A federal judge has ruled that former national security adviser John Bolton will be allowed to publish his book, denying the Trump administration's attempts to block it. NBC News' Josh Lederman reports from the White House.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Judge Denies Trump Administration's Request To Block Bolton's Book | MSNBC
By confirming that the information in Bolton’s book is classified, Trump just told us all that what’s in the book is true.
You can’t classify lies.
@Maxmartin no the topic was nukes in Europe!! You insinuated that Obama was referring to that fact and I said BS give me proof!! So I insinuated that Obama was talking about Crimea!! Do I have proof no, but I do know that Obama did in fact ask the Russians to help in his re-election by asking Russians with Putin connections to Putin for help!!
@Maxmartin do you really want to discuss Brennan?? Walk that statement back!! Your last chance!!
@Maxmartin Adam Schiff said he had direct proof of trump and Russian collusion!! Was he not part of the impeachment prosecution team in the Senate?? Why did he not even mention collusion or include it in the articles of impeachment?? The 2 he did add abuse of power and obstruction of congress are so vague and is both covered in Presidential privilege that the senate was correct in laughing it out of court!!
@Maxmartin your comments are starting to become absurd!! You are a total liar again those countries never voiced their concern to Brennan or anyone else!! You keep making up facts so I’mbored with you!! Good bye
@Mark Bullock Last chance? Okay Mom! I’ve had enough. Come join us! We are the REAL conservative Republicans. lincolnproject.us
It will help with conspiracy theory brain damage.
Classified Information means it’s not ‘Fake News” – I wonder how long before The Chosen Orange claims it is fake news!!
He’s already called Bolton a liar.
during the impeachment trial,the white house claimed they had a copy of the manuscript,and were taking out all of the classified stuff,so now that trump is on tv crying its all classified information,and just lost a ruling to keep it from comming out,we can add that to his lie list
Shelly Lynn Trump calls everyone a lier, when they cross him…
Exactly…in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
Just wait he will! Lol
It won’t matter the trumpiots will refuse to believe the truth and the rest of us are already convinced trump is a liar and a fool
Poor Bolton and MSNBC didn’t get their war with Iran, so the natural response is “orange man bad”. Crazy how the war machine has brainwashed people into hating Trump.
He’s inspiring isn’t he? In the same way Hillary was inspiring. #smack
70% person compared to his 30% base cults
You’re 100% right about that!!!
John Connor Oh come on, what is there to like?
A judge who believes in the truth to come out…
Trump’s administration temporarily made those documents “classified” just for show, the judge knew they were phony and decided to play by the book, not Trump’s book.
Trumps 3rd huge loss this week
YES! We are winning!
Ray Shelton that would not shock me one bit, but if you’ve listened to their arguments on it so far it’s extremely likely they’ll vote to release them.
About time too…hideous man
Good maybe he will think about what he has actually done to America.. Not
Full blown narcissist not capable of feelings other than himself.
Wait till his niece’s book comes out in the coming weeks
All the trump dirty laundry exposed
I guess you can’t make stupid top secret.
They’re all laughing at us
@Indiana Joe These leftist radical demonRATS shop for favorable federal judges before they file a suit—they r smart about that.
But, this judge was called outta retirement to do this case. That ole gal holding up the justice scales isn’t blind.
J. Noble I was never a Biden supporter, but Trump is winning the race to the bottom & Biden at least won’t put another wingnut in any SCOTUS opening, say if Ginsberg can’t put up with another 4 yrs of Trump.
@JW Skeptic And you will be voting for….Biden? He can’t even form a sentence. TDS is a terrible affliction.
I predict a Twitter tantrum saying the judge hates him.
His little Twitter fingers are on fire!
And the judge will say “I don’t hate him, I barely know him”
@Janine Lew He might be using one hand to move the other. You know like how he has to drink his juice. Both hands
He or his supporters will accuse the judge of secretly working for the “Deep State”.
When he finally comes to the conclusion that he lost. He did not get the injunction he was seeking.
History will judge Trump and his supporters like we do with Hitler and his stooges.
Deadbeat Donny sorry you are right, but as a non American I wonder why he is still president? Sorry
Alex Oelkers, sorry yep you are right, as a non American I find it difficult to understand if he is impeached why is he still there. Sorry again
this is how trump is slowly turning the US in a banana republic. In every previous administration it was important for the justice department not to be seen as political. It was part of our system of checks and balances to separate the justice department from the Executive branch. It was something we were proud of in this country. We held it up as a symbol to the world as to what a democracy looks like.
But in the Trump era Trump and his personal attorney general can do whatever they want with the justice department because they know Trumps supporters will let them get away with it. Even if it forever changes our country. Even if we never view the justice department the same way again. Trump has shown us that our system of checks and balances is only as strong as let them be.
I tell it once again because it’s funny.
I got a really fun picture in my mind, like all the Red-Hat’s stay together lineup and watching solar eclipse without wearing glasses.
Going today to a Trump rally is almost as funny as my joke, this will be a corona fest / party. Well America will have less Red-Hat’s after this rally.
After we get rid of Trump, his supporters will be in deep, serious trouble. They will become the most hated people in America, branded as traitors and discriminated against.
The wannabe President of the Confederates lost again
@Dave Schultz
You are as pathetic as your Jim Jones
@BAD BIRD hillary did win you biggot but there’s a outdated thing called electoral college
Wannabe? How delusional are you?
@Indiana Joe so you’re saying he is president of the confederates?
@BAD BIRD “BLM is a hate group ran by racist losers. Prove me wrong”
Prove your own words first – libel in the US requires the accuser to prove it, not the accused, you are thinking of Britain perhaps.
Seems like Adolph Bunkerboy Tweetler’s staff dropped the ball on this. That horse done left the barn. .
We don’t need a book to tell us Trump is as close to a Dictator as can be .
@Mesrop Madxharyan Trump is far from being a dictator. Murdoch, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, to name but 3, allowed him to become president, and they will allow him to remain in office if they see fit.
Cliff Hanley Thank u for your comment that is my opinion and i am planning on voting and the American ppl will decide.
@Mesrop Madxharyan All the best, Mesrop. I hope you win.
Cliff Hanley u as well but it’s the American ppl let us them decide let it be fair .
Apparently, the book talks about how Trump gave personal favors to his favorite dictators. That, I would like to read about.
Y confirming that it’s classified, that means the book is true for the most part. Lol.
@Demetrius Mendoza no I actually watched the impeachment on cspan. All I really remember is all 13 witnesses said they had no proof or direct knowledge of any wrongdoing. That pretty much summed it up for me. How about you?
@William Bailey Nobody knows what ‘famous transcript’ you’re talking about Billy. If you are refering to Bolton’s book, advanced copies have already gone out. Multiple copies. The book has been read by many, this is how everyone knows the blatant corruption, dangerous stupidity, and *down on his knees begging* Xi Jinping to meddle in 2020 stories. Loser lost, get over it because he’ll lose again and again. Bye!
William Bailey Trump is the one that released the transcript confirming he pressured Zelensky to investigate Biden lol…he also asked China on national tv to investigate Biden.
He also blocked all first hand witnesses like Bolton, Mulvaney, and Pompeo from testifying during the impeachment so your tired suggestion there was no first hand witnesses is transparently indicative that Trump is guilty AF.
Just like if Boltons book was full of lies, Trump wouldnt be loading his diaper, unsuccessfully trying to block its publication, and calling Bolton a criminal because the material is classified lol
You need better Cozy Bear training, Yuri.
Mars Falcon he talking about the transcript that trump released himself. Remember, the one that proved that he asked for zalenski to investigate the beidens
@Demetrius Mendoza Oh man, that makes his weird arguments even sadder! He was saying someone called it ‘a lie’ though nobody did. All rational people called it a clear request for meddling in the 2020 election, but I do not recall anyone calling it a lie. Thanks for the clarification Demetrius, these right wing hack frauds baffle me with their nonsensical statements sometimes. Have a good one brother!
Trump will be retreating to his bunker to commence another marathon of rage tweeting.
@taxiuniversum why? Are you hoping she will change you?
Saturday the 5th of June he broke 200 tweets/retweets in one day. HE’S AMAZINGLY EFFICIENT!! Okay, he sleeps 4 hours, that’s one every 6 minutes – but NO, he probably only has 200 spare minutes, after all he’s POTUS and only has 3 hours and twenty minutes to spare with a schedule like: TV, breakfast, shower, TV, spray tan booth, crapper, TV, lunch, dinner, mad passionate love with (I get them mixed up, whatever, her name is Russian and starts with an `I`,) golf (Saturday!,) in transit. Running the country? It’s Saturday! He played golf, he earned a little R&R.
@Whicker Boy alll caps lock = argument lost
David J yup…lol
@The Final Whistle Does that basically mean that every american needs to have a twitteraccount and check everyday the twitteraccount of the employer to check if he/she has been fired?
You know that Trump has the tendency to do that.
So Trump calls it a big win when the judge merely gave Bolton a stern talk but ruled he can do nothing to block Bolton…
@Edward Gatey
Well, we (humanity) did eventually develop immunity to the 1918 influenza and it did last for the life of those who were infected.
Covid seems different, but it is early…
And I agree, I am not holding my breath regarding a vaccine!!! As you said, we don’t have one for the common cold, but since it is a mild illness, perhaps companies don’t want to find one for it…
@Kevin Eagan Or equally a KKK sleeper cell
@Whicker Boy
As I am not a trumpturd, Lysol is not for me.
Well, make no mistake Trump and the so called Attorney General will files all kinds of charges against Bolton over this book….This is only the beginning.
@Abelis you’re sad, I grew up every morning reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. I actually believed it. So yes this is heartbreaking for me. Trump’s tactics are very much like Hitler’s. Take care
Hope John Bolton doesn’t think he will come out of this squeaky clean…. he is as culpable as Trump and the rest of his looneys.
Even when he loses, he still shouts that he won. What a moron.
No matter what it is or whatever situation it is it’s always a win he’s delusional what a pitiful man child
@Kevin Ingraham Remember, he was taught from an early age how to turn all negatives into positives, then deflect and confuse so people just give up trying to work it out. He’s been doing it ever since.
Concered Citizen Exactly!
Lol when BoneSpurs POTUS ia finally defeated in 2020, his alternative facts from QAnon @ 4chan and Alex Jones infowars will declare him the winner in an alternative reality!…Don’t believe me ask Kenya West west wing rant!
@Daisyrambob Bang on! This, demagoguery and scapegoating are his only three tools in his toolbox, as with all fascist pr crypto-fascist governments. Putin, Erdogan, Bolosanaro, Duerte, wherever a strong cult of personality exists as Trump has methodically built up it seems what you described is there. Spain, Chile & almost every other S. American country in the 70s, Cuba, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and the rest of Central America and the Caribbean, Greece, Turkey, Iran under Shah and now, Indonesia, formerly Zaire, and many more countries that emulated this same model developed and implemented by British and esp. American intelligence agencies, and the State Dept. (particularly under Kissinger).
I hate to say it but with illegal immigration from Central America being such a pebble in the shoe of the Congressional GOP maybe they should reflect on the CIA’s role in messing those countries up so badly in the 1980s and 90s that they are failed states and the most dangerous area on the planet, and with social unrest high it’s because America hasn’t faced up to its extremely white supremacist past. It’s as if the Germsn people were just never taught about 1933-45 in their history books and dreaming that an un-stitched wound is bound to fester. And how much white supremacist ideas if not ideology are really prevalent in police forces, local DAs offices, and correctional facility staff, as well as clear systemic discrimination in housing, employment, voting, and education. Its reminiscent of N. Ireland and the civil rights marches breaking curfew there by a repressed minority facing eerily similar patterns of discrimination in such an exact way.
Maybe it’s a case with Trump, and, really, it was the astroturfed Tea Party and like groups funded by mega-wealthy families like the DeVoses, Kochs, Waltons, etc. who set the groundwork for some megalomaniac like Trump to succeed, keeping elected GOP leadership in line with the threat of a primary like they did with Eric Cantor. Add in the entire resources of the biggest media empire in the world by nutter Rupert Murdoch (with children no better) that would make Goebbels blush with its effectiveness and what the US planned and supplied in so many dictatorships it set up during the Cild War, rightly or wrongly, the same techniques are now used at home. Maybe that was or is going to be inevitable. Another open wound the US has to face up to and have become of their national memory again as Germans do with Nazism, so it never happens again (meanwhile Trump is drooling for a military invasion of Venezuela to help with his ratings (he’s absolutely obsessed with polls, as most with a deficient ego that always seeks out praise and adulation).
The second president of the Confederacy has lost again! Must be a Confederacy losing thing, lol
@Doug He’s trolling, have fun with it
Let me be the first to apologise for the way you read into anything else I say.
@One divbypi You where saying something about Trump college getting chained up and becoming black something. Idk but sounded racist to me
@James O Brien so deflection then. it’s always deflection. Never about Trump when he’s wrong. obama, hilary, now, Biden. Do you blame your erectile dysfunction on obama too loser?
“I am the most transparent president ever” Lie number (Insert number here).
If trump were given a lie detector test , the machine would explode.
We don’t bother with lie numbers anymore.. We just use a sideways eight.
I’d have to agree he is the most transparent, our adversaries certainly see through him.
I would say 25,000 lies by the time his rally is over tonight!! Just saying
You know what’s scary? He’s told over 19,000 lies in PUBLIC that have been fact-checked by WAPO. How many more has he told in private to other countries, the military, heads of departments etc? How much damage is done behind the scenes & not yet revealed?
Audience, about time we the People have a voice again…This is what the American Flag stands for…Justice and The Whole TRUTH!!!!
Why America is great, freedom of the press!
Not the orange clown.
@John Connor, I don’t support the military industrial complex at all. I certainly don’t support Trump. You live in la la land. Crawl back under your rock John.
@janeen harris
But you trust media companies that profit off and push war? Trump isn’t a warmonger, that’s why the establishment hates him, and needs to convince morons like you that he’s bad. You support evil war criminals, but you’re too stupid to realize it. Obama had no problem killing innocent people in the middle east, so naturally the media praised him and made sure to cover his dirt. Don’t get me started on how evil Bush Jr is… Have a nice day, sheep.
@John Connor, Trump’s the one who convinced me that he’s bad. Bush Jr. ruined America’s reputation. Trump’s blown it to smithereens! He’s the epitome of stupid. His ineptitude has killed more Americans than any other president. He is without equal. A sheep would make a better leader than him.
@It Was A Good Idea At The Time so true. That should be taught in schools. Too many people believe the military is the reason we’re free. Bet if you survey the public and asked ” which maintains our freedom is more, freedom of the press or the military?” A majority of people would say the military. Starts with education
You better get a load of what Trump & Barr did to the VOA this week. The free press in this country is in huge trouble.