MSNBC’s Ali Velshi explains why companies taking a stand against racism are making the moral and profitable choice.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Velshi: Corporations Can Lead The Way For Equality In America | MSNBC
They only do it if they feel it will impact their bottom line. That is all.
Pelosi really cares about Brown people! Hahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha
Vincent Freeman plenty of boycotting works too, again bottom line!
Corporations? Are you insane? We don’t trust the government because they rob us and lie to us. What makes corporations different? Nothing……..
corporations are the reason we cant trust government
Plus you don’t get to vote them out…
The Washington redskins need to change that name.. It sounds racist. Ever asked native Americans if they approve?
Efosa E
No one really cares LOL
@Alex Hamilton You are no one… only You don’t care, WHITE boy.
@eltorocal right you racist
If you say its racist brother I agree,white boy need to stfu.This our country, we built it.
Why didn’t you ask Obama pumpkin lips?
Cary Phipps
i agree. To the ancestors of the union soldiers who lost their lives in the Civil War.
Celebrate tokenism at the expense of actual change.
@Liz Miller , The Left supports Affirmative Action. That is NOT Equal Opportunity. Dont be so obtuse.
@Liz Miller agreed
@Dave Schultz Well done, using the same old rhetoric as the Republican propaganda machine put out. Maybe learn real research there, buddy. I’m afraid you’re still as ignorant as the last time I dealt with your idiocy.
Dave Schultz Something tells me you don’t actually know how affirmative action works.
@Liz Miller , The SCOTUS knows what it means and found it to be UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
I agree with the branding issues. Take time and read labels, find out who and what companies support !
Epstein set up the Clinton foundation sweet cheeks!
@Jeffrey Dahmer russian troll
The White House. Could that be considered racist given it’s current occupant?
Why don’t you burn it down pumpkin lips?
This was one of best speech.
Now that is done what about their hiring practices by putting people of color in financial equality
Why didn’t you ask Barry pumpkin lips? Your low IQ is why you’re poor!
Drug dealers make alot of money and they don’t stop doing what they do.
@Jeffrey Dahmer Go eat a little boy, you Drumpfuck.
Ahhh sweet ignorance. When I was a kid growing up, we always used Aunt Jemima syrup. I always thought it was someones mom that invented it so naturally her face was on the bottle. The same with uncle Ben’s converted rice. I was impressed that he invented this special kind of rice. I never thought to question it.
Eskimo pies are Awesome. I never looked at things in racist as a kid. Innocent days.
I agree with you! They took the red scraf off her head. I thought it was just great syrup she invented. Everyone is touchy now!!
There is a clear and simple path to meritocracy – a first step- at least = BLIND HIRING!
Meritocracy means most qualified – not skin colour or gender. SKILLS.
Real change??? Equality? Now that’s hilarious.Let me know when they figure out a way to end poor and poverty stricken communities in the supposed richest and supposedly God blessed nation and I’ll have hope for real change and equality.
I’m in my 60s and I want them to take a stand! – Bonnie Robinson
lmao, corporation’s who see this and accommodate it shall succeed => over others.
They speak of diversity and inclusive meritocracy, but banking is a great example of lack of diversity.
The earth’s weather and climate are driven by the sun’s energy and cycles.
Corporations “leading the way into a more equitable future?” Are you epically naive or just stupid?
Corporations doing the right thing…when has that EVER happened?
Well it happened in neverland, the best nation of the world where rainbows are everywhere and unicorn dance on the grass…. and than reality hits and guess what corporations.. lets see the pharmaceutical, hard drug pushers, made billions on the corpses of dead americans. Food industry, factory farms which generate living conditions which is why they are always located in poor neighborhood to deteriorate the health of the poor. Food industry which makes sure get so fat than you cant move and will die from so many complications.. all in the name of profit. Oil industry, they pollute the environment and create hostile environment where scientific facts dont matter all in the name of profit. Education, made so expensive than only the rich can afford it, but meanwhile siphoning off all wealth to a few presidents and making sure that the overall quality is going down for decades. Yeah .. corporate greed is the way to heal the nation…….. lol?
omg, what fruitcakes!
So land o lakes got rid of the Indian and kept the land?