Putin critic Alexey Navalny arrested on his return to Moscow

Russia's leading Kremlin critic, Alexey Navalny, was detained by local police moments after his return to the country and five months after he was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. CNN's Frederik Pleitgen reports.

#CNN #News


    1. @Guy Arrol God is reL. The only king. His son Jesus Christ died so you can have eternal life. God loves you ❤ 💖 💕 💓

    2. God bless you too and your family. Thank you bc my family needs prayers and prayers from strangers are kind hearted. All the best to you in life.

    1. @DDratte Is him, who was chocked by cops? Who said: “I cannot breath!”? Am I right?
      I asked you to get your point of view! If I need info, I could Google, but I intentionally did not!

    2. @Juan Cruz No, he won him! Putin is afraid to call him by name!
      I know from other facts as well, but only this is enough to prove! Putin has superstition about it, making him a looser and weak! I know: he ordered Navalny to be killed by poisoning! This fact: makes Putin dead in front of God!
      Don’t look at faces! Look like God sees things!
      Don’t scary of one, who can destroy a flesh/body! Have a fear/respect of One, Who can destroy a body, and a soul! Amen!
      The only Putin could do: to wash Navalny underwear using Federal Defense Agency! Do you know it?

    3. My mother is not having any job
      “I want to do something for my mother
      “But youtube is not giving me views
      “Da i am worse than others..

    1. No doubt! Not many can put his life for love, truth, and country against the system, evil, and the demonized king! David, king of Israel, did against Saul! Apostle Paul did!

    1. The one, who loves truth and freedom – must be ready to suffer from evils one to get eternity! The more he fights against evil, the more harder evil tries to hit his body and soul to break! I wish him to cast evil till his last breath! Amen!

    1. @Cody Carter Trump is Putin puppet, wake up ! He owes Russian oligarchs more than 400 millions, and more than 350 millions to Chinese banks.

    2. My mother is not having any job
      “I want to do something for my mother
      “But youtube is not giving me views
      “Da i am worse than others..

    1. @Глория Ким brilliant observation. Sadly the “braying herd” are willing to believe any fantastic unproven allegations about Putin and somehow find a way to relate it to their real enemy: Donald Trump. No one is questioning the official narrative. These “nefarious Russians” somehow seem to be prolific when it comes to amateur hour. 🤦🏿‍♂️

    2. @Глория Ким How many journalists have died because they have talked against Putin ? Putin is a sadistic dictator, like many others, Al Assad, Kim Jong Un etc..

    3. @Rob Willey Even entire world of supporters could not save his life and soul if God will challenge him, and he must pass! God offers His cup do drink till last drop! Rejecting – means: refusing own eternity and His presence in life! Navalny will get his crown from Lord only in case of winning! No surrender! No regret!

    4. My mother is not having any job
      “I want to do something for my mother
      “But youtube is not giving me views
      “Da i am worse than others..

    1. @Lee oh yeah…What about totalitarian capitalistic America?Where your word is nothing cost.Oh wait!!!It’s different.I was forget about it.

    1. Well said!
      Yes, it is!
      It means: “God helped you to escape few times, but our plan to kill you didn’t change!” Now prison, and a death! Putin won’t hesitate to take his life using a poison hard to track!

    1. No, it does not!
      To wish a death, and to fight against evil to the death – are different!
      Yes! He is a hero, and a martire!
      His is ready to put his life down for country, family, and future! He follows the same Spirit, Politkovskaya and Nemtsov had: Spirit of truth, and love!

    2. @Pete Chapuswike No one can escape from God, but obey Him!
      Whatever God permits, in His Spirit (with courage and braveness) must be taken with honesty and wisdom, with no regret!
      Remember Jesus in front of Pilate: If My Father won’t allow you, you could not do to Me anything!”?
      When God wants to challenge, all armies from the world couldn’t help! The cup must to be drank till last drop! Who doesn’t eat His body and drink His blood, won’t have eternity with Him!

    3. FBI arrest Florida ‘hardcore leftist’ who plotted armed attack on pro-Trump protesters at state Capitol

    4. @Sebastian Deutschl it is not a matter of principle, it is a matter of political miscalculation. Do you truly believe that he will be rescued from Putin by his followers? Wish him well.

    1. You’re joking right lmao! keep watching CNN propaganda directly supported by your friendly neighborhood CIA

    2. @Lucky Luke Don’t agree. He’s got rating higher than Putin. Mr Vladimir made false election it’s obvious, he’s a thief and just mobster who kills his opponents and not only this but it’s a bunch of people who captured power in Russia and do what they want. He’s dictator who’s been 20 years in power and uses chemical weapon , invade other states just to solve his own problems. All he needs is to stay in power and all his friends are billionaries while people are living below poverty level. It’s just disgrace. Putin is a criminal. In US social media bans president and in Russia president bans social media lol. President in Russia is like Jesus Christ and can do anything he wants.

    3. @Sergey Filat I actually don’t like Putin dummy. But what I think about Putin is worthless because I’m not Russian. But Most Russians love him and that is all matter.

    1. Watching them – every must see themselves! There is no freedom in Russia! Putin is a murder!

  1. Putin: “How didn’t he die?”
    Evil: “We tried, and did our best, but we are limited: no one has more power and authority than God!”
    Putin: “So, why didn’t he die?”
    Evil: ‘God saved him for His plan!”
    Putin: “What plan?”
    Evil: “We don’t know, our power is limited!”
    Putin: “Can I kill him, to get rid of him?”
    Evil: “Only if God will allow!”
    Putin: “I want see him dead! Do your job!”
    Evil: “Patience! We control! If God will allow: his body will be yours!”
    Putin: “I can’t wait! Work fast!”
    Evil: “Very soon! Patience!”
    Putin: “How soon? How long should I suffer from his presence?”
    Evil: “God will show! We are limited!”

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