CNN's Michael Smerconish says that as the coronavirus continues to claim lives across the United States, partisanship and the pandemic are becoming increasingly intertwined.
#CNN #News #usnews #politics #presidentdonaldtrump #smerconish
The pandemic gets political

It’s been “political” the whole time. The States is so partisan.
True – language and communication is muddied by sloppy usage in context.
By definition ‘Political’ is _anything relating to the government or the public affairs of a country’_
Totally a problem of ‘Partisan’ behaviour,
or more correctly* *intransigent bellicosity!*
*as if ‘Correct’ has degrees, ptui!
Like ‘Pure’ and ‘Perfect’ – it either is, or isn’t…
@Ian Dalziel ok
Well; it’s not surprising to me right now, the truth is: everything he touches diessss!!! God save America!! Bless xx
@john Barry
@john Barry you’re the one that listen to the media how they spin everything watch a video I sent you and learn something before you spew your fucking Idiocracy
@Dorothy Pettijohn hey Dorothy hate to break it to you but your flow is going the wrong way
@toxic wastetoid You are a Fake patriot, defending one of our worst Presidents ever. You can post as many videos as you want, but regular people only have to hear Trump speak, and they know he is ALWAYS full of $#!T….Why do you idolize politicians? Grow some balls.
@toxic wastetoid Look at you, you’re so dumb that you buy into these idiotic pro-Trump propaganda videos.
Aren’t you capable of realizing that what you’re soaking in is simply one-sided propaganda to feed your out-of-touch-with-reality mindset?
God damned, to what level are you uneducated?
What do you mean “gets political ” That’s why we are in this mess !!It started out being political……
carolyn Abbott how has he ruined it? Avoided war with N Korea Iran and Russia. Or because he wants fair trade with China? Or because he wants to protect our border! Or because he is going after sex trafficking and cartels?
Please educate me ?
Alot of stupidity below well that and trumps butt lubers.
carolyn Abbott how does getting more jobs ruining the US? And how are democrats doing nothing became normal?
Joey C who’s stupid? Just because you’re full of hatred on Trump makes everyone else stupid? Those who believed on the Russian collusion are the ones who are stupid… #obamagate
Pathetic. Lucius Kiirus is either a Russian troll who is on the payroll of his master Putin or a nutless freak who doesn’t have the balls to respond to any of these counters. Well, “Lucius” which is it?
Hard to make money when you’re dead.
Unless you’re Elvis.
OriginalPiMan PTSD VICTIM☑️
@Leon Glass
This disease is on track to kill as many people this year as heart disease or cancer. If its spread blossoms again, it will kill more than those combined.
It is not a flu. We have vaccines and treatments for the flu. Influenza is a specific group of viruses. If you’re going to mischaracterize it, you’d be more correct to call it a bad cold, since some rarer varieties of the common cold are at least coronaviruses.
And it didn’t have to be 30 million unemployed. It only got that way because of current and historical mismanagement, mostly by Republicans.
Mismanagement of the health system has let so many fall sick, some scared to get tested because the treatment could bankrupt them.
Mismanagement of the economy, where very little support has been given to businesses trying to cope with this near unprecedented crisis.
And mismanagement of government, when the president takes one action, then does nothing for a month except mock and insult anyone who thinks this might become a problem. And then tells the nation to press their doctors for untested or provably dangerous treatments, like Hydroxychloroquine and disinfectant.
@Yashar’el in Captivity
Multiple studies have found hydroxychloroquine to be associated with an increased fatality rate when used to treat Covid-19.
@Jedi Scum hilarious.😲 and stupid😵
@Walter Bonvecchio Imagine this. Trump promised he would decrease the debt. And he did keep his word he said the national debt will increase from $ 21 trillion to $23 trillion. After he said he would lower the debt. Basically an oxymoronic statement. He kept his word though. He through his tax cuts to the wealthy in 3 years has taken the debt from $ 21 trillion to $ 24.22 trillion as of April 13, 2020. Yep! He kept his word on the debt going up. And imagine he did it in 3 years.
The pandemic gets political? How old is this video?!? The date must be wrong…
They needed that stupid title to set up their extremely dumb and pointless survey question.
@Alternative Headlines “You needed a belated title to set up your extremely dumb and pointless comment.”
@Briza Ac CNN fanboy? Did I shake the foundation of your tiny little world with my criticism? Hmm? Kind of ironic that you’re displaying tribal behavior given the nature of the survey question. You’re just the flip side of the same coin buddy.
@Alternative Headlines- “FAUX Entertainment fanboy !! The video obviously shook up your foundation because your tiny little brain went spastic with their criticism of psycho tRump. It’s no surprise that you’re displaying cult behavior given the nature of your adoration of tRump.”
@Briza Ac You fragile triggered little thing you!
“Gets”? Where have you been the past four months?
“Get’s” political? hasn’t it always been?
Is there anything in the Constitution that says
He can be removed because he’s lost his frigin mind????
Is there anything in the Constitution that says we can mass exterminate liberals for being seditious traitors to the Republic?
I do believe it is Amendment 25 regarding removal.
@Finn MacCool so you’re going for genocide now? Killing a group of people you disagree with definitely sounds like a right wing ideology…
You lost your freaking mind learn something
There’s Americans dragging these mfers out and locking them up for WAR CRIMES! INCLUDING MSM!
These armed protestors have to be the most paranoid people I’ve ever seen
jdnb86: You sound like a 10yo drama queen.
These armed protesters are real Patriots you ought to try it this is a fight for America and you sit there and fucking cry you believe everything mainstream media tells you learn something
@Self Destination all I can say is watch this and learn something before you say such horrible things you brainwash idiot
@princeoftidds one question. Who are the ones protesting to open up with the rifles and guns? You just said antifa wants it closed ( democrats), so that means it was republiCONS out with the weapons. Right?
@toxic wastetoid what if they were all black? How close do you really think they would have gotten even though open carry is legal there.? Please be honest.
What do you mean gets political? It’s been political since day one. 🤦♂️
@Paul Krueger you were so happy when Mueller investigated Trump. What happened with that? Didnt really pan.out did it kiddo?
It’s been political ever since the Republicans passed Citizens United. They have been planning to take over for over 30 years. They know they are not the majority so they suppress, murder and handicap the rest of us. So far it looks like they are winning.
@Deplorable Just because Trump is a corrupt conman and always being investigated does not mean there were coup attempts.
@BigBubba Jones duh, SHE did win the popular votes, they just keep forgetting what Bush learned well, ELECTORAL VOTES count more!
Covid Death Score Board
Andy the Clown “500” Retirement Home Elderly “0”
This whole concept of “personal freedom” is almost primal and would be unique to the US. On balance, it’s not serving you well.
Matt Russillo
Ahahah… you idiot…
Fascism is not left or right…. it’s an ideology that is left or right…
Finn MacCool
Depression.. drug and alcohol abuse… domestic violence and suicide..
They ARE psychopaths..
Alternative Headlines, You do remember your side is the one that promotes unhealthy self destructive behavior as “freedom” while prohibiting the weak from arming themselves for protection because it is “dangerous” don’t you?
It’s been political since it started😂
If DT acted faster against the spread of covid, it could be already on a safe reopening schedule
“If DT acted faster against the spread of covid, it could be already on a safe reopening schedule” <----------- remember, this is just the stupid opinion of evil, delusional Democrats determined to attack President Trump for no reason. Marco P is a little beta male. Effeminate.
@RAPTURE 2020 I agree all Trumpers should go out and gather in large groups, go to crowded bars, clubs and especially Trump rallies. No masks. It would stop some of the violence. And make voting blue much better.
2 fires at factories on the same day that produces Hydroxycloroquine. Reconcile
When has the pandemic ever NOT been political??
Trump: ” either everybody goes along with me on re opening or I’ll sell out the rest of America…Putin is generous”…..
Hillary: “if Trump wins we will all hang” she knew the outcome
You’re going to be fine.
Jesus, you people are insufferable.
Yah, you will be fine. Hilary is not actually that great of a leader.
“The most dependable people in the world are fools. They will never let you down when it comes to doing stupid things.”
— Anonymous
California just became a red state, the left doesn’t have a chance
I hope you’re joking….
They plan on not reopening til August, you deluded Trumper.