Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: May 19 | MSNBC

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Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: May 19 | MSNBC


  1. If aliens detected Planet Earth this year, they would bypass this entire Solar System. Honestly 😪

    1. Barry Sutton. His winning is killing not only the people but the country as well. Hold on to your illusion, you’re going to need it.

    2. @don dfactor That’s the one with the star trek flag Trump unveiled right? I sure hope the Star Trek franchise sue the Trump administration for copyright over that flag…….

    3. @Barry Sutton If Trump wins, you lose…. unless you’re some super rich or run a big corporation that is…..

    4. There is no intelligent life on this planet. Organisms behave irrationally and try to extinguish themselves.

    5. Not necessarily. There are some “aliens” from inner extra dimensions quite keen on seeing the human race suffer… and then die off.

  2. Coronavirus will just “disappear”…Trump is the only thing that going to “disappear”.

    1. He’d better disappear if the world is to be brought back to some semblance of sanity…… Otherwise we’re in for another round of Hitler….. except this one is extremely stupid.

    2. JM McMasters , you have no idea how many people are hoping for that same thing. But you have to remember we do have the electoral college which can be bought and paid for! It’s a sad time in America! These last 3 1/2+ years have been the biggest downfall of America that I’ve ever seen my parents ever seen! Or anyone else ever seen. Every day is a new horror story coming out of trumps* mouth Yep he’s really good at being a master of deception! I guess one more people are more intelligent than that beyond his puny little babies they called themselves maggots!

  3. Rachel, we need to remember that dtrump is all about himself only. The country does not matter at all to him. That is what a narcissist does.

    1. Elizabeth H Jenkins get him out, he is killing the America that the world used to know.

    2. This is a Gop plan folks. Moscow Mitch, doesn’t want to Pay bailouts to Dem States to pay, guard, retirement, essential worker’s, Police and fire.
      That would bankrupt any State but maybe NY.
      Trumpism, it’s a TRUMPOCRACY! Dumptrump 2020!

  4. It’s all in an attempt to deflect attention from the thousands of people who have died, and the many more, who are going to die, or go bankrupt and will be permanently injured by the virus and it’s after effects.
    Getting sick in America will bankrupt hundreds of thousands.

    1. Stephen Walters ,But trumps answer is he your slaves get back to work you know every day I have to have a meeting with the rich people and the rich people kept telling me to Dr the numbers Sam taking their happy little drugs just so you can get back to work so they can get richer! If you die oh well that’s life as long as you make my friends happy you make me happy and I can get reelected!

  5. Makes me so mad 😡God Bless all these men and women in the national guard . Trump so much blood on your hands !!!!

    1. @DoubledEdgeSword321 correct. Says the 4 times draft dodger and 5th time bone spur dodger Trump

    2. @Marlowe Dugger no REVELATION APPLIES TO know the part were “there will be one CLAIMING TO BE THE CHOSEN ONE”..”THE PRINCE OF LIES”..amen

    3. @DoubledEdgeSword321 Amen. You know Loki the Norse god was chaos, lies, cheating stealing and especially a deceiver. Did you know that the original meaning of Trump means ( DECEIVER) a person who deceives, a liar. Trump has told over 20,000 lies And his only rival is Satan in telling lies. Satan is also called the (DECEIVER) and the father of lies. I can see Trump as the prince. And at one of his rallies he said ” I love chaos” unqoate – Trump. Everything that is right Trump calls wrong and everything wrong Trump calls right. He will reap his reward. In Isaiah 5:20 explains it and others say if you do this you are cursed.

  6. Rachel is gonna have an Ulcer if she keeps reporting on this current Administration. Stay strong Rachel!

    1. @Rhaspun that’s why SNL is soooo good Rump gives FREE material to all WORLD to laugh at him. 😝😭😝

  7. Republicans are fools! Do they really believe Bonespurs has any loyalty to other than his Mob Family!!

    1. The MAGA zealots would believe that black was white if their draft dodging commander in chief told them.

    1. Like it. So often a good question goes on so long and includes too many angles so some parts are completely ignored. Still, some reporters are getting better at putting flump on the spot.

  8. The poor National Guard the “HARD STOP” bites for all the work they’re done & doing !!
    Trump’s a total 💩

    1. Eddy Hanson its the “National” guard. If they are deployed to hurricane Katrina it is not at Louisiana’s expense. It’s a Federal Government form of aid

    2. Let’ Trump and his leeching family take the lead. Inject disinfectants in to themselves. Trump fulfilled his promise…….Americas FIRST In his OWN words Leading the world with OVER 1,500,000 cases and The DEM HOAX Emporer Trump claimed SO FAR cost 95,000 American lives!!!! Simply by touching, King Midas can turn rock to Gold. King Trump can too, but turn INTEGRITY TO CORRUPTION, along with his family leeches. IVANKA, DON jr AND JARED KUSHNER FOR A BETTER WORLD: Get rid of Trump, Dethrone Trump…….JAIL Trump!!!!!

    1. Paula… a friend of mine made a similar while we were on line waiting to shop at the mall…

  9. *Everyone remember this one basic fact: When Trump came into office he fired the entire pandemic response team that Obama put in place.*

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