Why social distancing is critical to curbing the coronavirus pandemic | Just The FAQs

Social distancing matters. Here is how to do it and how it can help curb the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Coronavirus has the word on edge. The outbreak is now a global pandemic, and seven weeks after the first U.S. case was announced outside Seattle, the number of people in the U.S. now known to be infected with the new strain has surpassed 1,000, with 38 dead. And the numbers keep climbing.

Coast to coast, large public gatherings and major events have been canceled. Employees have been told to work from home, universities have moved all classes online and elementary schools have closed for sanitizing. The stock market has seen meteoric crashes. Declarations of emergency are being proclaimed, and New York has deployed the National Guard to the hard-hit city of New Rochelle, north of New York City.

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  1. had a crippling anxiety of intimacy for my entire life that disappeared over the summer and now it’s being mandated that we avoid each other 💀 feels good

  2. Events and large gathering are being cancelled to limit exposure…have you been to a grocery store lately? 🤔

    1. Horticultureandhomes : 3 feet might be the social norm in the U.S. but you’d be shocked how many people routinely disrespect personal space.

  3. ditengah situasi yg sudah mencekam seperti ini kita semua harus bersama sama bahu membahu membasmi covid-19…heal the world untuk semua

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