President Donald Trump appointed Vice President Mike Pence to head up the task force to combat the coronavirus, but many across the country are unhappy with how the administration is handling the outbreak. Chris Cillizza explains how the coronavirus became political.
Coronavirus has now spread to every continent except Antarctica
The 31 wildest lines from Donald Trump's self-congratulatory coronavirus press conference
Vaccine for new Chinese coronavirus in the works
Democratic candidates tell Trump, ‘do your damn job’ on coronavirus outbreak
AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness
Trump hits Democrats over coronavirus criticism: 'This is their new hoax'
Donald Trump Jr. just said something unreal about Democrats and the coronavirus
Mike Pence ‘not up to task’ of leading US coronavirus response, say experts
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Conference
Schumer announces $8.5 billion request for emergency coronavirus funding
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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#CNN #Cillizza #Coronavirus
Hey, Chris here — what questions do you still have coronavirus?
@darknite 123222
There’s probably already a black market set up by the pharmacy companies.
@darknite 123222 It can travel on sound waves. Have someone who has it call him. If he can hear, he will be infected.
Well, you speaks as if the Dems have no right to voice for the people in medias whilst Pompeo dumbing all Dems voices on his office table, Dems would be considered politicize the issue of they expose the Truth in the medias during these 2020 years of election???

@Mathy Don The Demotards have their next impeachment hoax: Trump was colluding with the Coronavirus to sabotage Joe Biden’s already feeble mind before the next elections. Where’s Adam Schiff when you need him? “Trump: ‘You’re going infect Joe Biden’s mind, see? To make him dumber than he already is as the Democratic nominee, see?'”
chris causes the fakenews virus and the stinkyfinger virus with don lemon as patient ZERO.
“One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.” –Arnold Glasow
@Hawkzblade I think all western countries, and a fair few third world ones, are better equipped than the US.
@Fiona Anderson Well do you live in the USA
@doobie s oringes Luck the President has an IQ of infinity. Keep spreading the word Trump 2020 American hero
@doobie s oringes Luck the President has an IQ of infinity. Keep spreading the word Trump 2020 American hero
It’s NOT “Washington” response… Its REPUBLICANS response.
Always conflating the two parties to play the BOTH SIDES game has gotten us to this point.
With CNN propping-up Joe “Dementia” Biden…
We can look forward to another 4 years of Trump..
Entirely Indifferent you nailed it, it’s time for the people to take it back, term limits on Congress!!!
Fiona Anderson oh so sorry he only originally asked for 2 and a half billion fucking dollars, so sorry Fiona!
so good <3
*Coronavirus* : hold my 100,000 infected people
@Stash Tweeker GET HELP KID
You don’t get it from drinking Corona, you get it from reading novels. Durrr!! Clue’s in the name, people.

@William H Music 2020
Hows the hormone pills coming on willie, and have you mastered moms high heels yet.
Is it true what they say, that democrats are fascists?
What will happen, when Chuck Schumer murder the two SC justices?
Will he go to jail for murder?
trump says it’s ok to go to work if sick. Let’s send him on the first plane to Wuhan.
@Jim Jeffcoat we never had fake news until we got a fake president.
@Powerage Scott you’re wrong, we’ve had fake news *long* before Obama was elected.
@Powerage Scott one dum dum at a time.

@Powerage Scott You’re a girl right?
You don’t know Trumpspeak.
The government must approve of this virus because they’re acting like it.
Jonathan J.
. Step two 
. Step three
. ……..Step four relax
Step one
there’s a cure for the flu, there isnt for this.
watch it spread then the truth has to come out the REAL NUMBERS.
@M Murph that’s actually a good strategy. Libtards are the ones that cluster in cities, share needles and have butt sex. They are more likely to contract it.
@Hawkzblade there is a cure for the flu?
Then why does it return annually?
@cj p
You can catch it anytime, its a bad cold extension.
Flu season typically runs from November through March, although you can get it in October or as late as May. You can catch the flu at other times of the year. But symptoms outside of flu season are more likely to be from a cold or an allergy. Flu tends to be much worse than a cold.
So there must be a cure or you wouldnt get it twice.
dont rely on heat as trump lies about or sun beds would be more popular.
Thank goodness my grandmother is out of the country at the moment
unless she is in Anartica or something I wouldn’t breathe too easily
Why don’t you leave and take your beta friends.
Um….while I can appreciate the effort to inform, the gravity of the situation isn’t silly. In a month from now, the tone will change. This is in our yard now. We have been dealt a hand in this game of life and death and we don’t get a choice about it.
Wisdom meter reads 4.175/10
Congratulations – that was 6 minutes of absolutely NO new information.
They got your view
@To Max this man presents to cnn morons like they are in the 6th grade. If elmo shows up I won’t be surprised.
You noticed that too!
@To Max I like Chris and I like ‘the point’. I am, however, getting burnt-out from news outlets polluting the airwaves and internet with seemingly infinite productions of the SAME regurgitated facts we have already heard a hundred times in the past 72 hours. Remember when ‘news’ was actually something you didn’t know?
“Mr Science” DJT lies? Nothing new
Na, you lie, serpent pigeon, there’s no truth in you because you are an expendable serpent puppet, your life is meaningless now all u have is misery and eternal brimstone.
**standing ovation**
You have a severe case of TDS. Stay indoors.
The more this guy talks the more I dislike him.
Feels like a children’s show.
Im waiting for puppets to come in frame and he’s starts singing.
The more Trump* talks the more he lies.
I hope “united we stand, divided we fall” has a loophole
I was just thinking about that phrase, about how once there was an idea, an idea of truly “living free” and whatever it means to each individual.
The ones who have pushed the separation are evil geniuses because everyone is falling for it and it’s really sad. We stopped seeing each other as fellow human beings, no stipulation attached, a long time ago. It may have always been there, but it was a minority of people that felt that way but, we are certainly a nation divided now and we have doomed ourselves.
Yeah it’s called …. someone put a bullet or two in trumputins head
So tell me which side dresses in all black and attacks elderly. How many assaults have happened just for wearing a maga hat?
Which side supports and endless oppression narrative where straight white males oppress women, minorities, and gays?
Which side burns the American flag with every protest?
Are you related to peewee herman? And Don starting to look like eddie monster!
doctors work long hours and due to sleep deprivation, their immune system suffers. The virus kills people with bad immune systems if we have to be accurate. In this case, it’s normally old people and people with pre-existing conditions.
They died due to the constant exposure to the virus. Not very difficult to understand
You realize there’s a huge difference between a regular person getting it from a few droplets, vs a doctor staying in the same environment for 12 hours a day with it surrounding them. Their body got overloaded with the virus and it was able to do its damage rapidly.
Easy. Just talking about it is deadly in China
It’s a meme wtf
The Pharmacist on Netflix
Just so we are all on the same page:
Virus: SARS-CoV-2
Disease: COVID-19
SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
COVID-19 is a virus. And a disease.
@Silent Disciple.. Exactly.