In response to a question regarding former President Obama's stance on aging politicians, 2020 candidate Joe Biden said he did not think Obama was referring to him. #CNN #News
Joe Biden reacts to Obama’s statement on ‘old men’

In response to a question regarding former President Obama's stance on aging politicians, 2020 candidate Joe Biden said he did not think Obama was referring to him. #CNN #News
The fact Biden was there when Obama was lying to the American ppl (Trump & Bush did as well) about Afghanistan is why I don’t trust him.
should let fireWOMEN go FIRSTLY into any fire disasters or other disasters to save victims, because fireWOMEN are better than fireMEN.
many FEMALE babysitters hurt & kill babies over the world.
women DARE NOT play football with men, how can women fight with men? feminists use COMMUNISM TACTIC to make women have SAME POWER, and CHEAT KIDS.
recently, many male hero die & get old, because feminists want WEAK WOMEN to replace male hero by COMMUNISM TACTIC.
why new spiderSHORTmale are VERY SHORT, because in the future movies, want to make female WEAK hero look TALL & HIGH.
in RACE, CHESS, RUBIK’S CUBE & the like, the champion must be MAN,
because this kind of game & match, women CANNOT use COMMUNISM TACTIC to CHEAT PEOPLE, to make women have SAME ABILITY.
but in WESTERN music award & sing contest & violin contest & the like, the winner goes to women often,
because this kind of game, women EASILY to use COMMUNISM TACTIC & LIES to CHEAT PEOPLE, to make women have SAME REWARD.
recently, some WESTERN fashion show are promoting
FAT WOMEN (teach kids to accumulate EXCESS FAT in body), &
SUPER THIN male model (while men are thin, then feminists can feel themselves MORE STRONG).
why WESTERN feminists can do these bad things,
because WESTERN men ALLOW them to do so,
because WESTERN men not PUNISH bad women, and let bad women to CHEAT & HARM KIDS.
because WESTERN men very very very want to get women’s love, so WESTERN men let bad women to harm kids, in order to exchange of women’s love.
feminists are promoting FAKE EQUALITY, REAL COMMUNISM.
Mr Fool deadly — he doesn’t trust YOU either. Obama doesn’t GAF about you, though.
@Deef Fourjay
but u and we should trust women, should let fireWOMEN go FIRSTLY into any fire disasters or other disasters to save victims, because fireWOMEN are better than fireMEN.
Biden might as well be an empty suite
Because he is open for business?
Because he’s saying nothing really well. I’m not sure I follow on your end
Why did CNN changed the video title and removed the word ”white” before old man ? Such a race baiting channel, no journalism only bias, they truly live in another culture bubble, guess the manager readed the comments and thought remove that word so we don’t give the Trump folks extra fuel so we don’t get exposed as the race baiting fake news channel we truly are.
President Obama didn’t say white, so why would they caption that?
Look we’re not going to make any decisions until Anderson Cooper tells us what they are
Ukraine joe… wanna do push ups.
Joes superfit and could out train younger guys easaly WILLPOWER!!!!
@ZAKK 123 I’ve heard alzheimers gives you wings
he could have done pushups in basic training but dodged the draft. yet he challanges an 83yo marine vet to do pushups ?
Joe,We need to cut jobs…..
Yeah…he wasn’t joking. That will be the answer now for all if his misstatements.
Obama has no respect for elderly people, if a woman becomes a president, that’s cool, look what Queen Elizabeth and Margaret Thatcher were great. Obamas got Michelle ready to go, Obama thinks he is still Prez, he is just wanting to divide this nation more and more. Michelle will run, reason, got to have the limelight. It’s not going to be pleasant.
@Respectful Hillbilly I was talking about Joe Biden
@Max Beezie ok, my bad, tks
Yang please
We didn’t want Biden in 1988 or 2008. He has been in the corrupt political game that got us Trump. How can the corrupt executive branch of government fix the corrupt legislative branch? It can’t, they have equal power. Or did. When Trump is acquitted, we will have a tyrant. Russia is tampering right now. What is our government doing about that? Nothing. Can anyone else see what is going on? I am afraid our Republic is in its death throes and people are in denial. We have been the frog in the slowly heating water since Eisenhower’s warning. Now it is starting to boil.
Biden has experience in putting $$$$ in his pocket and pawing children. and sniffing women’s hair . And he learned about roaches.
that sounds like hear say.
tell us about your time jumping in Bidens lap, grinding up and down, and flicking your hair in his face while you fondled the hair on his legs.
share your first hand experience, Lynn
Always knew Obama did have a strong feminine side.
Rune Martin Guldberg Same
Well, he is the first gay president
Obama should have said ‘old and stupid’.
Obamas going to pay for not respecting his elders.
How can the Democratic base get excited about this bunch of no-hopers? Is this the best the USA can offer??
Dems will win 2020 with any one of these runners!!!!! FACT
@ZAKK 123 you are deluded my friend. NO.CHANCE.IN.HELL.
Because hes a card carrying member of the good old boy club….
This ladies and gentlemen is what catastrophe looks like ! #Biden and #CNN ! Painful to watch
fk all Obdumbo voters and fk Clinton’s ! I didn’t know that ! Thanks for good info
How clear does Obama need to be after he did not endorse his former VP?
in fact obama stated, “Joe, you don’t have to do this” when Biden was contemplating running…hell obama endorsed Trudeau of Canada before he endorsed his own VP…..he knew about Hunter’s exploits…lol
Joe Biden just said the president would inherit and economy “that is out of kilter” lol man is living in fantasy land and the fact the entire audience didn’t erupt in laughter shows TDS is strong in that room.
It would be nice to have someone younger than 70 running the country. They have no concept of what the world is like now. Trump can’t even write an email.
“Joe Biden had a good night tonight.” So… he didn’t say a bunch of weird stupid stuff and have a public space out. Amazing. As we said in November of 2016… out of hundreds of millions of people, THIS is the guy for us????
No, we should vote for the Orange Idiot instead.
No malarkey
Carrie Lam of Hong Kong….or…Aung San Suu Kyi denying a genocide…both women….yaaaay