk is a bit higher than we originally thought… but is it safe?
Expert: absolutely!
One month later? …
It’s not rare, if YOU’RE the one with the blood clots.
6 feet of intestine removed…sounds real safe to me.
Who is accountable for this?
Could’ve used that as 6 ft social distancing measuring tape.
How can you say it is safe if the blood clots can form all over your body?! Those whose health is ruined by this, should receive compensation after all the hype about how safe it is.
My guess is that probably most won’t be around around anymore.
What kind of compensation when your health is ruined or worse losing your life
Because you registered at five places, that makes it safe? That statement is scary.
Lord have mercy! These are crimes against humanity!
A family member of mine got a blood clot in the calve from astra Zeneca.
This is a very informative news clip.
They have no idea. This will never end.
in other words, thank you for risking your lives to break the chain.
1 in 55,000 isn’t actually all that “rare”. for something that is apparently so rare, sure seeing lots of stories about this issue globally …..
They don’t have to worry. The manufacturers have liability protection.