Trump promotes ‘FireFauci’ Twitter hashtag

The White House issued a statement saying that President Trump has no intention to fire immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci after Trump promoted a tweet with a 'FireFauci' hashtag.

#CNN #News


    1. There must be alot of stupid Americans to let this happen ! It just gets worst! !
      He,s not even funny anymore, he s dangerous! !! When is America going to wake up and kick him out!!!

  1. Dr. Fauci should Resign before he gets fired… He’s a National Treasure Not a Trump Puppet

    1. @Anthony S2K04 Are you the knuckle head making threats . I agree Donna should fire him that would be the nail he puts in his own coffin.

    2. @cj p Well … how can I say that ?? Let’s go: cruelty is the main point off the Golden Triade. We know it since about 1850 but we got the confirmation and proof since the BA unit of the FBI during the 70’s. That’s why cruelty against animals are so strongly punished now. Of course, not to stop them, that kind of criminal don’t care about that, that allow us , I mean securities agencies all around the world, generally we works together, to keep a trace in the criminal records. So no, mistreating your dog is not negligible. During an investigation that’s exactly the kind of clue we are looking for to focus one part of the team on some particularly interesting profils. As a matter of fact David Bale was well known for that. Like Jeffrey Dahmer he was used to kidnapped little dogs or cats in the neighborhood, put them ont a burlap bag and he threw them against wall until it faced with porridge. But Dahmer did it at first during psychotic ruptures. Not Bale. My respect to the pussies of your wife or girlfriend, mothers, sisters … and 14/88 of course !!

    3. @Pomfromoz Well he’s not wrong. He’s big !! That’s what happen when your kitchen is a KFC ;);)

  2. It’s just a matter of time when we lose such important voice of reason. I am looking forward to his book. Please let there be a book!

    1. There was not enough evidence to SHUT down the worlds largest economy. Also, keep in mind the Democratic primaries were on during that time ..Can you imagine the headlines if Trump shut them down??? WOO.. OR IF HE SHUT DOWN THE IMPEACHMENT TRIALS IN NOV/DEC.. THINK ABOUT IT.. HOW WOULD THE MEDIA RESPOND????

  3. Trump says something.
    “I didn’t say that.”
    Pulls up tweets and video of him saying it.
    “That’s obviously fake news.”
    Head > desk > repeat

    1. @Victor Hugo
      If you were trying to fit as many lies and bs in to one paragraph as possible then congrats you won. Collect your “I’m a moron” T-shirt on the way out

    2. outside of the us,dumpy trumpy has become a huge meme,especially with how he backpedals when hit with what he said previously AND providing the source with it. some of my friends actually started using “trump” as an insult lol

    3. Real Deal you Trump idiots are always making up assumptions(states the facts) your president is a idiot who is killing your people

    1. C.W. Olson The FISA court falsified documentation already exists. Idk why you’re denying reality lmao. Oh that’s right, because you know democrats get away with their crimes.

    2. @cj p really? I’m sorry, and WHERE is Rudy now, again? Oh yeah…trump said he wasn’t working for him. Loser.

  4. The official WH response: Dr. Fauci is definitely not being fired.
    Reality: bye, bye Dr. Fauci
    Trump’s line: Dr. Fauci is a never trumper. More lives will be lost – meh.

  5. Anyone with half a brain cell could have seen that imposing stay home measures earlier could have saved lives ..

    1. @cj p You do know that this Covid-19 is new so there is a learning curve to it ! As we learn new things about it then our perspective of it changes ! So what was true in January or February maybe not true for today !

    2. Not only that, they could have ordered more ventilators and PPE and gotten the tests ready. Instead it was a “hoax.”

    1. Yep! We need old man Captain America, Joe “Vibranium” Biden. But why Falcon, Joe? The shield is Bucky’s. 😔

  6. He is in Real Trouble telling the Truth. Everybody knows that Telling the Truth is a Crime these days

    1. @Spring Bloom So would you consider taking something out of context a lie? I guess I believe that bending the truth is not lying. I also don’t really believe that anything in this video, (only watched the first minute), is misrepresenting information or tarnishing Trump’s image any more than it already is, that is if you are specifically trying to defend him.

    2. @Matias Maule

      I have no reason to believe he ‘promoted’ it. Had he meant for that to be the message, its clear from past conduct, that he would’ve outright said it, himself. You can agree with a person’s opinion, without agreeing with all their opinions. This is the cancer of false dichotomy, playing out with ‘cancel culture’; where everyone we agree with, has to agree with us about everything as a mutually exclusive condition.

    3. @Spring Bloom I understand, I am just wondering as to why he didn’t clearly state that he promoted the tweet for other reasons than just the hashtag, however, I understand that if Trump explicitly outlined his rationale promoting this tweet, he would have faced intense scrutiny from the media. A farewell to you sir and may your days be happy and healthy, Adios.

    1. @Aubrey Aubrey…I went to college and took world religions. I just didn’t let the liberal, agnostic, stupid professor talk me out of my common sense or my love for God. I have 3 college degrees honey. Please don’t let these liberal morons make you a bad person. They hate life and are not happy.

    2. @Go For It “I have 3 college degrees honey”
      quality is more important that quantity. Arts, philosophy and bible studies doesn’t count for much champ.

    3. @small ed yes you idiot, democrats are trying to “kill” trump, multiple times… You totally aren’t delusional. LOL

    4. @small ed “FYI, putting down someone else doesn’t make you appear any more virtuous.

      go tell that to your idiot of a friend there who said: *you narcissist millennials need to learn to take better pictures of yourself. That one makes you look FAT*


      Then the idiot proceeds to damn people to hell, because the idiot is so great at bible studies it knows better than to damn people! LOL

  7. “…even from the standpoint of our constitution.” That’s rich. Like he has a clue what it says let alone what it means. The parts that he can take advantage of have to be read to him with lots of pictures and his name mentioned prominently several times to keep his attention. I just learned he flunked the bacteria, virus, germ pop quiz.

    1. Tyke Handsome He was only raised to believe them because he has refused to believe anything else. #Intentionalignorance

  8. The heroic doctors have scars on their faces from wearing the same mask day after day.! That’s no fake news..

  9. yes let’s fire the man who has more credibility and knowledge on the coronavirus than the rest of our country.

  10. I’d rather have Fauci, who has been around for SIX administrations, than that orange pathological liar.

    1. Brian Schettler name calling??? 😂. All I said was dude is a fraud which he is…with his outdated medical expertise.

    1. Facui that ended up funding the research on this Wuhan Virus. You can have him as your president, not mine.

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