1. _“I believe that attempting to corrupt an election to maintain power is about as egregious an assault on the Constitution as can be made.”_ – Mitt Romney, the last living republican man on planet earth.

    1. mitt knows he has crossed the point of no return. he’s in Indian country now. it’s getting dark, and the wolves are coming……..

  2. “Politics is the gentle art of collecting money from the rich and votes from the poor while promising to protect each from the other.”

    1. William H And your president is a criminal! I guess you want America to fail also? Your president is not for you! He never was for you! He lies to you! He will get rid of your health care! Bernie and AOC want to help the poor and middle class! What does trump want to do? Honestly I would like to hear what he wants to do because he has done nothing except tax cuts for the wealthy! Our water is dirtier now! Our air is more polluted than it was when he took office! Yay he can throw a rally! He is a performer not a president! He has added a trillion to the debt in one term! Remember trump loves the uneducated.

    2. @William H
      They work for the people. They are the levelers of playing fields. The GOP and corporate Democrats steal all the money. Now go make me some pro Bernie and AOC videos.

    3. @HemiHead664 Bernie is a con man snake oil salesmen who understands that he’ll never be the nominee because he’s a communist but he still runs for name recognition to sell books…the Democrats are all corrupt liars.

    1. @CD Elliot Oh hi stupid, my handle is a tribute to Obuttfucks place of birth you dain bramaged halfwit.

  3. Breaking law without punishment is *_exactly_* how Julius Caesar destroyed the Roman republic beginning in the year 49 bce. Time and again Caesar broke the law but was not punished under the law until, in just a few years, a powerful republic was a dictatorship. *_It is happening to us, here, right now._*

    1. uncle Ricky hahahaha hearsay? Lmfao! Don’t you dare cry about hearsay when Trump and his goons blocked testimony from witnesses with first hand knowledge.

      The house Subpoenaed Bolton but he refused and when he said he was finally willing to testify under oath in the senate trial the treasonous Trumplicans denied his first hand testimony you fcking clown. 😂
      I wonder why Trump and Trumplicans are hellbent on not allowing first hand witnesses to testify under oath?
      Why didn’t Trump testify under oath?

      Both Clinton’s who I despise by the way testified under oath.

      We all know why Trump wouldn’t dare testify under oath. He would perjure himself!
      If any of those first hand witnesses could have defended Trump under oath Mitch McConnell would have put all of them under oath to make the democrats look like sh*t. Fox would have been playing that 24/7.
      But none of them were willing to go lie under oath for Donald Trump. 😂
      Not even Trump himself could defend himself under oath.

  4. Inspiring true patriot! Country over a party. More respect to religious souls because they are more moral, honest and disciplined. This is a very touching moment. Thanks, Sen. Mitt Romney

    1. Religious people are not more moral than nonreligious folks. You can be good without god(s) in fact humanity is better off without god(s).

    2. @William Kirk Thanks for your point and I respect it. From my viewpoint, in terms of reasoning and logic, God’s fingerprint is everywhere, just thinking about this complicated universe and even just yourself (because the human can be the most sophisticated machine on the earth/our organs/our systems, who made you so perfect?) can lead us to believe in God and do good. God makes sense of Human Existence/Human Value/Human Purpose of Life.

  5. One man shows the rest of the world that a man can still be a man. He even does that on the planet Borg, where everybody is waiting for the president to program their next move.

    1. Nexus Six he’s never hit 50% in any poll and that’s with the great economy Obama left him let’s hope there’s not a epidemic in China that could affect everything sold in Walmart, Target, auto parts and a big part of Amazon sales which would drop his manipulated stock market. And blocking witnesses is a win to you? I just fact checked you traitor trumps approval is not up 10 points liar!!

    2. Fox is Fake 👈He is at 49% now. And this is not Obama’s economy anyone who believes that is nuts. Thank God Obama is gone!

    1. @Your Orange Master He knows what he’s doing, Trump is an useful idiot to the GOP…do you think he has their respect?…..C’mon!

  6. I have a lot more respect for Mitt Romney he’s so he have a lot of balls some guts to stand up to Donald Trump my hat go off to you

    1. he’s a traitor. he needs to be dealt with and handed over to the dems. I’m sure the right has something in store for him. mitt sold his soul for 30 pieces of silver.

    2. You idiots will sell your shitty hat and make an idol of any one attacking Trump even if they massacred your entire family which exposes how far mental the dumocrap party has fallen. Romney got wounded by Trump and just like McCain had to satisfy that itch. Lol Avenatti for President because he stood up against Trump. Fucking Idiots lol

    3. Do you have respect for the three democrats that voted against impeachment in the house? Double standard maybe?

      More dems voted against this impeachment than “republican” (Rhino Mitt) voted for it.

    1. @Hawkzblade
      Hey Libtard. Hahahahaha . In your face 😂. Now that this fake Impeachment is over you Libtards can start crying again !!!

      RIP GOP.
      Be PROUD tRumper….

    2. Gary Campbell you know Al Capone was guilty of murder, extortion and racketeering but they only got him in tax evasion, or am I making that up?

    1. Yeah, settled a score with zero impact…it isn’t like he cast the deciding vote. People rally around those who do wrong as though they’re slick and cool, but those who try for once to do right are dismissed as self serving. It should be the other way around… Crazy times…crazy times.

    2. @Hard Boy dude,exactly.
      AND I’d venture to say as far back as 2012 and up until yesterday,Liberals hated Romneys guts…
      Liberals are so gullible and have absolutely no memory ,just watch CNN so you know what to repeat every day.

  7. I’m always impressed by a person that chooses to do the right thing when they are met with others that take the easy road!!! I always pray that I will stand up for what’s right even when others around me do not!!! ❤❤❤ Lord help me to do what is right and follow you!!

    1. His decision was more of a political calculation. Sorry. As grandmother always said don’t ever trust a republican.

    2. @Pak De No it wasn’t. Also your grandmother bigot! Unless she has repented of saying that…. She judges 300 Milion people off one vote that went on tv and the media talked about that was goldwire voting against affirmative action. 1 guy out of 300 Million you dumbass you’re a bigot.

      dems voted against the civil rights at 90%

    3. @Juan Lopez Trump is doing the best job ever. I make and you make 50 Thousand more dollars a year and there are better products at the stores now.

    1. Kevin I would love to receive a denial from you that you’re HOMOSEXUAL but I don’t expect to receive one.

    2. lol if someone doesn’t follow trump then they are not a republican? Damn trump really has hijacked the party hasn’t he. It’s like no matter what he does right wingers can’t seem to criticize him.

    3. Well you can have him, and McCain’s ashes … both beat by a gay Muslim Kenyan.. losers that’s what they are!

    4. Young America no one has like Romney in a long time. He’s a joke and doesn’t belong in the GOP. He won’t be senator come his next election.

  8. The tremble in his voice touched my heart. “I am profoundly religious” may God continue to bless and keep you, Sen. Romney,

    1. im shocked his touting his religion hasn’t been considered racist. All christians are racists in the dems eyes I thought and religion cannot ever be touted unless of course its Islam

    2. @charles lytle agreed. I am not religious in any way shape or form but I know enough about religion to know that any democrat pretending to believe in god is a liar. how does one believe in god while being openly okay with murdering helpless children

    1. @Dale Anderson Nominated? We all get “nominated” but we don’t all get the trophy. If you aren’t first, you might as well be last.
      Ever heard of the things his producer and other colleagues said about him…..slnowflake? 
      Trump’s wives don’t trust him. Why should we? Give me an answer: Why should Americans trust the president of Trump “univrsity”?

    2. @88Gibson LesPaul Well we could have had way worse, a president who sold the core ingredient for nuke weapons to the Guy she now says is a threat to America Putin, thanks ma barker clinton. Rest assured incel, it was an easy choice to vote for Trump over her. Her entire political career can be summed up in 2 words, scandal and corruption. So do you have more than one safe space manager of the month award?

    3. @Dale Anderson Hillary was not a compelling campaigner but she would have made an above average president. Trump is so far beneath her. He’s even far below Bush 43.

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