Calls for arrests grow in shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery

Though a prosecutor says he'll let a grand jury decide whether the man who killed Ahmaud Arbery will face charges, many in this south Georgia community can't understand why no one's been arrested. CNN's Martin Savidge reports.

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  1. Self defense is when your being attacked not chased in a truck with guns seriously no excuse please don’t excuse these men justice better be served God bless this man’s family

    1. Looks like we have a suspect running from a scene of the crime, and a couple good ole boys took care of it. Saved the tax payers some money. Give these Noble Men a Medal of Honor.

    2. Mob Rule You must have never had a truck try cut you off while you’re outside on public property walking or running and have had two strange men who are armed harass you with loaded weapons and then threaten and attack you by pointing their loaded weapons at you. 🤔

    1. @Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 Father admits to not actually observing a crime on 911. The official report states neither the father or soon observed a crime committed by the victim.

      Citizen arrest is used when you physically observe with the eyeballs given to you by the grace of God Almighty to intervene till the police arrive. You don’t brandish a weapon and threaten someone cause you think they committed a crime. You better dam well know they committed the crime in your presence otherwise you’re attempting to kidnap them.

      Did they expect the victim on foot to outrun them in truck?

      This is involuntary manslaughter at a minimum and should be Capital Murder for pair. The case is over two months old the local DA’s tried to sweep it away and deny the victim’s mother rule of law justice.

      What piece of property that you didn’t see taken is more valuable then a human life?

    2. @Kino C it’s not racist when you blacks kill whites 10 times more when a white kills a black?
      the only thing you got are the Dems and the left media painting you people like poor victims

    1. @Kevin R The person who pulled the trigger was not even a police officer, and they have ZERO right to engage and kill. Day light lynching WTH?

    2. You guys don’t know their intentions they were probably trying to make him stay longer until the cops came and if you look there is a jump cut in the video and it shows him grabbing and assaulting someone in the video although yes they had no reason to do something the cops are gonna do the guy probably was trying to grab his gun so the other person had the right to shoot him

    3. Kevin R false. And even if they did, that doesn’t warrant those fatasses to chase him down with loaded guns

  2. This beautiful country is so cutting edge in so many ways, yet so backward when it comes to gun control and racial issues. It’s baffling, really. I hope those men get arrested and pay for what they did.

  3. Not only do cops think they’re above the law, so do their family members. This dude needs to go to prison for murder, just like the rest of us would if we did this.

    1. Aspiring Pyramidbuilder Segregated America was only good for middle class to wealthy white people. If you were poor, of color, etc. it was garbage because white Americans hated to see people of color do well for themselves. Look up what the white people of Tulsa did to Black Wall Street.

    2. Action Reaction Not gonna believe some rando conspiracy theorist over scientists. Sorry. Science saves lives. Conspiracies don’t.

    3. Aspiring Pyramidbuilder All of which we can find in America, a white majority country, today. 🙃

    1. My opinion doesn’t matter BUT! So what your saying is the KKK exits in both parties? My question to you is how do decent human beings defeat the KKK and what they stand for?

    1. Nice job parroting a narrative because your’re a black supremacist. Watch the video. Self defense.

    2. @Honk Honkler damn bro are u that lonely? Your life that boring and bad? I feel for u smh

    1. @Roseforvendetta lu I saw. Now let’s hope they get found guilty and the prisoner’s get rid of them.

    1. Honk Honkler ….you’re not very good at this dude. You’ve gotta work on your troll game if you expect to be a full-fledged, racist d-bag. Right now you’re in training.

    2. love  happens all the time, but your media doesnt highlight the race in the headlines.

    1. Raymond Hughley yes lets regress all our work of racial progression because a white guy killed a black guy 1000 iq there

  4. Seriously, why does this kind of crap have to go viral for the “law” to do the right thing? This was MURDER!!

    1. Even if he did do break-ins that crime isn’t a death sentence. So to kill he isn’t legal. So there no reason for these racist hillbillies not to be arrested.

    2. @Mitchell Delaney SHHH you are asking questions. You can’t do that!! you know better!!

      But lets be real how many joggers ducking in between houses ? This dude was a straight criminal. FACTS!

    3. The sad part is without a video and it going viral we probably would have never known about it.

  5. Ahmaud Arbury was jogging and you imposed on him in a threatening manner. He sees a gun who isn’t going to try and fight especially when you grab him without any reason?

    1. Guy holds a shotgun that can rip my torso in half let me try and a fight him see what happens maybe I shouldn’t try to attack because it’s clearly a 1v2 and they both have guns this was unjustified but attacking was a foolish move

    2. @Honk Honkler Time of day, shorts and tshirt, running shoes. Who would commit a crime at 1pm on a sunny afternoon?

    1. Segregate…. its the only solution. Why don’t blacks want to segregate? Is the welfare $$$ too good?

    2. Lemon Difficult no he would not he just would have fed into what they were alleging in the first place a armed black man is guilty

    3. Humm. That’s called racism. That thing you guys claim hate. Dont blaim the skin. Blaim the individual who did it

    4. Of course let’s set back decades of racial progression because of one incident y’all are more stupid than you look

  6. They’re stalling for time, So they can find Anything to assassinate Ahmaud character!!!! Guarantee it.

    1. idc if Ahmaud was a murderer himself. Citizens dont get to hunt people like that. Hopefully they get the chair.

    2. They already said he was arrested for shop lifting when he was 18hrs old. We will see how they gonna try to use it against him.

    1. Budskrilla 2U not in that part of the country. The region is full of folks just like that. They are by far the majority

    2. This happened in February. They’re reacting to pressure. We’ve already crossed the line and shouldn’t have waited this long to make an arrest. The police department needs investigation and firings immediately.

    1. @SPCso he’s suppose to take orders from random men with guns while he’s minding his business? Lol I bet u look as dumb as u sound.. we know you’re a white supremacist troll. Racist like u always try to defend something that can’t be defended.. Go on with your miserable life because your days are numbered

    2. @NightRyder16 Nah. I’m not defending those men for a second. Just the action he took in an already bad situation that got him killed. Can’t go around thinking you can Jackie Chan your way out of that. If it were me, I’d be on the phone to 911 and if I died, that would nullify self defense. They hunted him down in hopes he would retaliate so they could shoot him.

    1. The video stated he was the son of a former police officer he wasn’t even a cop himself

    2. Couple years back, a retired cop shot some man in the movie here, because he was using his cellphone during the movie. Cops get messed up in the head, that’s why they can’t stay married either.

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