A independent investigation was announced into the N.S. shooting, but victims' families say that it isn't enough. Todd Battis explains why.
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RCMP protecting themselves from criticism of their likely incompetence
Or complicity.
Who knows maybe he has some buddies that are cops he did have 4 squad cars and a uniform so he obviously admired their culture.
Did anyone honestly think there would be a public inquiry
This is just another sjw and feminist ploy to make this a political matter and a way to hide the faults of authorities .
Canada is a nice country in transition.
They’re hiding something huge.
So much for independent review. All staunch Liberals. And they have a year to write a report that’s already written. The outcome is so obvious.
Because the truth would be revealed . This country is now a police state . Speak against the police
, and you disappear. This is absolutely a cover up .
This wasn’t Canada’s worst mass shooting though
Sounds better for their rhetorics when they say it was.
The only thing more corrupt than the RCMP is Justin Trudeau and the liberal party.
What about the massive cash payment suspected to come from the RCMP. What about the firehall?
In Canada the RCMP covers up every crime to prevent the public from ever knowing the truth about anything. This not a “free and open society” as a Democracy should be. Open your eyes Canadians, we live in a “controlled” country, run by a bunch of dictatorial oppressors.
Canada was never a democracy. It was always a constitutional monarchy. We’re not America.
It was a syop, the killer is sipping pina colada ‘s in the Caribbean, the RCMP gave him $500.000 remember!!!
Shocking. Largest mass shooting in Canada ever. The powers that be are choosing to do a public inquiry and those involved will not have to speak under oath! Oh yah, there’s some hiding of facts gonna go on here.
“We reviewed ourselves and find ourselves vindicated in this mass shooting”. This what you get with police and politicians reviewing themselves, even with formerly employed cops, judges and politicians.
They are obviously covering something up and it looks like we’ll never get the truth.
The Trudeau government has something to hide.
Total cover up. Google the Macleans article headline: The Nova Scotia shooter case has hallmarks of an undercover operation
Police sources say the killer’s withdrawal of $475,000 was highly irregular, and how an RCMP ‘agent’ would get money