Super Tuesday Results Are Good And Bad News For Trump: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Tom Brokaw, Shannon Pettypiece and NYT reporter Jennifer Medina discuss the surprise results from Super Tuesday and what they mean for Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders as well as President Trump. Aired on 03/04/20.
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Super Tuesday Results Are Good And Bad News For Trump: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Democrats! Can’t you see what’s going on. Propaganda from the Republican party is dividing us… Look at the division on comments…..

    1. @Luis Martinez Mijito, ANYBODY is better than Trump at this point. No matter what, we need to vote BLUE come November 2020!

    2. America says its anti-establishment yet votes for a gameshow crony capitalist six times corporate bankrupt property developer heir that said he would bring the troops back home.     

      Trump’s “aMErica FIRST” nonsense has made USA as popular as poop on toast  ( ).

      50% of population in poverty
      highest national “bad” debt in the world
      higher income inequality
      rapidly rising homelessness rate
      most US mass murders since at least the 70’s
      USA has 4 cities in the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world
      higher homicide and other violent crime rates than other developed countries
      Nuclear doomsday clock closest to midnight it’s ever been in history
      your health system sucks
      your education system sucks
      less rights that other developed countries
      lower standard of living compared to other developed countries
      USA are the largest polluters per capita, second largest polluting country
      highest prison population per capita in the world

      That’s not a sign of a “healthy economy” your country’s media has been brainwashing you with, that’s a sign of an economy in nose dive.

      America is the perfect example of the “prisoner’s dilemma”, it just can’t keep its finger off the trigger! America is its own greatest enemy leading a race to the bottom yet wonders why it is so lonely! 

      Stay safe and good luck!

    3. Americans,,
      You have value!
      While they will never admit it, the establishment realises this, why don’t you?
      Raise the minimum wage!
      From my unAmerican eyes
      Biden = Clinton 2016 and another “Impeachment” debate, and the world knows how well both went for the Democrats…  (i.e. Trump won!)
      The world has changed from a Left-Right paradigm to an democracy-oligarch paradigm.
      *Very important:* Sanders is America’s and the world’s best chance to change the global conversation! 

      _Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,_
      _With conquering limbs astride from land to land;_
      _Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand_
      _A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame_
      _Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name_
      _Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand_
      _Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command_
      _The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame._

      _”Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she_
      _With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,_
      _Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,_
      _The wretched refuse of your teeming shore._
      _Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,_
      _I lift my lamp beside the golden door_ The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus

      Stay safe and good luck

    1. Who cares? Think of what his 500 million could have done—- Food, shelter for Homeless Vets, trust to help economically disadvantaged college students or pay off student debt, Child care for single moms,, etc. but instead wasted on the idiots campaign,, America is Pathetic with it’s priorities.

    1. You can bet Putin is all over this, he realized that trump must win this election at any and all cost. I wouldn’t put it past Putin to start some skirmish to help his buddy stay in, he’s seriously desperate, otherwise he has to answer for his antics.

  2. Bernie or Biden or Warren.would work wonders in the White House. Throw gasoline on Nero Election Day.

    1. @앤더슨프란 my dream ticket is (was?) Warren/Buttigieg. They meet in the middle ideologically so they could appeal to both factions & the age gap suits each role.

    2. pixiebells I was hoping for Harris/Mayor Pete originally. Now I’d love to see Warren/Booker but it’s not going to happen.

    3. @앤더슨프란 I also thought Harris and Pete would be a great combination because they’re a lot closer in age and it would basically double the diversity. I’m hoping Pete gets a cabinet position so he can really shine. Also, Kamala would be great as either VP or maybe Attorney General!

  3. Tom Brokaw… The voice of my childhood news. One of the best political minds of my lifetime.

    1. @Pete McKevich
      Brokaw was speaking off record.
      If you had actually lived through the 1960’s as many of us did, you would have noticed a very high degree of professional journalism .
      Unbiased reporting were standard fare for the day, and personal opinions were taboo.

    2. Pete McKevich if you want to get technical (since you have no idea what my lifetime is) you forgot Lincoln, Pericles, Plato, Locke, Plato, Nietzschein, Ben Franklin, Jefferson, Eisenhower, Truman, Churchill, Thatcher, King Jr., The Great King Sejong… Brokaw and my dog Leo who had the good sense to chew up the roll of toilet paper with Trumps face on it, pee on a flyer with Trump’s picture and sleeps with my daughter’s T-Shirt of RBG… not a complete list of course. I will concede to Thompson and my dog Leo. Although, Leo beats Thompson by a dog hair.

    3. 앤더슨프란 lets talk living at least. Brokaw does look like a skeleton and is out of touch, so I have questions of wether he is of the living. You did do a great job googling great political minds though. Have a nice day.

    4. 앤더슨프란 by the way, Brokaw doesn’t come close to any of those names you mentioned. You proved my point. Thanks.

    1. @Monica Angelini oh yes, the tired old accusation of the left… you are all just boring an unoriginal now. The irony is that Russia has, unbeknownst to you, encouraged you to say just that.

      Any thoughts on Russia’s collusion to get Bernie elected? Or did they talk about that on CNN or MSDNC? LOL Wake up.

    2. Mohit Kalro

      FEC laws don’t allow a billionaire to give more than $2800 to any candidate. He might be able to help in the general election against Trump.

    3. @Wendy Pastore he will be able to open the faucet by just not coordinating with Biden campaign or he can start a PAC.

    1. @best TALL True.
      Biden is even weaker than Hillary.
      And Trump is way stronger than he was in 2016.

  4. Bye bye Bloomberg, half a billion well spent.
    If it learned him that not everyone is for sale.
    Another ultra wealthy old white guy as POTUS is the _last_ thing we need.


    2. @JG You’re right. Millionaire Bernie the establishment senator for 30 years.
      Bernie is a liar and a hypocrite

    3. @Snaggle Toothed Today’s Republicans cannot understand those things. They want simplistic, monochromatic, absolutist ideas for a complex world. They can’t handle the truth because it is too complicated to fit on a bumper sticker. Besides, as Stephen Colbert said, “reality has a liberal bias.” Dunning-Kruger effect and Backlash effect make it impossible to educate them.

    4. @Tyler M Why should the middle and working classes be punished for working hard? Relative to the cost of living, wages for workers have been reduced every year since Reaganomics became fashionable while CEO’s and other top executives have gotten raises that are obscenely huge. Do you think CEO’s in the decades when the middle and working classes were 700% lazier and less deserving than those of today? No one is saying everyone should be paid the same, but the gap between the top 2% and everyone else has grown so much that it resembles the difference between medieval nobles and their peasants. I remember the 1960’s and 70’s. Trust me, the rich were not suffering in those days. But if someone today suggested we return to the kind of wages and taxes of Reagan’s administration, that would be called class warfare. Funny thing is, when workers don’t earn enough to spend it damages the entire economy. Try learning about economic principles instead of believing anything your overlords tell you.

  5. God bless you, Tom Brokaw! I grew up hearing the NBC Nightly News intro and your voice every evening; those sounds were comforting and reassuring as I watched the broadcast with my dad. It was part of the routine at our house and I’ll never forget that. Thanks.

  6. I saw a bumper sticker on the way to run errands today…it said “Anyone half sane for president”.

    1. @Badgersj Thank you, well stated comment…I agree..and I live in the US with insane trump as our president!

    2. @Kevin McNeil You’re on the internet so there’s no excuse for not having a dictionary. Learn what words mean before you use them. You clearly don’t know the definition of communist. I’m guessing you also don’t know that nationalism and jingoism are not synonyms for patriotism and you don’t realize how much the Republican party has come to embrace elements of fascism. Ignorance is curable, but willfully stupid is very difficult to treat and spreads faster than Covid-19.

    3. @Morwyn Wordnerd I’m in the middle of Volker Ullrich’s excellent biography of Hitler, and it is quite jaw-dropping the similarities between Trump’s road to the White House and Hitler’s early career and takeover of the NSDAP. The parallels are quite astonishing. I’m not saying Trump is a fascist (much as I loathe him) but his management style and his cynical manipulation of his supporters by appealing to their basest instincts – well, it’s been done before. And it didn’t end well.
      Do recommend the book though.

    4. @Badgersj yeah its almost as if trump idolizes hitler and had his book near his bed for years
      Oh wait.

  7. Where was Joe Biden when Bernie Sanders was walking with Dr Martin Luther King?
    Busy passing laws to imprison black men is what he was doing.

    1. Bernie voted against the Brady Bill 5 times. He voted to give gun manufacturers immunity from lawsuits. Sanders has the blood on his hands from the thousands of black men killed by guns.

    2. Biden was in law school, married with a young family. Stop spreading the lies because you see everybody in the Democratic Party isn’t gung ho for Bernie. And before say anything, I’m a black male.

  8. I swear to God you guys dont deserve free healthcare.. keep paying thousands for basic healthcare because if you vote Biden you obviously dont want it

    1. Phil Burton Free healthcare isn’t as good as it seems, if you vote for Bernie you will regret it.

    2. There is no such thing as free healthcare. Universal healthcare, sure. But it’s not free. Bernie supporters need to take a course in basic economics

  9. Kind of seems like a very small group in the DNC are controlling the entire process……hmmmm…. seems wrong…..

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